Fairy Winner

Chapter 1521: Mozu

It is the demons.

The appearance is not much different from that of human beings, but it is a bit taller. In particular, the joints of the limbs are more than one, and the fingers and toes are the same, which makes them more flexible and able to do many things that humans cannot do.

The appearance of the demons naturally carried the aura of the demons. As long as the cultivators of the gods could perceive this aura, they couldn't hide it.

Zhou Shu swept away his eyes and said slowly, "There is no demons in the soul-pouring stage, you go, Caiying."


There was nowhere to resolve the enthusiasm for fighting, and he rushed over immediately.

As a mortal enemy of the Demon Clan, the cultivator also knows the Demon Clan's self very well. There are some special classics to introduce, Zhou Shu has also read it.

The demons are roughly divided into four realms, namely Shashen, Hemolysis, Crystallization, and Pouring Soul.

The demons in the evil body stage have just become warriors and focus on physical training until the evil spirit is released.

Although this kind of demon race is equivalent to the Golden Core Realm of the cultivator, its strength is far above the ordinary Golden Core Realm, and even the Nascent Soul Realm cultivator can hardly kill them.

After the slaying period, there is a hemolysis period.

Soaked in the unique blood pool of the Demon Race for ten years or more, immersed in the blood of various ancient Demon Gods, thereby obtaining various abilities, and the blood of the Demon Race is stronger and stronger.

Going up is the crystal condensing period, the demons condense into magic crystals in their bodies, further increasing the strength of the demons.

After the formation of the magic crystal, the demon race can be regarded as a stand-alone side. The magic crystal has natural resistance to the cultivator, can effectively resist the spiritual power and other forces, and can also radiate the magic energy and corrode the cultivator. In other words, the demons with magic crystals are the nightmare of cultivators.

The magic crystals are also divided into colors, blue, blue, and black. The darker the color, the stronger the strength. The magic crystal is a black demon, and it is difficult to deal with the tribulation realm.

As for the soul-pouring period...

The demons in this realm have the powerful physique of the monks in the super transitional tribulation realm, as well as the demons. They can use tricks such as the possession of the demons. They can also inject the demons into the body of the cultivator, affect and infect the cultivator, and make the cultivator. And other creatures become demon slaves of the demon race.

A demon slave is no different from a puppet, except for taking orders from the demon race, and has no other consciousness.

There are not many demons in the soul-pouring period. They are called demon kings by the cultivators. As long as they appear on the Xuanhuang realm, they will surely bring disaster.

In the demon world where the demons live, there must be demons above the soul-pouring stage, but such demons seem to have not appeared in the mysterious yellow world, or the appearance is not obvious, in short, there is no record in the classics.

Sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and the sky is full of sunshine.

Caiying wandered among the many demons, flashing like electricity, and every sword fell, it would surely take a life away.

Those dozens of demons were quickly settled by Caiying, and no one was spared.

Caiying flew back, turned into a villain and jumped on Zhou Shujian, her red face flashing with excitement, "Zhou, it's solved, fast?"

"Yes, really good."

Zhou Shu couldn't help but praised a few words. After enlightening the Tao, Caiying's sword intent rose to a higher level, and with the green sword, it was almost unprofitable.

Caiying triumphantly raised her head, "Then you still call the Lord Palace Master?"


Zhou Shu shook his head again, and his expression quickly became solemn, "The blue sword is stained with the blood of the demon clan, and some devil qi has been inhaled. If it can't be removed quickly...it's not a good thing."

Caiying exclaimed, "Ah! My palace is very careful!"

She only noticed that on the green sword, a few drops of green blood appeared to be very conspicuous, and there was a faint black line in the body of the sword, which was slowly spreading, and it seemed that the whole sword could be covered soon.

She quickly urged the sword intent to get rid of it with the power of the source, but she tried for a while and it didn't work, so she couldn't help being stunned.

Drooping her head, she cried and said, "Zhou, what should I do?"

Zhou Shu stretched out his hand and waved, a demon head in the distance was instantly split open, blood was spilled on the ground, and a pale blue demon crystal fell into a pool of blood, quite conspicuous.

He grabbed the magic crystal, took the green sword, and rubbed it a few times with the magic crystal, and the black thread gradually disappeared.

"There is a record in the classics that after using a special magic formula, magic energy can be absorbed by magic crystals. Although this is also the method of Jianze and Yu, the magic crystals that have absorbed the magic energy are also difficult to destroy. They can only be buried deep in secrets and other places, like I don’t know when a time bomb will cause a catastrophe, but there is no other good way. This is also an important reason why the demon clan is troublesome. The devil’s energy and blood are all serious harm."

Looking at Caiying, Zhou Shu seriously instructed, "You must remember that when dealing with the demon race, you must not get the devil’s aura, you must protect your body at all times, and use the sword intent or the force of the origin to force it far away. Use demons and don't let them touch yourself."

"I know, I won't be near next time!"

Caiying also seriously agreed, "But where is the blood of the demons above?"

Zhou Shu stretched out his hand and wiped off the blood of the Demon Race.

Caiying was a little surprised, her eyes widened, "So simple?"

"Simple? It looks simple."

Zhou Shu smiled lightly and shook his head, and said in a straightforward voice, "Humans and demons are against each other. The extremely pure elemental power can drive away the blood of the demons, but it consumes a lot of money, and even uses its own origin~www.ltnovel.com~you Seeing that it’s just a touch of the vitality that I use, I can only get it for ten days of cultivation. Do you still think it’s easy?"

Caiying was speechless, "That's not easy."

Zhou Shu cultivated the vital energy for ten days. The average monk was afraid that it would take a year to cultivate. With such a multiplicity of power, he could only wipe out a few drops of the blood of the demon. No wonder the blood of the demon is so difficult to eliminate. The most hated source of pollution.

"If you are in the Xuanhuang Realm, you can use high-level spiritual veins to slowly clear the blood of the demon, or use special powers such as the power of compassion to purify, but anyway, it is not a simple matter, and it takes a lot of money. Energy and time," Zhou Shu said, looking at Caiying, "Caiying, I didn't deliberately remind you before. I just want you to know these things. When you fight against the demons, you must pay attention. It’s not just the demons. When you start with any alien race you don’t understand, you must be cautious and don’t let things you don’t know get close. This time I can solve it, but it may not be possible next time.”

Caiying thought for a while and nodded, "This time I remember everything, Zhou."

"Well, just remember."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, and said slowly, "Since these demons have come down from the ground, most of their nests are also underground. Let's go to a pot."

Caiying immediately agreed, "Okay!"

One person, one sword, follow the cracked hole, and carefully dive down.

The road was gloomy, and the devilish aura became stronger and stronger as it went down, and a strange **** aura was trapped in it, making it hard to breathe.

Caiying's avatar cannot be supported and can only hide in the sword.

Not long after, it was deep underground, and the front was very wide, like a hall.

In the middle of the hall is a lake.

The lake was deep red and boiling, with large chunks of bubbles emerging, and the bubbles continued to explode. The **** smell came from here.

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