Fairy Winner

Chapter 1528: Enter the palace

After passing through several defenses, the Dragon Palace is already in front of you.

It’s even bigger than imagined. It’s almost the size of five Lingyu cities. As for the beauty of them, there is no need to say anything. In short, if there is a fairyland in the Xuanhuang world, the Dragon Palace must be counted, and it is firmly ranked first. One.

The tokens given by the two guards are surprisingly useful, as long as they are shown, there will be no sea clan coming back.

While watching the scenery of the Dragon Palace, Zhou Shu carefully searched the surroundings for news.

Sea clan passed by from time to time, but when he saw him, there was nothing to say. Zhou Shu also saw a few sword repairs, and human immortal cultivators swayed in the Dragon Palace. I didn’t even think of this kind of thing in the past, but now , It has become a fact, the big change in the Dragon Palace is really unexpected.

Obviously, this was caused only after Zhao Yueru became the lord of the Dragon Palace.

This also shows Zhao Yueru’s status. With that drop of true dragon blood that is likely to be the last drop of the Profound Yellow Realm, even the people in the Dragon Palace have to treat her with the best treatment and meet many of her requirements. However, this is not It does not mean that Zhao Yueru's status is superb, on the contrary, she is in danger at any time.

After exploring the Dragon Palace, Zhou Shu expected that Zhao Yueru should be under house arrest.

She can do what she wants to do in the Dragon Palace, but she must never step out of the Dragon Palace. Moreover, once everyone in the Dragon Palace finds a way to retrieve the blood of the true dragon, Zhao Yueru may face an extremely dangerous situation...

It is no wonder that she repeatedly challenged the bottom line of the Dragon Palace, let go of the Dragon Palace, invited sword repairs, and held sword fairs constantly, trying to quickly increase the cultivation level, so as to get rid of this fate.

It's just hard.

There are many formations in the Dragon Palace, but the formations of the Sea Clan are not as good as those of the Dragons, so Zhou Shu can also easily crack them, and the spiritual consciousness is unimpeded.

Not long after, he understood the general situation of Dragon Palace.

"There is such a strong one."

He didn’t feel that he was secretly shocked. In the Dragon Palace, there were at least four Dragon Sea tribes of the 8th order, and one Dragon Sea tribe close to the 9th order. Although they were not complete, their strength might be better than the mountain in the secret realm. To beat a few points, after all, in terms of wisdom, this sea clan is much better than mountains.

Although Zhou Shu is not afraid, he is not willing to really tear his face. This matter must be resolved in a safe way.

Thinking is right, there is a person walking in front, but it is an acquaintance.

When the acquaintance saw Zhou Shu, his figure trembled, and there was a lot of fear in his eyes, and he was about to flee.

Zhou Shu smiled, "Long time no see."

The man was startled for a while before he raised his hand and smiled, "Who is this old man? It turns out to be Sect Master Zhou."

"long time no see."

Zhou Shu raised his hand in return and smiled, "Should you call you Mingkui or Kuiming?"

"Haha, please feel free to Sect Master."

Kui Ming smiled a little awkwardly, "I haven't seen you in a day. For example, after three autumns, Sect Master Zhou's cultivation is really amazing. It hasn't been twenty years since I crossed the realm of Tribulation. I have completely convinced him."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "It's just a fluke."

Kui Ming stared at Zhou Shu, suddenly bowed to the ground and said straightly, "I offended fellow Daoist that day. I am not here to make a payment. Please don't take it off."

Zhou Shu helped him up and smiled, "Father Kui doesn't have to be like this. I have forgotten a little bit of grudge. Daoist is both a sea clan and a sword cultivator. He also has a relationship with immortal cultivators. I am also willing to get close. Any enmity should be over."

"Sect Master Zhou speaks quickly, and the old man admires him."

Kui Ming looked at Zhou Shu, showing some gratitude.

Zhou Shu would not take that bit of hatred in his heart, now and then, now both of them are crossing the tribulation realm, and there is no need to always worry about that little thing. In fact, most immortal cultivators are like this when they reach the crossing tribulation realm. Unless it is a big hatred of life and death, the little grievances of the past are basically discarded, and the training is devoted to avoiding more cause and effect and affecting oneself.

Kui Ming smiled, and said with a little shame, "Friends of Taoism also came for the sword meeting?"

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, wondering, "Why Daoist Kui flushes?"

"Hehe, it's the old man's not."

Kui Ming smiled and said frankly, "The old man has long known that in the sword cultivation world, Fellow Daoist Zhou can be described as an absolute leader. Originally, Fellow Daoist Zhou must have a place in the Dragon Palace sword meeting, but the old man thought about those things that day, so he never invited him. Fellow Daoist, I didn’t even tell the palace master about any news about Fellow Daoist, and even told the other sword repairmen who came here to help the old man to conceal it, all because of the hatred at the time, alas. Live...I am ashamed, so I will face red, and I hope fellow daoists will not care."

"It's all right."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "When the chance comes, it will come naturally. If the chance is not there, it may not be an invitation. The Daoist is so calm, but it solves my confusion, ha ha."

He secretly stagnated in his heart, it turned out that this was the case.

It seems that Zhao Yueru still doesn't know what is going on with Zhou Shu. If he knows, maybe things will be different, but it's not too late now.

"Friends of Taoism are extremely true."

Kui was obviously very sincere. "Friends, three days later, it will be the day when the palace owner meets the guests. How about I arrange a sword meeting for fellow Daoists?"

Zhou Shu asked suspiciously, "Three days?"

"Friends of Tao don't know something..."

Kui Ming looked around for a few times and whispered, "The palace lord has been under strict control recently. Only ten days of each month can he come out to meet guests. The rest of the time is in the Golden Dragon Palace. He can't come out, and the old man has no choice. This is the decision of Elder Jin."

"Elder Jin?"

Zhou Shu has realized something, "Could it be that the Jinsha Jiao clan close to the ninth rank hidden in the Dragon Palace ~ www.ltnovel.com~ is about to complete?"


Kui Ming nodded and said slowly, "The Dragon Palace respects him now, and even the palace owner has to listen to his orders. Alas, it’s a bit strange to say that the palace owner obviously has the blood of real dragons, why not As for her promotion, if she is promoted to the seventh, it is impossible for Elder Jin to order her anymore."

Zhou Shu nodded gently.

As he heard, Zhao Yueru is under house arrest. Although she can do many things, she is limited to the Dragon Palace and cannot go out. Now she can't even get out of the palace. It seems that the situation is a bit critical.

In these three days, he has to make more preparations.

"How does an outsider know about things in the Dragon Palace?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "I just came for the sword meeting. I heard Xia Houying say that the palace lord likes sword art and can exchange ancient treasures. There is even an eighth-grade flying sword among them, so I came. ,is it?"

"Not bad."

Kui Ming seemed to think, "It turned out to be the news from Daoist Xiahou that there is indeed a top-quality flying sword in the Dragon Palace, and it is quite famous."


Zhou Shu's eyes lit up, "What kind of sword is it, but Daoist Xiahou never said it."

"The old man doesn't know," Kui Ming said with a lot of regrets. "The old man heard that the sword is very special and can not be used by ordinary people, and it is famous in the world of cultivation. Then, if you can win the eyes of the palace lord, you may be able to see it."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "That's going to be a try."

Kui Ming smiled happily, "Friends don't despise the palace master. Although she is a real dragon, she is the turn of the swordsmanship. I am afraid it is not worse than you and me."

(Ps: Thank you nuli8888 for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~)

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