Fairy Winner

Chapter 1525: Get to

Caiying stood by, seeming to feel something, and chanting very solemnly.

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, approvingly.

Caiying is becoming more and more human-like, and more and more people's feelings are an excellent thing for her.

It is impossible for her to transform her form in the Xuanhuang Realm, but it should be possible when she reaches the sky, Zhou Shu will help her find a way.

"Let's go."

After about an hour, the altar was completely incinerated by the fire of the unicorn, and there was no trace of it.

Zhou Shu paid a few more salutes with a solemn expression. After completing the formal etiquette, he unconsciously had a murderous intent in his heart.

I wait for humans, how can I be so deceived?

One person, one sword, quickly slid out of the cave and continued forward.

On this piece of land completely polluted by the blood of the Demon Race, the two men blatantly kill them, killing whatever they see, because there can only be Demon Races and Demon Slaves here, and there won't be any other things.

Among them, there were many dangers, but they all passed through safely.

From the hands of the demons, there were also some seizures, such as magic bombs, various magic soldiers, etc., but Zhou Shu did not stay behind and gave up all.

Only a handful of immortal cultivators in the Xuanhuang Realm can use these things. Those cultivators are magic cultivators. There may be good people in magic cultivators, but Zhou Shu doesn’t think he will meet one. Maybe it’s useful to the heavens, but it’s for the heavens. Externally, the level of these things is too low.

The killing for nearly a month.

Both of them were full of murderous aura, not to mention Zhou Shu's murderous look, even the little man who Caiying now incarnates is full of murderous aura, even if the cultivator in the Transcendent Realm saw it, he would shiver unconsciously. , "Whose child, can it be the reincarnation of a murderous god, why is it so terrible?"

"It's time to converge."

Zhou Shu said to Caiying after seeing the entrance and exit of the next heavy.

"What is the convergence? My palace hasn't killed enough yet!"

Caiying glared at Zhou Shu, and the killing intent came out unconsciously.

"Your killing intent is too much."

Zhou Shu smiled and said warmly, "Caiying, look at me."

However, for a moment, Zhou Shu could no longer see a trace of killing intent at this time, with a slight smile on his calm face, like a spring breeze.


Caiying paused, and curiously asked, "How did you do it? My palace is thinking about killing, killing, and killing everything. When you see a tree, you want to cut it. When you see grass, you want to cut it. I want to kick some kicks."

"Looking at me, the heart is calm, and naturally calm down, thinking about what we are going to do, not to kill, but to ascend to immortality. If the killing intent affects or even dominates your soul, you will do nothing. "

Zhou Shu stared at her, with a gentle light in her eyes, like a warm sun, Caiying stared at her for a long time, the murderous intent in her eyes gradually calmed down, and her innocence returned soon.

Zhou Shu unexpectedly said, "I learned quickly, I thought it would take a long time."

Caiying disdainfully said arrogantly, "This palace is so pure, which is as much as you think, huh."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Yes, the spirit of the spirit is pure at first, but it is not easy to maintain it so well."

"I didn't learn from you..."

Caiying murmured softly, but didn't let Zhou Shu hear it, fearing it might blush.

She turned her head, pointed to the door and said, "Zhou, what are we doing, can we go on?"

Zhou Shu thought for a while, "I thought about it, but let it go. Senior Bai Xiao also said that this is the last level and should be listened to."

"Fine, you listen to him, my palace listens to you."

Caiying plunged into the sword and fell into Zhou Shu's hands, feeling a little warm, as if she had found support.

"It's been almost two years, it's time to go back, so Ruoyan waited so long, something shouldn't be."

Zhou Shu seemed to be talking to himself, and walked towards the exit. After a brief glare, Zhou Shu appeared outside, still a sea.

It should be a distant sea. There are violent waves and winds on the sea, which are at every turn, but there are also many stars shed to illuminate the way back.

Opening the map given to him by Sharkren Zhu and comparing it to the eternal starlight, Zhou Shu quickly distinguished the direction and said with joy, "This exit is very close to the five-colored forest. It's fate."

"Then let's go back quickly."

Seemingly knowing Zhou Shu's homecoming, Caiying let go, drawing a waterline, and moving straight forward.

Zhou Shu followed, and about a day later, he saw the edge of the five-colored forest.

All the way into the forest.

Unlike two years ago, the ancestral land of the sharks seems to be different now. There are no messy guards, no sharks wandering around, and no panic to greet them. The ancestral land looks much more regular.

When they reached the statue, two women greeted them.

It is Hao Ruoyan and Jiao Ling.

After greeted Jiao Ling, Zhou Shu showed some guilt, "Ruoyan, I'm sorry, I said that I took you out together, but left alone for so long."

"Well, Master Shu."

Hao Ruoyan smiled lightly, beautifully, "During the period when Master Shu is away, thanks to sister Jiaoling, Ruoyan has improved a lot."

Jiao Ling shook his head quickly, and took Hao Ruoyan's hand with a hint of complaint, "Sister Ruoyan is serious, it is Jiao Ling's blessing to you. With you, our clan is very different."

"You two, when was it so good?"

Zhou Shu was a little surprised.

Hao Ruoyan smiled ~www.ltnovel.com~ Wen said, "Master Shu, this is how things are..."

In the Temple of Stars, Hao Ruoyan finally found the right way, the official way.

The avenue of official roads is common in all worlds. It means the way to meet the next. It sounds simple, but it is extremely difficult to do well. A really good official road must balance the relationship between the upper and lower sides. People are blameworthy, sleek and not cunning, but authoritarian is widely loved, and so on. The officialdom is not only trivial and trivial, but also requires a lot of practice. Xiucheng official road.

"That's it, Guandao...If you think about it carefully, it really suits you."

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, and said with joy, "Why didn't you and I thought of it at the beginning."

Hao Ruoyan smiled and said, "There is a world of immortal cultivators. Everyone wants to become immortal. Apart from cultivation, who would think of other things? Seeing the stars, if Yan really understands, why bother to cultivate? , With Master Shu, Ruo Yan can completely focus on other things, such as managing people, without practicing."

Zhou Shu Ruo realized, "So you helped Jiao Ling control these sharks?"


Hao Ruoyan nodded again and again, "The previous experience has also helped a lot, but after Ming Dao, it is the real practice here. Ruoyan's official way has really improved a lot, and I must thank my sister Jiao Ling."

"Thank you very much."

Jiao Ling frowned deliberately, "If it weren't for you, Jiao Ling really doesn't know what to do. Now that Jiao Ling doesn't worry about anything with you, but the Kai family is getting better and better."

"If there is no star in the temple, Ruoyan can't get the official way."

Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously and smiled, "Okay, don't thank you."

"Well, Jiao Ling obeyed."

"Master Shu, are you in the secret realm during this time?"

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