Fairy Winner

Chapter 1527: Bulging

It’s true. It’s not difficult for City Master Wushuang to search for precious treasures everywhere. There are so many messengers, and they can provide information. You can basically get what you want, but these are different. They are all strictly controlled. It is not easy to obtain materials.

If you want to grab it, you can definitely grab it, but if you leak the news of building the teleportation array, it will attract the entire Cultivation World to attack Wushuang City and the Heyin faction. Even Zhou Shu and Wushuang City will definitely be unable to resist. .

Zhou Shu couldn't help showing some thoughts.

"If it doesn't work, then we have to grab it. After all, our formation is important."

The city lord muttered, "When Bai Long comes back, I will let him go. By the way, he is now near Kunlun. It is better to go now."

Zhou Shu just shook his head, "If it is normal, I would really like to mess up Kunlun, but I can't do it now. I was too sensitive for the first time. The second Kunlun was most afraid of the teleportation array. I lost so many formations. I must look for it. After all, it is not difficult to find Wushuang City."

The city lord sighed and stared at Zhou Shu, "It's all your fault when you say it. If you don't tell me, you still hide Xuanhu and Qingque in the secret realm, so I can't find anyone for what I want. Originally Xuanhu might There is a way, now... can't I do it myself?"

Zhou Shu paused, "City Lord, leave this to me."

The city lord said in surprise, "Oh? What are you going to do?"

"It's definitely not possible to rely on looting. The six major sects control a certain amount of Thousand Flint and Profound Spirit Jade Mine, so let's start from the mine.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "I will go to talk to Cihang, Chongyang and Shushan, and ask them to mine the mine for a period of time. It shouldn’t be a big problem. As long as I get the mining rights, I’ll hurry up. It’s good to mine enough ore within the year."

The city lord doubted, "I know that you have a very good relationship with Cihang Shushan, but when did you join the Alliance in the Chongyang Palace?"

"There is no alliance, but she should not refuse this request."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly. To a certain extent, he could be regarded as holding Yu Yurou's handle, so he could use it if he could.

"It would be great if you could do it," the city lord said slowly, "what reason do you have to mine such an important mine?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Lingyu City wants to build a large array of moats, which spans hundreds of kilometers and a radius of thousands of kilometers. It is normal that some special materials are needed."

The city lord nodded unconsciously, "This is not bad, but you took the materials but didn't build a formation. Wouldn't they find out? Cihang is in Dongshengzhou."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Of course the formation will be built. I've already figured it out a long time ago, but I don't need those materials."

"I feel relieved by saying that..."

The city owner seemed to be relieved, but quickly said, "But no matter how fast you pick, you won't be able to pick that much in ten years, right?"

"Of course, even if it is possible, it is impossible. It is impossible to empty the mines. Mining from the two major gates can only meet part of the demand, and it depends on other things," Zhou Shu said slowly, "Part of it is still to be bought, although It is controlled material, but there are always some channels that can flow out. Just work harder. In this regard, I can ask Huabaoxuan and Huajia to help. They must be reliable. Then, there is still a part, I plan to grab it. ."

The city lord was stunned, "What! Still want to grab, which one to grab?"


Zhou Shuslow spit out these two words, and then he thought of a plan.

"Don't let me **** it, but go again," the city lord frowned, "how are you going to **** it? Don't leak the news."

"Will not."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I persuaded the barbarians to go to Emei and took the opportunity to start. Even if Emei found out, it would only feel that the barbarians had taken it away, and would not doubt us."

The city lord was puzzled, "How can the Barbarians do it? Now they can't be Emei's opponent."

Zhou Shusuan explained, "City Lord, I have some connections with the barbarians, and I also know that the barbarians are very dissatisfied with Emei. Originally, Emei said to help each other secretly, but in the end let the barbarians and Shushan lose both... let the barbarians go to Emei. Difficult, I don't really want them to attack with all their strength. It's enough to just pretend to be something. I will do specific things. Besides, Emei is also in chaos now, and there are more internal troubles. If you want to grab materials, only they are the most suitable. "

"You really have a lot of friendship, hehe."

The city lord pondered for a moment, but finally showed a slight smile, "I'm relieved by saying that, then I will leave it to you."

Zhou Shu looked at him and smiled, "City Lord, I believe you have thought of these things too, deliberately so anxious, just wait for me to do it, I don't believe it, you can't even think of these ideas."

"Where and where, I don't have that much thought, I still rely on you."

The city lord waved his hand again and again, "Okay, I won't disturb you, you are busy with you, if you are done, let me know."

With that, the shadow disappeared, and left as if to escape.

"City Lord, don't forget to grant Yuan Dan from Huanggu."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, turned around, and the voice of the city lord came from behind him, "I know, she is about to cross the catastrophe!"

Suddenly encountered trouble, things seem to be many, but don’t panic~www.ltnovel.com~ In fact, many things are just a few words, Zhou Shu has enough confidence and time to complete, everything is still in the plan, nothing is left. Care.

"Who, stop!"

While thinking about it, the two sea races in front suddenly emerged from the sea, blocking Zhou Shu's path.

A shrimp tribe with tumors on its head, a carp tribe with a lotus leaf hanging on the waist, looks quite ugly, but the strength is really not weak, they are all Tier VI, and the marine soldier in his hand is shiny and shining. The guards of Yun Palace are also quite different.

It should be the guard near the Dragon Palace, it's almost there.

Zhou Shu took a step forward and said with a gentle expression, "Two fellow Taoists in the sea, I am the guest invited by your palace lord."

"The guests?"

The two guards looked at Zhou Shu a few times, and the Shrimp Clan said, "Has the palace master held a sword meeting recently?"

The carp clan also bulged his eyes, "It seems that I haven't heard that the sword will be held every three years. It has only been a few months since the last time?"

The shrimp clan brandished the sea soldiers, his eyes bulged wider, "Then this guy is probably a fake!"

The carp touched his short beard, seemingly thoughtful, but his eyes retracted a little, "Maybe, the palace lord is so mysterious, and she is doing very strange things, we can't guess."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly and smiled, "Actually, I was here to participate in the sword meeting. It's just that the journey is far away and I was late. The palace lord also knows."

The two guards thought for a while, and said together, "You said you are a sword repairman, what proof is there?"

Zhou Shu took out the green sword, the sword light fell in front of the two of them, transformed into the appearance of the two, resembling the two bulging salutes, vividly.

"Haha, it looks like!"

"Okay, just go over and give you this token."

"Thank you two."

Zhou Shu smiled and arched his hands, "But I still don't know something. May I ask you two, where is the Dragon Palace?"

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