Fairy Winner

Chapter 1523: Blood pool

Turning to Caiying, Zhou Shu said slowly, "Don't trust any demons."

Caiying immediately agreed, "Yes."

The promise was quick, but she seemed to be hesitant.

"The demons are very cunning. When they fall into the hands of the cultivator and know that it is difficult to escape, they will pretend to be very pitiful and ask the cultivator to let it go for various reasons. Many of them are let down. The reason for the unbearable tears, as long as the immortal cultivator has a sense of compassion and let go of the demon clan, the consequences will be miserable. This kind of thing has happened many times, and countless immortal cultivators with good intentions have died like this. In the hands of the demons, alas."

Zhou Shu sighed and said solemnly, "I have told you the story of Zhongshan wolf. The demons are Zhongshan wolves and they will never change their nature. Their purpose of existence is to destroy human beings and the Xuanhuang world, so no matter what they say Don't believe anything or do anything, you must be killed."

"My palace has long understood."

Caiying said with some dissatisfaction, "Do you think this house does not understand? No matter what you think or do, this house will follow. There will never be any hesitation. It's just that this house doesn't understand. Since it must be killed, why do you still Should I give him a chance to escape? What if he does escape?"

"Hehe, you were talking about this."

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "His blood escape is very useful. I need to watch it several times to understand the truth from it. Don't worry, he will never escape."

"It turned out to be so."

Caiying understood, "If I didn't say it earlier, did you realize anything?"

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "It seems to be a little bit, but it also seems to be nothing, take it slow."

Since entering the battlefield, he has come into contact with things related to the law of space several times. This blood escape is obviously also used. He has a little understanding from it, but it is obviously not enough to say or make it, but it is also a good improvement. .

Caiying shook the sword, "What are we doing now?"

"Go on."

Zhou Shu pointed to another passage in front of him, "Since it’s a lair, there won’t be only one blood pool. Since it’s here, it’s all destroyed. Take advantage of the opportunity to fight against the demons to see if there’s anything here. Very powerful guy."

"Okay, I don't think I have enough!"

Caiying fell next to Zhou Shu, one sword at a time, and he continued to go deeper.

Along the way, I encountered 23 blood pools, without exception, they were completely destroyed by two people, and of course, they also killed countless demons.

Originally, Caiying wanted to solve it all by herself, but when the seventh blood pool came, Zhou Shu asked her to stop.

Fighting against the demons requires a lot of consumption. You must use your full strength and be attentive at all times, so as not to be contaminated with the devil qi and blood. It is also a huge test for the first enlightened Tao. When Zhou Shu saw that she could not keep it When she is at her best, let her rest and do it herself.

Zhou Shu's dealing with these demons and blood pools was much simpler.

The demons and human beings are inherently restrained from each other. Demonic energy and vitality and spiritual energy are incompatible with each other. The two powers are also tit-for-tat. Whoever is strong enough can overwhelm each other, and there is no chance for the other to fight back.

Zhou Shu’s vitality comes from the refining demon pot. The refining demon pot gives him the purest origin of heaven and earth. The power is also pure to the extreme. It is more than enough to restrain these demons. Of course, it is not all smooth sailing. He has seen many uses. The demons with weird methods, those methods are similar to the previous Kongming Blood Escape, and have nothing to do with the power in the Xuanhuang Realm, but they are accompanied by some special laws of power, including the law of reincarnation, the law of causation, and so on.

Although the strength is weak and not authentic, it is still very troublesome, and even Zhou Shu has to use two or three more minutes to deal with it.

There are not just one or two opponents, there are many, basically there are several in each blood pool.

This made him quite emotional.

The way of inheritance of the Demon Race is to use the blood pool to directly pour the power in the blood into the body. It does not require any chance, no understanding, let alone the Demon Race to spend money and energy, as long as the body is enough to bear, it is simple and crude. .

Of course there are many failures. The demons who fail in hemolysis will die completely, become blood in the blood pool, and become the nourishment for other demons. If hemolysis is successful, they will gain power and pose a great threat to the cultivator.

As long as there are enough demons, all kinds of inheritance will not be lost and can be well preserved.

Compared with the demons, the way of inheritance of human immortal cultivators is much more gentle. They are passed on through oral teachings or classics, using various methods, secrets, etc., generally, immortal cultivators will not be life-threatening, but the chance of success is also It is very low. Because of the various restrictions of the sect, the teacher, the savvy, the financial ability, etc., except for a few geniuses, the average cultivator may not get anything, and the inheritance of the previous generations may gradually become extinct...

To this day, the world of immortality does not know how many inheritances have been lost.

Just thinking about it, Zhou Shu can't change this situation now, it's impossible to learn from the demons to get a blood pool.

"Should it be the end?"

The sword gradually showed a bright green light.

There is a dark hole in front of you, and you can find out without feeling that the demon qi and blood qi there are much thicker than outside.

After walking so far, Zhou Shu can see clearly. The entire cave is in the shape of a funnel~www.ltnovel.com~ and gradually slopes down. The top is very wide, and the bottom is much narrower. The opening in front of you is the bottom of the funnel. And the remaining blood in the blood pool that was destroyed before, all gathered here after a period of time, and could not help dripping into the hole.

Most of the demons live on the ground. The underground demons’ nests are not very common, and only two or three books have records in the funnel-shaped ones. They all say that there is a fierce aspect and a demon king is likely to appear.

Below the funnel is the place where the blood gathers. The gathering will not disperse, and the action will stop. Thousands of blood will gather here, and the danger can be imagined.

Although the perception of divine consciousness was isolated, Zhou Shu also had a strong hunch that the following was absolutely unusual, perhaps the most powerful opponent in the secret realm.

"Go down."

He smiled indifferently, clenched the green sword, and jumped straight down.

There was a pool of blood below, several times larger than the one seen before, and the blood was even stronger.

Seeing Zhou Shu's whereabouts, the fishy blood pool immediately turned up a huge wave several tens of feet high, and smashed towards Zhou Shu with his head and face, and the blood rain filled the sky, almost covering the entire cave, inevitable.

However, Zhou Shu had been prepared long ago, Shu Zhili protected himself, his stature retreated, turning around and flicking out.

With a roar, a flaming monster flew towards the blood pond.

The alien beast looks like a unicorn and is lifelike. It is naturally formed when the unicorn’s power is exerted to a certain extent. Zhou Shu’s own Shu Zhili is added to it. Needless to say, Shu Zhili, that unicorn is exactly The guardian of the Xuanhuang Realm is the most restrained of the demons.

For a time, the flames soared into the sky, and everything they passed turned into flying smoke.

Above the blood pool, boundless blood mist immediately rose up.

I don't know how the opponent is, the first is the best.

(Ps: Thank you nuli8888 and Super Kaka for your continuous support, and thanks to ycm777 for your reward~)

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