Fairy Winner

Chapter 1517: 0 Xiao

The old man Baixiao is a strange person in the Xuanhuang world.

In the Xuanhuang world, excluding those natural saints, if the personal talents of other people can be ranked, since the beginning of the world, the talents of the Baixiao old man have been ranked in the top three.

He was formerly known as Bai Xiaosheng. He began to cultivate immortals at the age of seven. He was promoted to the golden core at the age of thirteen. He had a baby at the age of twenty. He became a **** at the age of thirty-five. Niandujie, except for those who are born with Taoism, the Xuanhuang Realm is probably unique.

The talent in cultivation is second. What's more terrifying is that he is also a genius in various ways.

When he was a hundred years old, most of the immortal cultivators were still in the Golden Core Realm, and when they were still aware of a kind of Dao stage, he already knew the Dao. Don’t underestimate the Dao. His Ming Dao is different from other people. One kind of Tao, but nearly a hundred kinds of Tao.

Yes, there are nearly a hundred kinds.

The old man Bai Xiao has cultivated nearly a hundred kinds of Taoism, all of which have reached the stage of enlightening Taoism.

Many people can't understand one kind of Tao in their entire life, but he has understood nearly a hundred kinds of Tao in a hundred years. What else can such geniuses say?

When he accomplished the Tribulation, he was the most well-known immortal cultivator in the Xuanhuang world, and people no longer called him by name, and began to respect him as the old man Baixiao.

Even the elders of the major sects called him that, even if he was not old.

What is even more strange is that he has not joined any sects, that is to say, there is no one to guide him, all these ways are understood by him.

He understands all kinds of Dao classics at first glance, and he can use it immediately when he understands it. He can release tactics, refining alchemy, arranging arrays and drawing talisman, etc., without any unwillingness to respond. His talent is so terrible in the path he cultivates. .

The old man Baixiao is a real cultivator who was born for cultivating immortality, and it is also the goal that many cultivators aspire to be, and countless sects want him to be included in the sect, but the old man Baixiao never joined any sect, and those sects also Don't dare to do anything to him, such geniuses, like ten thousand ways possessed by heaven, are destined to rise to immortality and have a boundless future, and even have the possibility of sanctification, and it is almost impossible to fall. How can they offend?

The big sects dare not offend, so they can only make good destiny. As long as Baixiao old people ask, they can't do anything.

Without entering any sect, but being able to obtain the resources of any sect, how happy life is, all immortal cultivators aspire to become him, but they also know that there will be no more geniuses like Elder Baixiao.

Not only the Xuanhuang Realm, but other realms are also unlikely to have it.

The old man Baixiao continued to practice, smoothly, and reached the tenth level of crossing the catastrophe within a few years.

During this process, he probably cultivated many more Taoisms, but no one knows the details, because he lived in seclusion in the mountains and was not born.

After ten calamities, he achieved the Mahayana realm. Heaven came to take him and let him enter the immortal realm, but he refused, saying that he wanted to go by himself. He said that he would travel through all realms outside of the sky to find and understand more ways. Collect a thousand kinds and make a great achievement.

When others say such things, they are naturally idiotic about dreams, but speaking from the old Baixiao population, there is no problem.

A thousand kinds of Taoism means learning a thousand years for him.

Tiandao left, and the old man Bai Xiao tore apart for ten days and entered a dangerous place, and he did not know whereabouts ever since.

The old man Baixiao is a legend in the world of immortality.

His deeds are still circulated in the Xuanhuang Realm, and Zhou Shu only learned about it after turning into the gods. At that time, he was quite admired by the old Baixiao. He knew so many ways. It was incredible. It was him. It’s impossible. He sometimes wonders if Bai Xiao also wants to create a new way that integrates multiple ways... But at that time, his Shuzhi Dao has gradually taken shape, and he has created innovation. He didn't think much about the power of Dao, but the old man Bai Xiao still had a high status in his eyes.

"It's no wonder that such a secret realm can be arranged, and it's no wonder that there are so many foreign races in it, presumably all of them have been seen by the old man Baixiao when he traveled through all walks of life. What a strange person..."

Zhou Shu couldn't help but nodded, admiring him, but he also had some doubts in his heart, "Since the old man Baixiao has left the Xuanhuang Realm, why should he return to the Xuanhuang Realm to set up the Secret Realm of Guixu? Is it to help the cultivators of the Xuanhuang Realm? What does it mean to say that enlightenment is difficult to ascend to immortality? Can it be said that he has understood hundreds of ways, but has not really enlightened the way, it is impossible..."


Thinking of this, Zhou Shu was shocked and yelled loudly, but for a while, there was no sound.

After thinking about it, Zhou Shu opened the door and walked in.

The bamboo house looks very small on the outside, but the space inside is huge, hundreds of feet square. Although it is large, there is nothing but a gate.

The door is very tall, like an archway, with golden columns and golden eaves. Only the middle door is very ordinary. It is dark and heavy, with no material, no decoration, and no gloss. It seems to be somewhat incompatible with the surrounding brilliance. But when Zhou Shu saw the words on the door, he was as calm as him, and was immediately stunned.

The door to all wonders.

How can these four words ~www.ltnovel.com~ appear here?

Mysterious and mystical, the door of all wonderful.

The gates of all wonders are the utmost of all roads, and the mystery of all things in the universe is in it. Pass through the gates of all wonders and walk on the bridge of the other shore, you can transcend and enter the ranks of immortal saints.

This level is far away from Zhou Shu, far away, even if he turns Shu's Tao into a avenue that travels through the heavens, he may not necessarily be able to see the edge of the door of all wonders.

Obviously, the many wonderful doors here are just a magic weapon, or something else.

Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously, a bit funny, but also wondering what would happen if he really saw the door of all wonders...

Settling his mind, he explored his spiritual knowledge, wanting to see what this door was, why he had to play mystery, and gave him such a big and boundless name.

It seems that there is nothing special. The door is just a normal door, but after the divine sense touches the door, he wants to go further, but he can't do it anyway, even if he has increased his divine knowledge many times, even the bright moon on the sea. The changes are used.

A thin door completely blocked his consciousness.

Walking a few steps closer, Zhou Shu carefully explored his strength and slammed towards the door, lest it would be broken.

Soon, he discovered that this worry was a bit redundant.

Regardless of the size of the power, his elemental power can't reach the door at all. It seems that the door is close at hand, but in fact it is thousands of miles away. Obviously, there is also space law around this door, which is the same as that used in the strange formation. , And he only has a vague understanding of the power of the law, and he can barely get out of the strange formation, but it is impossible to destroy this door.

Although it is not the gate of all wonders, this gate is by no means ordinary.

When he tried for the second time, the voice of vicissitudes rang again.

"It can't be opened casually, if you want to open it, there is only one way to enlighten..." js3v3 (Battlefield Literature)

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