Fairy Winner

Chapter 1532: Qingsuo


Zhao Yueru looked at the two swords and was a little stunned, "They are exactly the same, but the ranks are different. Your sword is Tier 6 and this one is Tier 8. However, your sword is very glamorous and has more spirituality. Some are lifeless, the inscription is invisible, and the sword patterns on it are all reduced."

"This is an imitation of it. As for the spirituality, just look at it."

Zhou Shu shook the sword in his hand, a little blue light flew out of that sword, and flew around the eighth-order flying sword, while flying, while making a whistling sound, like weeping.

"Sure enough..."

Zhou Shu nodded gently and said warmly, "You go in."

Zhao Yueru stared blankly, "What's going in?"

"I'm not talking about you, elder, I'm talking about sword spirit."

Zhou Shu pointed to the cyan light, which flickered at Zhou Shu twice and flew into the sword.

As the sword spirit disappeared, a blue color suddenly lit up on the sword body, rippling away.

The sword body has undergone a wonderful change. Originally, it was old and dusty, and it was bleak. Now it is a Wang Qingquan, with ripples flashing, and the whole sword seems to have life suddenly, completely different from before, and full of spirituality.

The long sword circled in the air a few times, and made a few unusually cheerful hums.

Zhao Yueru stared at the inscription that gradually appeared on the sword, and felt a little dazed. He hesitated, "This... is the Qingsuo sword?"

"Not bad."

Zhou Shu nodded, "...it suffered an unexpected catastrophe and failed to ascend into the immortal realm. Even the lines on the sword were wiped out by the sky thunder, and it was almost invisible, although it was still a top flight. The sword, but the spirituality is lost, no one can use it normally, it is no different from Fantie."

"No wonder I don't know what it will be, such a famous flying sword," Zhao Yueru seemed to realize, "Then it is now..."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, and he was a little bit lucky, "It just so happens that I have a trace of sword spirit."

That azure light is a ray of sword spirit remaining after the catastrophe. She does not have a complete memory, but her obsession with Qingsuo Sword will never disappear. As soon as she feels Qingsuo Sword, she plunges into it. , Got a certain degree of recovery in the sword, and the Qingsuo sword also came back to life.

After hearing the explanation, Zhao Yueru became more surprised, "It turns out that it is, Zhou Shu, how did you get Qingsuo Sword Spirit?"

"It was given by the elder Shushan. He asked me to use the Qingsuo sword spirit to find the Qingsuo sword. I didn't expect to be here..."

Zhou Shu explained a few words and said slowly, "But it's no wonder that I can't find it. The Qingsuo Sword suffered a catastrophe and lost its spirituality. It is no different from Fantie, and no one can perceive it, let alone hidden in the Dragon Palace. I don't know which sea clan got it, and they dedicated it to the Dragon Palace, but now it's a good deal, ha ha."

"Qingsuo sword, Qingsuo sword spirit..."

Zhao Yueru stared at the green sword, without looking away for a long while, her eyes flashed brightly, "I can't imagine that they will meet again, such a magic weapon... Zhou Shu, you are afraid that you can cultivate the immortal realm horizontally, no sword repair will be your opponent. ."

"Hehe, it's the same without this sword."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "What's more, this Qingsuo sword is far from recovering, I'm afraid I don't have much energy to manage."

The Qing Cable Sword and the sword spirit are united, it is rare, and it is also a great opportunity, but it is just the beginning. The Qing Cable Sword's current strength is similar to the seventh-order magic weapon, and it is not as good as the Qing Sword that has been picked, and it has to be fully restored. To reach the level of the magic weapon of heaven in its heyday, it is still far away. It requires a lot of resources and energy. Zhou Shu does not have that much energy and does not intend to do it.

It was enough for him to have Qingjian and Caiying, and there were many other things, this sword was not planned.


Zhao Yueru said in a puzzled way, "Sword repair is a sword, and you can do anything at all. The Qingsuo sword in front of you is the biggest goal of sword repair. You will not miss it when you do any sword repair, and will spend a lifetime of energy. Restore it, grow with it, and rise to the immortal together in the future," she said, looking at Zhou Shu, adding to her tone, "Any, any sword repairer will do this, Zhou Shu, don't waste your chances."

"I understand, but I am not a mere sword repairer."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly and said seriously, "Moreover, I have my own sword. Although she is not as good as Qingsuo sword, I plan to take her to the immortal together. Nothing else is needed."

Zhao Yueru's words are serious and heartfelt for his good, he naturally understands, but he really can't use the Qingsuo sword anymore, he has Qingjian and Caiying enough.

Hearing these words, Qing Jian flew out, circled Zhou Shu, happily spinning a few times, and clinging to Zhou Shu's body motionless.

"Zhou, I am very happy."

"Fine, my palace has promised you that I will always be with you, no matter what it is, I will never be with others again."

Zhao Yueru looked at Qing Jian and asked suspiciously, "This is Qing?"


Zhou Shu nodded, "It was given to me by the Xiahou family."

"It turns out that you already have the Qing Sword, so you don't want this Qing Suo Sword. How come all the chances fell on you?"

Zhao Yueru couldn't help sighing ~www.ltnovel.com~ but there was no jealousy and sorrow in Zhou Shu's eyes, but a bit of sincere joy.

"I can't ask for that much."

Zhou Shu looked at her directly and shook his head slightly, "Elder, do you want to do it?"

"Ah, ah..."

As if being hit by something, Zhao Yueru couldn't help but stepped back a few steps, her face turned red and white, and a huge surprise with joy that could not be concealed, but she couldn't help waving her hand, "How can this work, this is Shushan" If you want to find it, you can only ask for it."

"Shushan is not a problem at all."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Elder Zhen is willing to hand over the sword spirit to me. It means that the sword spirit will recognize me as the master. Shu Shan also knows that the purple and green double swords shouldn't stay in this immortal cultivation world. , The immortal world is their destination. If Qingsuojian is willing to follow the new master to ascend to the immortal, they will not object, and may even help Qingsuojian to recover, as long as the new owner is willing to admit that Qingsuojian always belongs to the mountain of Shu. "

Everything the cultivators in the Xuanhuang world do is to promote immortality. Ordinary cultivators promote immortality for longevity and happiness, and sect disciples promote immortality in addition to these, but also have the meaning of fighting for the sect’s position in the immortal world. The Qingsuo sword can be promoted to immortality, and the benefits it brings to Shushan are huge. It is more meaningful than staying in Shushan. If the new owner shows sufficient ability, they are of course willing to hand over the sword.

When Elder Zhen handed the sword spirit to Zhou Shu and asked Zhou Shu to find the Qingsuo Sword, he actually liked Zhou Shu’s abilities, and wanted Zhou Shu to take the Qingsuo Sword to the immortal together. Otherwise, how could it be so precious? What do you give to Zhou Shu?

With Caiying, it is impossible for Zhou Shu to carry the Qingsuo Sword to the immortal again, so it is necessary to find a new owner for the Qingsuo Sword.

Zhao Yueru is a good candidate.

(Li Aojian doesn't need it, he is a sword himself.)

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