Fairy Winner

Chapter 1530: can

"it's me."

Zhou Shu smiled and arched his hands, "I haven't seen it in more than a hundred years, and Elder Zhao still has the same style."

"How could it be you?"

Zhao Yueru stared at Zhou Shu, with a lot of blankness in her eyes, "Why are you here, ah?"

Suddenly, she froze, exhaled short and trembling, and said in total inconceivable, "You, have already been through the catastrophe?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, I'll talk about this later, let's find a way to solve the immediate problem."

Zhao Yueru gradually recovered and said slowly, "The problem in front of you, Zhou Shu, what do you know?"

"A lot, but there are many things that I don't know."

Zhou Shu paused for a while, and said warmly, "The elders don't have to be vigilant. In fact, no matter what happens, I still treat you as the elder of the Dutch school, and the Dutch school has been waiting for you to return."

"I now……"

Zhao Yueru's figure trembled, and there was a glimmer of expectation in his eyes, but soon disappeared, and slowly said, "Zhou Shu, I am afraid I can't go back."

Zhou Shu nodded gently, "Why?"

Zhao Yueru shook her head and said calmly, "No, why, I am not a cultivator now, how can I return to the immortal world, how can I return to the immortal sect?"

"No, you are still a monk," Zhou Shu said slowly, "I have been with Li Aojian and the others, and we have also seen Zhao Linghuan's inheritance and traces left by you, so we know that you did not accept that inheritance. Still a real monk."

Zhao Yueru's eyes narrowed slightly and said in surprise, "Have you been there?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, decades ago, we followed the Xuanwu statue in the secret realm to find you. We didn't find you, but we also learned some news about you."

Zhao Yueru looked at Zhou Shu, "Then I have true dragon blood in my body, I think you know it too?"


Zhou Shu continued to nod, "The blood of the real dragon should be taken out, right?"

"Can you?"

Zhao Yueru shook her head unconsciously, and said tragically, "I used to think the same way, but later I learned that it was not the case."

Zhou Shu questioned, "Why?"

Zhao Yueru sighed lightly, "If the average person got the blood of the real dragon and didn't integrate it, there might be a way to separate it, but I can't. My ancestor, Zhao Linghuan, merged the blood of the real dragon and became a half dragon and half human. The existence of, and as his descendant, I have dragon blood in my body. I am not a real human being, and coupled with the blood of the awakened real dragon, it is impossible to separate."

If Zhou Shu realized something, "I see."

Zhao Yueru is right. If ordinary people get the blood of other sacred beasts, they can take it out before fusion, and even after fusion, there are ways to separate. For example, Zhou Shu’s fusion of Qilin blood, as long as he wants to. They can be separated by the magic tricks taught by the real person on Chongyang, but Zhao Yueru is a dragon itself, even if it is not merged, the blood of the real dragon is still working, and it is almost impossible to separate.

But it was almost, he remembered that there was a way, but the conditions were extremely harsh, and it was unknown.

Zhao Yueru's face was very calm, it was the peace in despair.

Zhou Shu couldn't bear to see it in his eyes, "Elder..."

Zhao Yueru looked at Zhou Shu and shook her head gently, "Zhou Shu, I know you are good for me, but don't call me an elder anymore. I am not worthy to be a cultivator, and it is impossible to return to the sect."

Zhou Shu nodded gently, "Then I will call you Yueru Daoist friend."

It can be seen that Zhao Yueru's condition is not very good, and it is not appropriate to disobey her at this time to avoid any unexpected situation.

Zhao Yueru didn't look at him either, "as you please."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Friend Yueru, then what are your plans? Are you going to be the lord of the Dragon Palace? I'm afraid you can't do it?"

"I can't do it."

Zhao Yueru's lips curled slightly, unconsciously a little arrogant, just as before.

She stared at the gate of the palace and slowly said, "I have had enough of these sea races. What I want to do is to temporarily hone the sword intent here, break through the realm as soon as possible, and break out of the Dragon Palace. When the time comes, the ends of the world will go anywhere. , As long as there is no sea clan."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Good idea, now, what is the sword intent of fellow Taoist?"

Zhao Yueru stared at him, her eyes sharpened suddenly, "It's okay if you are here. Compare and compare, let me see if you have grown, Zhou Shu, although you are now in the Tribulation Realm, you may not be able to block my sword intent. ,Humph."

"Very willing to."

Zhou Shu nodded immediately, and only slowly said, "I'm afraid it's not appropriate here, this Golden Dragon Palace..."

"The formation is open, and with Longwei, no one can come in, unless I bring it in..."

Having said this, Zhao Yueru was taken aback for a moment, "Zhou Shu, how did you come in?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "These dragons can't stop me, not to mention the use of formation control. As long as you find the flaws in the formation, you can naturally come in."

"You, are you so good now?"

Zhao Yueru is still very cold, but she can't hide her surprise, "This Golden Dragon Palace, even the old man needs to be closed to enter, you..." She shook her head, "Forget it, no need to compare. , UU reading www.uukanshu.com I understand your strength, it's only a hundred years, although I don't know how you did it, but..."

Looking at Zhou Shu, the corners of her mouth curled up and she unconsciously brought out a smile, "You are really different, and it's not in vain that I value you so much, haha."

This smile was like a spring breeze, those cold, those strangers seemed to be dispelled at once.

"Elder, you finally laughed."

Zhou Shu laughed and said warmly, "It's still the same as before."

"Don't call me the elder."

The smile faded quickly, Zhao Yueru stopped in a low voice, and turned her head, and stopped talking.

Zhou Shu stared at her for a long time, and said seriously, "It's necessary to compare, but not here. I will compare later when I go out."

"I said, I can't get out."

Zhao Yueru turned to stare at Zhou Shu, and said solemnly, "I solemnly warn you again that you don't think about these things anymore, even if you are now extremely powerful and can take me out of the Golden Dragon Palace, so what? Each of the five eighth-ranked dragon sea tribes is no worse than you, do you think you can take me out?"

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Yes."

The simple words sound calm, but they are full of strength, determination, and irresistible momentum.

Zhao Yueru was shocked, looked at Zhou Shu, and did not speak for a while.

After a while, she still shook her head and slowly said, "Zhou Shu, even if you can take me out of the Dragon Palace, it is useless, Zhou Shu, do you know? As long as I still have the True Dragon Blood, all the Jinlonghai tribes in the world will come to me, not only the East China Sea Dragon Palace, but also the Xihai Beihai and Nanhai. They will all come. Where can you take me? No matter where I am, they will attract one. The war between humans and sea race is inevitable."

"I know."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, still calmly said.

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