Fairy Winner

Chapter 1516: Kuotian

I figured out the problem, solved the confusion in my heart, and a dozen days passed quickly.

For Zhou Shu, the precipitation of these ten days is very important, and it seems that there is no difference, but the spirit seems to be reorganized, and there is no entanglement.

Before the entrance to the sixth heaven, Zhou Shu didn't hesitate, and walked up directly.

There is nothing to consider. If he is not mistaken, the next level should also deal with alien races, which is what he urgently needs now.

With twelve minutes of vigilance, he stepped into the Kuotian Secret Realm, and just raised the protective cover, but the scenery in front of him left him for a while, huh?

It's not what I thought.

The secret realm of the sixth heaven is very small, only about a few miles around. You can see the opposite at a glance. The entrance of the seventh heaven is also there. When you look around, there is only a bamboo forest, and there is a looming building in the bamboo forest. It looks quite old.

Other than that, there is nothing left.

While being surprised, a voice suddenly rang in my ears.

"You came."

Your voice seems to come from ancient times, especially vicissitudes of life, but sad.

Zhou Shu subconsciously continued, "The junior is here."

The voice continued, "It's not easy to be here."

Zhou Shu settled down, guessing that the voice was probably the arranger of the secret realm, and only he could speak freely in the secret realm. Of course, he may not still exist in the secret realm now, mostly just a trace of divine thought.

He smiled and nodded, "Yes, it's not easy. The mystery of the senior is very mysterious, and the junior admires it."

The voice ignored it, and said to himself, "Guotian, a quiet sky, a place for souls to rest, where you can rest at ease."


Perceiving four times, you will know that the vitality and origin qi here are extremely rich, no less than the eighth-level secret realm, which is the best place for cultivation. Although he mostly relies on the demon pot to improve his cultivation, he feels pure from time to time. The vitality and origin are also very beneficial, especially after facing a large group of aliens.

Zhou Shuruo realized something, nodded and thanked him.

"However, it is impossible to be completely leisurely. The immortal cultivators of my generation, with the goal of enlightenment, cannot relax at all times."

The voice did not delay for a long time, and then he said, "Walking into the hut in the bamboo forest, you will see a door, that is the purpose of this secret realm, and it is also tied to the life's hard work of the old. If you can use this to enlighten the way, no matter it is Any way, you can continue to the next level. If you can’t enlighten the way, then please go back, the following path is not suitable for you."

Zhou Shuslow nodded slowly, "Thank you senior for your advice."

It turned out that the requirement of the next level was enlightenment, and that was not difficult. Zhou Shu had already enlightened Dao, and even creating Dao was stronger than many great abilities, so naturally he would not care.

"The difficulty of enlightenment is even more difficult than being promoted to immortality, alas..."

After a long sigh, the sound disappeared.

Zhou Shu nodded lightly and secretly said, "It is true."

Real enlightenment is indeed more difficult than ascending to immortality, much more difficult.

For the cultivator, there will be processes like knowing, understanding the Tao, enlightening the Tao, and creating the Tao in Taoism.

Knowing means knowing what Dao is, being able to use various Dao tactics proficiently, and then touching a little margin of Dao, such as using sword intent, etc. Most cultivators are at this stage;

And Ming Dao, as the cultivator grows longer, he begins to understand what path he is suitable for, and knows that he will achieve something on this path, so he can concentrate on this path. As time goes by, the method of using the Tao will also It will be accompanied by the power of Dao, which is much stronger than ordinary people using the same method. Generally speaking, the cultivator of the gods will reach the stage of Ming Dao, and may also be at this stage for a lifetime, but being stuck at this stage does not mean Can't rise to cents

Enlightenment of Tao is one level higher than Tao. Cultivators have begun to understand and study the origin of Tao, pursue the meaning of Tao’s existence and development, and when they use it, they no longer adhere to the limitations of the law, and do it at will. It can be accompanied by the power of debut, and with a deeper understanding of the Tao, the real power of the Tao, that is, the power of the origin of Tao, can be exerted. The cultivators who can reach this stage are already rare, and they are almost certain to be able to rise to the immortal. of;

As for the creation of Taoism, there is no need to mention it. People who are born with wisdom and wisdom can create Taoism by themselves, even being Tao.

Why is it said that enlightenment is more difficult than immortality?

In the Ming Dao stage, you can be promoted to immortals, and there are definitely many immortal cultivators who do so.

As long as your strength meets the requirements and can withstand the test of the Ten Heavenly Tribulation, then Heavenly Dao thinks that you have the qualifications to enter the Immortal Realm, and you will be passed on to the Immortal Realm. Of course, you want to stay longer. Immortal, then, you can tear open ten days with your own ability and enter the immortal realm by yourself. It is worth mentioning that without the guidance of the heavenly way, you will enter the heavens first, and whether you can find the position of the immortal realm is a question. It is said that many immortal cultivators have decided to leave ~www.ltnovel.com on their own, but they have suffered tragically outside the sky, and some have fallen before they even truly risen to immortality.

Not strong enough, it is recommended not to try.

In short, as long as you have reached the stage of enlightenment, your own strength has arrived, even if you have not truly enlightened the Tao, and have not obtained the true power of the Tao, the cultivator can still ascend to the immortal. (After enlightenment, the process will be simplified a lot. The power of Tao is higher than the power of the origin of heaven and earth, so it will be much easier to rise to immortality.)

Compared with Ming Dao, to understand Dao’s essence and to seek the meaning of Dao’s existence is much more difficult than simply improving strength. So many cultivators are obsessed with improving their strength after finding a way that suits them, but ignore the realization of Dao. , It can’t be said that there is anything wrong with this, after all, it can also be promoted to immortals, and most people in the immortal cultivation world do this too.

It's just that you can't understand the Tao, and your strength will never reach a higher realm, which is quite detrimental to gaining a foothold in the fairy world in the future.

Of course Zhou Shu will not encounter such a problem. He has realized Dao and Chuang Dao and is a few big steps ahead of everyone. However, he will not miss such an opportunity to realize Dao. Besides, even if he does not use it, Caiying can use it. .

For sword spirits like Caiying, there is no other way to choose, only swordsmanship can rely on, but they are born in the Taoist stage, which is much stronger than the average cultivator's start, but they have to cross this stage to the enlightenment stage. The road the spirit has to take is even more difficult than that of the cultivator.

After thinking about it, Zhou Shu walked towards the hut in the bamboo forest.

The bamboo house is not big, it is hidden in the bamboo forest, as if it is integrated with the bamboo forest, the door is hidden, and a few words are written on the door edge.


——Old Baixiao, stay.

"Old Baixiao, Old Baixiao..."

Zhou Shumo read a few words silently, and he was shocked, "It turns out that the secret realm of Guixu was arranged by the old man Baixiao!" (Battlefield Literature)

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