Fairy Winner

Chapter 1522: Blood Escape

The lake water continued to surging, and there was roaring sound, the blood mist continued to float out, and the stench was unspeakable. Through the layers of blood fog and blood, you could vaguely see that many figures were stung in the pool, motionless.

"this is……"

Caiying is a little curious.

Zhou Shu slowly said, "This is the blood pool of the Demon Race. The Demon Race in it is hemolyzing."

The Demon Blood Pool may be one of the most important facilities of the Demon Race. Almost all Demon Races have grown stronger from the blood pool.

The blood pool is extremely demanding on the environment, but any place with a trace of spiritual energy cannot be built. The presence of a blood pool here means that it has been occupied by the demons for at least a thousand years.

Caiying seemed thoughtful, "Zhou, what do we do?"


Caiying understood, the sword energy came out suddenly, turning into a long rainbow, and cutting away toward the blood pool.

Changhong castrates extremely quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into the sky above the blood pool, and only a loud noise was heard, and the blood pool of several hundred meters square suddenly split into two.

A lot of blood gushed out, and many demons didn't know what was going on. They rolled out of the blood, quite embarrassed, and those who were out of luck under the sword light were divided into two halves along with the blood pool.


Looking at those demons, Caiying sneered unconsciously.

The green sword stood in front of him, the sword light shining, and two lines were drawn horizontally and vertically, like a tic tac toe.

In the sword light of the tic-tac-toe shape, the sword intent is billowing like a tide, like a giant wall, rushing forward, rushing and expanding, and gradually enclosing the entire cave. The sword light is pointing and invincible. The blood in the sky was also overwhelmed by the sword intent to retreat.

The demons in the blood water desperately resisted the sword intent and wanted to escape, but where are they Caiying's opponents?

Most of them only supported one or two breaths before they were shattered by the sword intent, and some persisted for more breaths, but they still couldn't escape and died unexpectedly.

Caiying learned to be clever this time and never got close, so she used a powerful sword intent to crush her, and the results were very good.

Zhou Shu also nodded in satisfaction, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

Caiying’s current strength is similar to that of the sixth or seventh cultivator of the Crossing Tribulation Realm. Her full blow should be to destroy the dead, and there should not be any resistance. Among these demons, there are only one or two crystal phases, but they can resist. For several breaths, is the current demons really so strong?

The vast sword intent has almost been pushed to the edge, and most of the demons have also fallen to their deaths. Zhou Shu, who is watching, is slightly stagnant.

A demon who seems to have only a hemolytic period, dodges from left to right in the sword intent, every time he reaches the peak by coincidence, and happens to escape the impact of the sword intent. Such a posture is also rare, but no matter how the mountain wall, he Also forced to the corner by the sword intent, there is nowhere to go back.

Seeing the sword intent approaching, he couldn't stop him. When he was bound to die, there was a crisp sound, and he suddenly disappeared.


Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, and when he stared, he found him dozens of meters away.

The whole figure is completely hidden in the devil qi, and it is integrated with the devil qi, and it is almost invisible, and Caiying can't find it. Only Zhou Shu's special consciousness can see the clear shadow.

Caiying had already retracted the sword, Zhou Shu suddenly shot, grabbed it in the air, and grabbed it towards the demons.

The Mozu was unaware, and his big hand quickly reached the body. Seeing that he was bound to be captured, he suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was tens of feet away.

This kind of body technique is really surprisingly fast, and it is similar to the monk's instant escape technique, but the use of demon energy to hide, the effect is even better.


Zhou Shu smiled unconsciously, and raised his hand to grab again, this time speeding up a lot.

The demon was only aware of it when he reached his body, his complexion panicked and disappeared, but when he appeared again not far away, there was a big hand waiting for him. With just a twist, he grabbed his neck and suspended him in the air. Lifted it up, caught in front of Zhou Shu.

Caiying was stunned, "Ah, there is another one?"

"The adults are forgiving, the villains have always admired the immortal cultivators, and they have no intention of being an enemy of the adults, please let them go!"

Once caught, the Mozu bent his knees and immediately bent over and begged for mercy.

Asking for mercy directly caused Zhou Shu to be a little surprised. He only slowly said, "What method did you use to disappear just now?"

The Demon Race said without hesitation, "Kong Ming Blood Escape, the little one just got in the blood pool."

"Kong Ming Escape..." Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, "Could it be the method of Kong Ming Demon God?"

Kong Ming Demon God, is an ancient demon **** in the legend, it is said to have made infinite killings and has a notorious reputation.

He hides in the sky, and goes back and forth between all circles, just like walking in a leisurely courtyard. He has been walking alone and unpredictable. No one can see his true face until now, only by his name, but No one dared to offend him, because you cursed him with one breath, and he might appear in front of you next breath.

Traveling through the world in a moment, these demon gods have mastered the power of space rules to the extreme.

Looking at the demons, Zhou Shu had some thoughts in his heart.

"Yes, my lord."

The Mozu stared at Zhou Shu, and said very sincerely, "The little one got the power of the Demon God inadvertently. He didn't necessarily want it, and the Demon God of the Sky ~ www.ltnovel.com~ has never been to the Xuanhuang Realm, and The cultivator has no old grudges, and the same is true for the small ones. He has just reached hemolysis, and is weak and unwilling to fight the cultivator.

"It is reasonable and well-founded," Zhou Shu said calmly, "Do you really want to live?"

The Mozu nodded and said in a straightforward voice, "The little one has never harmed anyone, so he shouldn't die."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Well, then I will give you a chance to live."

A ray of light flashed in the Mozu's eyes, but his complexion was still calm, and he said slowly, "Most of the opportunities given by the adults are too small to pass."

Zhou Shu shook his head and said with a smile, "If there is a chance, I'll forget it. From here to the entrance of the cave is almost five hundred feet. I will let you go. You can escape with the blood ten times, and then I will do it again. , As long as you can escape this cave, I will let you go."

The demon paused, embarrassed, "The little one just got the blood escape, and it is not easy to use it two or three times. It must not be used ten times."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "I will give you more time. You can rest as long as you want."

The Mozu thought about it for a while, "Okay, I hope you will keep the promise."

"This is natural."

Zhou Shu let go of his big hand, "Let's rest, let's say when it's better."

The demons nodded and agreed, but they just broke away from the shackles, and immediately disappeared. During the ups and downs, they reached the entrance of the cave in a flash.

Two or three times? This continuous **** escape is more than a dozen times?

"Thank you, my lord, for it."

With a triumphant laugh, the demons were about to leave, but Zhou Shu lifted them up again without using the escape method again.

"You are still one step away, why are you in such a hurry?"

Zhou Shu looked at him with a trace of compassion in his eyes, and squeezed it with a big hand, instantly squeezing the demon into powder.


Caiying in the sword couldn't help exclaiming.

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