Fairy Winner

Chapter 1526: trouble

After a few days of gathering, Zhou Shu continued to the Dragon Palace, alone.

Hao Ruoyan stayed and continued to help the Shark in the ancestral land of the Shark, and after a while, he would return to Lingyu City.

If before, Hao Ruoyan must have left with him without saying anything, because she only had Zhou Shu in her heart, but now it is different, she has her own way.

Zhou Shu understands and supports it. Hao Ruoyan just said that it is a good time to waste time traveling or doing other things. It is most appropriate to concentrate on officialdom.

One person, the speed is much faster.

Zhou Shu wandered around Wushuang City while on the road.

As he expected, the four continents are calm.

As the time of alien invasion approaches, the major sects have converged a lot. They don’t disturb, and the small sects are naturally quiet. It is rare for all continents to enter a state of peace. Even the Zen gate and Kunlun in Xihezhou are temporarily The war ended.

There is nothing to worry about for the Heyin faction. There are a few guardians of the tribulation realm, and Yang Mei also returned safely and began to prepare for the tribulation.

For a monk like her who has enlightened the Tao and received the power of true compassion, there is really no difficulty in crossing the catastrophe, even if the way of heaven can't be stalked.

She didn't find the excellent saint, she disappeared, even if it was calculated by the master of Miaodi, she did not know the whereabouts of the saint, maybe she is no longer in the Xuanhuang realm, the Yinkui tribe’s methods are still very mysterious, the saint The Utambula that I brought with him also has the ability to tear open cracks. If you can't find it, you won't find it. There will be a chance to see you again in the future.

There are three more things worth mentioning.

The first, of course, was a great event. Ning Xuanqing came out of the nine-story tower safely and successfully recast the spirit.

Although she was not as successful as Zhou Shu, she also raised the soul to the seventh rank. This aptitude is already very good, enough to transform the gods and even go further. After she comes back, she immediately retreats and should be able to transform soon. God succeeded and fulfilled his long-cherished wish.

The second thing is hard to distinguish between good and bad, the Ghost Valley family was born.

The age of the Guigu family can be equal to that of the Ji family, and their strength is not inferior to the four great families, but they are true reclusive families. They rarely live in Guigu Mountain, so their reputation is not obvious in the world of cultivation. Some other families know them.

Every generation of the Guigu family is called Guiguzi, all of them are extremely wise, strange people who understand the sky and earth, astronomy, geography, astronomy, latitude and longitude are omniscient, and their cultivation is even more profound. It is not an exaggeration to say that they stand in the world of cultivation Among the people at the top, there may not be people from the six major sects, but there must be Guiguzi.

It’s not that the Guigu family was never born, otherwise, why would others know its name?

It is said that every time before the great chaos, the Guiguzi of the Guigu family will be born. As for its purpose, it is difficult to say. So far no one knows what it is. Only know that sometimes it will help the immortal world to turn the tide, sometimes it is not, even on fire. Pour oil.

But one thing is certain, as soon as Guiguzi was born, it proved that there must be a great chaos in the world of Xiuxian, and it is a great chaos that may overturn.

You must know that Guiguzi was not born when the Sea Clan invaded thousands of years ago. His appearance this time undoubtedly cast a shadow on the Xuanhuang Realm.

The third thing is a bad thing, and it has something to do with the family.

Zhuge family.

Seven years later, it will be the sacrifice of the Wuzhang of the Zhuge family.

The Wuzhang Festival is the most important memorial activity of the Zhuge family. It is held every 100 years in Wuzhangyuan, Dongsheng Prefecture.

Every time the Wuzhang Festival, the Zhuge family will invite guests to participate. This time is no exception. All major sects have received invitations. By the way, the lotus school is also among them. The problem is not here, but Zhou Shu got it. After the news, the Zhuge family will announce a major news at the sacrifice of Wuzhang.

The news is very related to the Heyin school. If the Zhuge family is really done, it will be a blow to Zhou Shu and some people.

Zhou Shu didn't want to see such a thing happen.

Wushuang City is still very lively, or even more lively.

People come and go, the tasks are hung out in rows, and they are taken up in a short time. It can be seen that as the alien invasion is approaching, all geniuses have accelerated their pace, wanting to achieve faster progress, which of course is very Well, Zhou Shu couldn't help but smile.

"Just stay idle, don't hurry, do the task!"

A roar suddenly sounded from behind Zhou Shu, and all eyes gathered from all around for a while.

Those messengers were also unable to speak, looking at Zhou Shu, their expressions were rather strange.

Zhou Shu smiled bitterly, "City Lord, you are too public."


The city lord was a little embarrassed, and a black shadow suddenly appeared, wrapping Zhou Shu into a quiet room.

As soon as he came in, the city lord shouted, "I said you, where have you been during this period of time, don't you know if I am going to die?"

Zhou Shu was slightly calm, "What's wrong? What trouble is Lin Zhu having?"

"Just know that Xiao Nizi, it's me who is in trouble now!"

The city owner glared at Zhou Shu a few times with dissatisfaction, "She is very happy. Every day she only knows to reach out and ask me for materials, such as mysterious spirit jade and thousand flint stones. She said lightly, doesn't she know that these materials are not? The general materials, where are so good, she still wants tens of thousands of kilograms, let me grab them! I can't grab them, they are all stocks reserved by the big sect~www.ltnovel.com~ damn! They are all good ancestors you brought, and I will soon be unable to serve them!"

After a burst of scolding, the city lord stopped.

Zhou Shujing listened quietly, with a slight smile, "It's okay to vent more. Are you comfortable now?"

"Much more comfortable."

The city lord nodded subconsciously, then hummed again, "What's the use of being comfortable? It's not a problem and a lot of trouble."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Actually, what she wants is right. I have also heard of those materials. They are indeed good for the formation. The formation we have to do is so huge that hundreds of thousands of catties may not be enough. "

"Nonsense, of course I know."

The city lord complained, "You said you want some weird rare treasures or something, I can think of anything, but what about these large amounts of materials? The production areas are all occupied by large gates. Unless you really grab them, I'm going to offend a few big sects. I'm not afraid to offend the big sects, but the problem is that if we let them know that we have robbed so much material, they can also guess what we are going to do. How can we continue? "

"Yes, the big sects are very smart. To let them know that we need so many flints, it is easy to guess that we are going to deploy a large formation, and it must be something like a teleportation formation..."

Zhou Shuruo realized something and said slowly, "I am afraid that at that time, several major sects will come together."

Xuanling Jade, Thousand Flint Stone, etc., are all rare materials for the arrangement of large-scale formations. The production area has always been controlled by large sects. They are used as strategic materials and are prohibited from circulating in the world of cultivation and are difficult to obtain.

"You know, this is a big trouble!"

The city lord stared at Zhou Shu, with a layer of sadness on his face, and sighed, "Even me, I can't think of a good way to solve it, alas!"

(Ps: Thank you Shentu Feifei for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~)

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