Fairy Winner

Chapter 1529: it's me

"I understand that, after all these years, she will certainly not be bad."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, and there was a lot of nostalgia in his heart.

The scene where Zhao Yueru taught him sword intent at the bottom of the sea is still vivid. Without Zhao Yueru's guidance, he might not have achieved what he is today.


Kui Ming was surprised, "Does fellow Taoist know the palace lord?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Daoist Kui has been worrying too much. She has the blood of a real dragon. How do I get to know a cultivator of immortality?"


Kui Ming laughed unconsciously, and said proudly, "There hasn't been a real dragon breed in the Jinlonghai clan for a long time. The appearance of the palace lord with the blood of the true dragon really made our sea clan take a breath. Once the palace lord achieves the ninth rank, we can see the dragon clan again and restore the glory of the past. The elder Jin will not let the palace lord go out. It should be because of this consideration, the palace lord is too important. ."

Zhou Shu nodded and said, "What you said is."

"Hey, after so much talk, you don't need to be tired or tired, you should fight."

Kui Ming patted his head and said with a smile, "Friends of the Daoist have been working hard from afar, so it's better to go to rest first. The old man will come back to ask for friendship in a few days."


Zhou Shu arched his hands, "So it will trouble fellow Kui Daoist."

Kui Ming smiled and nodded, and summoned a few sea people, leading Zhou Shu to rest.

Seeing Zhou Shu leave, he secretly wiped off his sweat and unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

I offended Zhou Shu in the Hidden Dragon Valley, and learned that Liuyun Palace was led by Zhou Shu to solve it. Even Xuan'an was dead. He was really frightened. He didn't dare to return to Yun Palace or go back to the world of Xiu Xian. He also knew that once Zhou Shu spread the news that he was a Sea Clan, he was afraid that he would never have a place to stay. After thinking for a long time, he fled deep into the sea, but accidentally escaped to the Dragon Palace.

The elder Jin of the Dragon Palace hated Jian Xiu the most. When he saw that he was Jian Xiu, he didn't even care about his identity as the Longhai clan. He was about to be killed immediately, but when the palace owner saw him using the sword, he was very persuasive. Keep him.

The palace lord not only saved his life, but also gave him a good position. He was grateful to the palace lord and was naturally willing to obey the palace lord.

Afterwards, for some things, such as the Sword Art Sword Society, etc., the palace lord was inconvenient to come forward by himself. He came forward and helped the palace lord to do it together. It was a lot of effort. He also knew that Zhou Shu did not take him. It was the matter of the Jinlonghai clan that spread out, and I felt a little grateful.

He saw Zhou Shu come here just now, thinking that Zhou Shu was chasing him and his feet were shaking. Until now, he was relieved.

"I always feel that Sect Master Zhou and the Palace Master knew each other before. What is going on?"

He thought to himself in his heart, and left on his own.

Zhou Shu went to the annex with the Sea Clan, with Kui Ming's orders, he was more courteous, and all kinds of fine wines and delicacies were rare in his life.

Zhou Shu sent the Hai Clan away, and there was no time to watch more food, leaving behind a clone of vitality, and his figure disappeared.

He won't wait to see you again in three days. There are many things that need to be figured out now.

Golden Dragon Palace.

Outside the hall, Zhou Shu stood still for a while.

This is one of the main halls of the Dragon Palace. Needless to say, it’s magnificent. The surrounding wall tiles are made of Tier 7 materials. The mirage beads of Tier 8 are filled with steps without money, at least several hundred. The most amazing thing is the dragon on the top of the temple, lifelike, majestic, with glowing eyes, huge dragons emanating from the dragon ball, shocking the surroundings.

This is a natural and extremely powerful defense, and it is almost impossible to resist unless it has the blood of a true dragon.

But the reason for Zhou Shu to stand quietly was not the dragon but the golden dragon. He seemed to have known each other before. Could it be that the little snake?

An old man walked over slowly, walking like a mountain, and his face was very dignified. It seems that it took a lot of effort to resist this Longwei.

When he walked to the door of the hall, the old man bent his body slightly, "Palace Master, subordinate Elder Jin, please see me."

"What's the matter?"

A cold voice floated out of the hall, like ice in January.

The voice was not much different from before, except that there was more sadness. Zhou Shu's heart was shocked. There may be a trace of doubt before, but now it is 100% sure that it is definitely Zhao Yueru.

The old man straightened up and said slowly, "The subordinate invited a master of the monster race, he is quite good at the way of blood clotting and quenching..."

"How many times have you tried, have you succeeded?"

Zhao Yueru's voice was a little tired.

The old man said faintly, "Try it, I hope the palace lord will not refuse, he is resting, preparing some materials, and his subordinates will come back tomorrow."

Zhao Yueru slowly said, "Elder Jin, I also want to separate as soon as possible. Leaving here is good for me and you, but the masters you find these few times consume a lot of my cultivation base every time, and there is also a lot of essence and blood. Attrition, but there is no trace of real blood. Is such a master of the monster race really okay?"

"Try it, you will always succeed."

The old man bent slightly, "Palace Master, I'm going, you are ready, and your subordinates don't want to come in and invite."

There was no sound in the hall for a while~www.ltnovel.com~ The old man smiled slightly, ignored it, and turned around.

In the huge Golden Dragon Palace.

Zhao Yueru is still wearing a yellow shirt, elegant and elegant, with a faint blue light in her eyes, but her face is paler and colder, and there is a small golden spot on the forehead. If you look closely, it is about one Looks like a dragon ball.

She was independent, walking slowly, her expression becoming colder and colder.

"When I don’t know, what master, what separation, I just want to use the magic of the monster clan to slowly consume my essence and blood cultivation base, leaving me only the drop of true dragon blood, and take it away. What is my life in your eyes?"

She seemed to be talking to herself, with a faint smile, although very bitter.

"I knew that, maybe I should have completely integrated this drop of true dragon blood into my body, so that you can never get it again, and you have to treat me as your master, but..."

There was a gleam of hope in her eyes, but she soon dimmed and her complexion became firm, "I won't do that. I am a sword repairer and a human immortal repairer. I will never become a dragon, absolutely not. Yes, not even if you die."

"Humph, but don't you want to get it easily, you want to separate, it's so easy, see who consumes whom, wait for me..."

Zhao Yueru was thinking, but suddenly he stopped, and there was an unusually vague light and shadow in front of him, which was very strange.

Without even thinking about it, a long sword suddenly appeared in her hand. As soon as the sword intent came out, the ice rose and moved toward the front cage together.


"It's me, Elder Zhao."

In the light and shadow, Zhou Shu slowly emerged, with a warm smile, "Elder Zhao, I will not let you have an accident."

"Ah, is it you, Zhou Shu?"

Zhao Yueru was stunned in place, staring at Zhou Shu motionlessly, the sword in his hand slowly falling down without realizing it.

"How could it be you?"

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