Fairy Winner

Chapter 1533: Yaozu

"……That's it."

Zhou Shu explained the truth to Zhao Yueru and said with a smile, "Elder, how about it, are you willing to become the new master of Qingsuo Sword?"

I was knocked down by the huge and sudden happiness, as cold and calm as Zhao Yueru, but also at a loss. I looked at Zhou Shu and the Qingsuo Sword. I didn’t know where to put my hands or what to say. Hesitating, "I...I..."

"Elder, it can be regarded as my request."

Zhou Shu showed a lot of solemnity, "Qingsuo was entrusted to me by Shushan. Qingsuo Sword Spirit suffered a catastrophe, lost a lot of memory, and was very fragile. She needed someone who really loved the sword and was willing to protect her with life. Master, I don’t want to be entrusted to others, only the elders are the best candidates."

Zhao Yueru stared at Qingsuojian, and said after a while, "I understand."

Qingsuo Jian Ling was still immersed in the joy of reunion. She hovered and vented the joy in her heart. She didn't know what Zhou Shu and Zhao Yueru were talking about, and perhaps she didn't understand it.

"Qingsuo, are you willing to follow me?"

Zhao Yueru walked towards the Qingsuo sword and stretched out her white jade hand, "I swear, take you as an eternal companion, and rise to immortals with you, grow together, live forever, never be separated."

Her voice is extremely firm, loud and loud, her eyes are full of sincerity and enthusiasm, with the gentleness unique to a woman.

Qingsuo Sword seemed to have noticed something, first avoided a few times, but finally did not resist, and was obediently held by Zhao Yueru.

Zhao Yueru was overjoyed, and the sword intent gently stroked the sword, the blue light gradually disappeared in the sword, and she rested peacefully.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "She has a relationship with you."

He still remembered the situation where Qingsuo Sword kept evading when facing the will of Heaven. Although he didn't blame Qingsuo Sword Spirit, he also knew that he had no fate with her, and even if he stayed forcibly, there would be no good result.

Zhao Yueru is more suitable for her.

Zhao Yue put the Qingsuo sword away as precious as he thought, and saluted Zhou Shu, "Zhou Shu, thank you."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Don't thank you, it should be yours, it's yours. The fate is wonderful."


Zhao Yueru looked at the gate of the palace with a lot of cold eyes, "No matter who is blocking, no matter what difficulties I face, I will leave here, take Qingsuo, and ascend to immortality with her."

Before, she was a bit self-defeating, but after having a sword, it was all different.

Zhou Shu smiled unconsciously, "Elder, please rest assured, trust me."

Zhao Yueru turned to Zhou Shu and nodded calmly, "I will do whatever you say, as long as I can get rid of the true dragon blood in my body, anything."

"Wait for me here."

Zhou Shuwen said, "After I come back, I will tell you some methods to restore the sword. Elder Zhen Shushan told me."

Zhao Yueru nodded and said, "Well, but don't worry about it, concentrate on your own."

Zhou Shu smiled, turned and left.

He just pushed the door open like this, and the powerful Long Wei walked around him and took it back. As if he hadn't seen him, this surprised Zhao Yueru again, "Zhou Shu, how exactly did you cultivate? I have been on the bottom of the sea in the Dragon Palace for more than a hundred years, but I am not as good as you in the Lotus School..."

The Dragon Palace is very large and the defenses are very tight, but in Zhou Shu's eyes, it is not fortified. No matter where it is, it is as comfortable as walking on the street.

Far beyond everyone's knowledge and understanding of formations and so on, coupled with the use of a thousand illusions and Shuzhi Dao, I am afraid that only the core area of ​​a few major sects can prevent his exploration, but Dragon Palace is Not among them.

Without much effort, Zhou Shu came to the room of the monster clan.

Yaozu is a middle-aged person, tall, square face, rough skin on his body, probably too busy, his eyes are deeply recessed, but his eyes are quite brilliant, shining with wise light.

In front of him, there are hundreds of large and small vessels, most of which are filled with various blood. There are many weird tools beside the vessels, plus the piles of animal bones and countless classics. This monster race is indeed a learned master.

He couldn't stay in the Dragon Palace for a few days, so he arranged the room as a laboratory, lest he missed a little time, so he could learn this level. Most people in this world are beyond the reach, let alone do it, and think of it. many.

After a short investigation, Zhou Shu learned a lot about the monster race.

Boom, boom.

Zhou Shu knocked gently on the door twice.

"You said don't bother me, I will find a way with your affairs, but don't bother me now!"

The sound of almost roaring, but unexpectedly a little bookish, made Zhou Shu a little more fond.

Zhou Shu rarely sees a real monster race, because most of the monster races live in groups far away from humans and deliberately stay away from humans.

It’s strange to say that although the Yaozu learns from humans in many places, and their lifestyle is no different from humans, they don’t want to get along with humans. Even though humans and the Yaozu don’t have any hatred, they have long been at peace.

The reason is that the Yaozu's position in the Xuanhuang Realm is a bit embarrassing.

The monster race is a race of monsters transformed into human beings. They have the characteristics of both. They do not recognize that they are humans or beasts. They feel that they are higher than humans and beasts. They are a higher order. The status of the race in the Xuanhuang Realm should be higher than both ~www.ltnovel.com~ For this reason, they have also made enemies with monsters and humans for many years.

After battles fought, the Yaozu realized the facts.

Although they have the advantages of the two races, they also have the weaknesses of the two races. Compared with the advantages, this weakness is more deadly.

In the war, no matter which side they face, they are all in a weak position. Even if there is a genius demon race, they cannot reverse this fate.

In addition to the war, they also did other things, such as Shengxian entering the immortal realm, and upgrading the status of the demon race in the immortal world. This method is also very good, but unfortunately it can't succeed. The demon race is even weaker in the promotion of immortality. Whether it is quantity or quality, it is not as good as human immortal cultivators and monster beasts. Human power is constantly emerging. There are always divine beasts and holy beasts in monster beasts, and monsters can only watch most of the time.

After all, they are not as good as the human beings in cultivating immortality, and in terms of physique, they are not comparable to the various monsters with strong physique and natural blood.

The Yaozu saw the facts clearly, knew that things could not be done, and began to explore in other directions, using its own conditions to try to change its destiny.

For example, if you study the tactics, you want to create a tactic that is stronger than that of the immortal cultivator. Their tactics don’t take Tao as the core. They care about changes in skills. The strange and changeable tactics are part of the monster race. The big feature, many magic tricks can't be used even by immortal cultivators, and they can't even think of it;

For example, researching various medicines, dividing blood, coagulating blood, trying to extract the essence of monsters, and strengthening power for the monsters themselves. There are also quite a few results in this aspect. In terms of actual effects, they may be better than the alchemy of human immortals. To be powerful.

In this way, it is considered to have taken its own path, and if this continues, it may not be able to stand side by side with human cultivators.

Although the demons don't know the great way, their wisdom is more than that of human beings. This is their greatest strength.

Zhou Shu still admires Yaozu very much.

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