Fairy Winner

Chapter 1524: Altar

The blood in the blood pool dropped rapidly, at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Huo Qilin ran all the way, rushing to the bottom of the blood pool, but suddenly stopped.

In the separated blood, stood a tall demon with a body like iron, with his right palm facing forward, but blocking the life of the unicorn.

There was a deep eye in the palm of his hand, which could not help flashing red and black light.

When I look closely, it is not the eyes, but the magic crystal of the demon clan. It is rare to use the magic crystal as a magic weapon. The magic crystal is red in black, and black in red. The color is perfect. , The demon in front of me, I am afraid that every moment may enter the soul-pouring period and become a real demon king.

The Demon Race looked cold and arrogant, staring at Zhou Shu and said, "The Rats dare to disturb the king and die!"

Zhou Shu's face was dark, and he said lightly, "Try it then."

Rats, Rats, are the words used by the demons to insult the Humans, and he was very upset when he heard them.

"Mice, do you know who this king is?"

The palm of the demon clan moved slightly, and the unicorn slowly shrank, moving closer to the palm, showing signs of being sucked in by the magic crystal.

Zhou Shu paused, and said without realizing it, "Heaven Devouring Forbidden Law?"

The demons smiled happily, and said complacently, "If you have a bit of knowledge, this king has obtained the blood of the demon god, and has now refined the forbidden method of eating the sky to the state of transformation. It is the method of the human immortal cultivator. How did you hurt me? If you kneel and surrender, this king can also give you a demon soul and be the king's first demon slave!"

Naturally, Zhou Shu had heard of the sky-splitting forbidden method, this infamous demons forbidden method.

The Demon Refining Kettle also told him that this is a similar technique to the Refining Demon Kettle, which turns everything into its own power, but it is more powerful than the Demon Refining Kettle in that it is truly omnipotent and not limited. In a certain realm, whether it is a foreign race or a foreign world, a soul, etc., as long as there is something, there is nothing that cannot be swallowed. However, because of this, the body is extremely demanding, and it will fall into a state of madness from time to time. The world is classified as a forbidden law, and only foreign races such as the demons can control it, and it is impossible for human immortals to bear the huge side effects of the forbidden law.

"Why? This king has given you supreme glory, you still don't want to fail, Rat!"

The Mozu stared at Zhou Shu, his expression even more gloomy, "If you hadn't been strong enough, this king would have killed you!"

"Then you try."

Zhou Shu was still calm, letting the fire Qilin hang in the air without any intention of taking it back.

"Mouse, let me take a look first!"

The demon clan no longer said more. As soon as the right palm was opened and closed, the magic crystal glowed suddenly, black light was like a hole, and a few huffs, swallowed the fire unicorn completely and ceased to exist.


Caiying was startled, "I can really absorb it."

"Nonsense, when this king lied to you, there is nothing that can't be swallowed by the Heaven Devouring Forbidden Technique. No matter what kind of technique you use, it is to increase the strength of this King. Haha, this power is hot and strong, very good. well……"

The Mozu stroked his palms with a satisfied expression. He was just talking, but was suddenly stunned.

Zhou Shu said lightly, "My things are not so delicious."

"Eat and eat, what can you do? Rats!"

Seeing that the demon crystal in the palm of his hand gradually turned bright red, and even burst into a few flames, the demon who was still hard-mouthed couldn't help but panicked, "You...what did you do, what is that?!"

"That's not something you can eat. Give it back to the king, are you in the soul-watering state?"

Zhou Shu stared at him, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, showing a lot of contempt, "Unfortunately, you will never fall down, explode!"

The last syllable is very light, but also very heavy.

As the voice fell, the magic crystal of the demon clan suddenly burst!

The fire unicorn burst out of the shell, and a larger and more devilish energy also gushed out, instantly enveloping the demon clan.

"Mouse, you...ah!"

The Demon Clan let out a last scream, and then exploded in the devil's energy, and the body was torn apart and splashed in the blood pool, raising large swaths of blood.

Caiying looked a little dazed.

"Well, what is going on?"

"What about the sky-devouring forbidden method? It doesn't count as much as the realm is not enough. Even the demons in the soul-pouring stage, don't think about swallowing my Shu Zhili, not to mention the pure Qilin power in it, **** it all in. With the magic crystal, can he have a good end? It's almost self-defeating."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and glanced at the blood pond, "Also, it saves me some effort."

Caiying understood, nodded, and complained, "The taste here is so heavy, let's go, Zhou."

"Wait for me to find it."

Zhou Shu let go of his consciousness and searched carefully, "There are a lot of powers of the demon gods here. There should be an altar of fascination. You have to find and destroy it, otherwise it will cause trouble again. Although it is a secret realm, what you should do is also To be done."

Caiying asked suspiciously, "Attracting God Altar?"

"It's what we cultivators say, maybe the Demon Race doesn't call it that way."

Zhou Shu answered while exploring, "Here, I found it."

With a flick of his sleeve, the blood in the depths of the blood pool was all drawn away, revealing a jet-black bone platform.

Caiying was stunned, "This... is all..."

"All human bones."

Zhou Shu nodded, his tone was calm, but his inner resentment could not be concealed. "Many demon gods like to feed on human immortal cultivators~www.ltnovel.com~ that human beings are smart and have spiritual roots in their bodies, and they can grow by eating them. What a **** wise wisdom."

The bone platform in front of it is ten feet in length, width and height, and it is entirely made of piles of human bones.

The base is full of leg bones, the steps are made of ribs, and there are dozens of tall pillars all around, all piled up of skulls, and the stone stele in the middle of the altar is a section of phalanx... This altar is not Knowing how many lives was killed is shocking.

"Too...too cruel..."

Caiying turned the sword, reluctant to look again, whimpering.

The original white human bones were completely black at this time, and the devilish energy had completely penetrated into it, turning the bones into black charcoal.

Such an altar has existed for at least ten thousand years. In addition to attracting demon gods, it can also be used for casting demon soldiers. After all, it is also contaminated with the blood of demon gods, and there are countless souls, including demons and human immortals. of.

"Too much devilish energy is too much for them to rest in peace. If you can enter the cycle of reincarnation, I hope you will have revenge in the next life."

Zhou Shu respectfully paid three salutes, and a flame suddenly appeared from the palm of his palm, flying towards the altar.

Although it was pure Qilin fire, it was not easy to burn this ten-thousand-year-old altar. It took a full quarter of an hour for the flame to rise.

About half an hour later, the altar turned red, and the entire cave was illuminated.

"Soul and soul, come back and come back! The evil of the demons, bleeding for thousands of miles, but fortunately to get rid of it, outside is wide, hometown is far away, day lily is in trouble..."

Watching the ever-dissipating altar, Zhou Shu slowly chanted a sentence, turning his soul away.

But some of the methods obtained from Yangmei should be useful. If you know, I hope you can understand Zhou Shu's intentions.

(Ps: Thank you wangc1111 for your continuous support~~Thanks to the book friends who have booked and subscribed to vote~)

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