Fairy Winner

Chapter 1537: Descendants

Three days passed.

Outside the Golden Dragon Palace, there are five Jinlonghai tribes, all of whom are Tier 8. They are all true masters, capable of moving mountains and filling the sea.

Any one of them will bring great trouble to the realm of cultivation, but at this moment, they have nothing to do with the formation outside the Golden Dragon Palace.

"Elder Jin, I'm afraid it won't work!"

An old man with a pale complexion shook his head, "Longwei in this formation is absolutely not something we can resist. Even if the five people work together, they can't reach the door of the temple. No matter how they try, it will be a waste of effort."

Another middle-aged woman followed and shook her head, "It's really not possible, this formation is so good, why has it suddenly changed? Could it be the ghost of the palace lord?"

"Are you still calling her Palace Master?"

Elder Jin sighed, "This woman is really cunning. She has been living here for decades. It turned out to be to study the formation and change the formation, **** it!"

"This is the formation laid down by the ancestor Golden Dragon. Only the heir of the Golden Dragon can change it. How can she change? Is it because she is fused with the blood of the real dragon?"

A red-faced elder said in deep thought, "If this is the case, it means that she has accepted the true dragon bloodline and became a true dragon, then..."

The middle-aged woman continued, "Then we should make her king."

Elder Jin shook his head flatly, "Impossible. We must never let a human immortal cultivator be king. You don’t know what happened ten thousand years ago, but I know that human immortal cultivators are all cunning and changeable, especially sword cultivators, **** it. Sword repair!"

"But the blood of the true dragon is with her."

The white-skinned old man said slowly, "Without the blood of the true dragon, our East China Sea Dragon Palace would not be worthy of its name, and it would be impossible to step into the fairyland again and return to the dragon clan, alas."

"Don't worry, I will take back the blood of the true dragon."

Elder Jin gritted her teeth and said every word, "She's not kind, I'm not righteous, she tore her face first, and I don't care about anything. When the formation is broken, I will kill her immediately and separate the bloodline. I don't believe this. Can't do it!"

The middle-aged woman sighed, "We still have to break the battle first."

The red-faced elder stared at the Golden Dragon Palace and sighed, "If we can find the descendants of the Golden Dragon, why should we spend so much effort? Even without the blood of the true dragon, it may not be impossible to cultivate him into a true dragon..."

"What the elder said is."

A black-faced old man slowly said, "The Golden Dragon descendants are ninety-nine percent similar to their ancestors. They were born extremely purebred Jinlonghai tribe. We are definitely not able to compare them. Moreover, his talent is extremely high. He is simply born. The successor of the Dragon King, if he is still there, why should our East China Sea Dragon Palace be silent for so many years, and why should we do so many things for a drop of dragon blood."

Unconsciously, he nodded, "Yes, it's a pity, the descendants of the Golden Dragon..."


Elder Jin looked at a few people with a gloomy expression, "You pointed the finger at me again, do you still want to punish me for driving away the descendants of the Golden Dragon?!"

"no no."

Several people shook their heads quickly, "But no wonder Elder Jin, the descendants of the Golden Dragon are really stubborn, and Elder Jin has done nothing wrong."

"Hmph, then don't mention it again, just break the formation together!"

The elder Jin turned to the hall door and slowly pushed forward with his hands. A pale golden golden dragon phantom quickly took shape and rushed towards the golden dragon hall. Suddenly, the tide swelled like drums, and the formation began to shake.

The other people didn't dare to fall behind, and they showed their skills one after another. They turned into dragons of various colors and flew towards the formation to fight against Longwei.

The fight was fierce outside, but there was calm inside.

The white light suddenly disappeared, and two figures appeared.

"Zhou Shu, is this... the blood of a real dragon?"

Zhao Yueru stared at a drop of golden blood in front of him, and said hesitantly.

"of course."

Zhou Shu's face turned pale, but there was a smile on the corners of his mouth, "Don't worry, the blood of the true dragon in your body has been completely separated, and the blood of the true dragon has also come out with the blood of the true dragon. , Now you have no relationship with the dragon clan anymore."


Zhao Yueru's eyes widened, surprise and surprise mixed together, and she didn't know what to say.

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "You will know later."

"Thank you, Zhou Shu."

Zhao Yueru hesitated for a while, and thanked her earnestly. Just after speaking, she shook her body a few times and nearly fell to the ground.

"take a break."

Zhou Shu stretched out his hand to hold it, feeling her tender skin, and he didn't notice a slight movement in his heart. In the previous three days, he had been separating blood with all his heart, and there was no time to take care of other things. Although it was mutual practice, it was no different from cultivation. If there is a difference, it is that the consumption is much greater than cultivation. If it weren't for his spirit and power far surpassing other people, he might not be able to hold on for a day.

"The blood of the true dragon is drawn away, and your power is also lost a lot, but it doesn't matter much."

Zhou Shuwen said, "Usually you are very careful in your cultivation. You use pure vitality and origin energy. No trace of dragon breath is contaminated, and you are always driving away with sword intent, so you don't suffer too much. The impact will be restored soon."

"How do you know how clearly?"

Zhao Yueru blinked her eyes, very surprised.

Zhou Shu smiled, "I don't know anything about you now."


Zhao Yueru exclaimed and quickly understood, she couldn't help lowering her head, and after a while, she slowly said, "Zhou Shu, I thank you very much, but today's matter is that you help me separate my blood, neither you nor me. The other meaning is in it, right."


Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "You and I are both on the road. You don't have to take these things to heart."


Zhao Yueru nodded lightly, seemingly more comfortable, but there was also a lot of loss in her heart~www.ltnovel.com~ The two fell into silence.

After a long time, Zhao Yueru slowly got up, "I'm almost done, Zhou Shu, what shall we do next?"

"It's time to go out, but..."

Zhou Shu said thoughtfully, "Do you know, what is the descendant of the Golden Dragon?"

Everything that happened outside fell into his eyes, and he was also quite puzzled.

"Descent of the Golden Dragon?"

Zhao Yueru thought for a while and said, "I've heard of some..."

The palace lord who established the East China Sea Dragon Palace was a golden dragon and a real dragon named Ao Guanglong King.

The Golden Dragon Palace is his residence, where he is in charge of the East Sea Sea Clan, and he has boundless power, but since the Dragon Clan has gradually fallen behind, Ao Guang and many of his children have also left the Dragon Palace, left the Xuanhuang Realm, and went to other realms, leaving only one The bloodline is not a pure son, and continues to control the Sea Clan.

That son is not a real dragon clan, but a blue golden scorpion, near the dragon sea clan. Of course, if his blood is pure, he cannot stay in the Xuanhuang Realm.

However, compared with other Jinlonghai tribes, the relationship between the Lanjinjiao and the Dragon tribe is the closest. After all, they are the natural descendants of Jinlong, so they are the most respected among the sea tribe.

Since then, the Lan Jin Jiao clan has always occupied the Dragon Palace, and the Lan Jin Jiao, who has the purest golden dragon blood in each generation, is the palace owner, while other Jin Longhai clan dare not invade.

But thousands of years ago, a blue golden dragonfly of the palace lord at the time disappeared unexpectedly and was never seen again, and there was no other blue golden dragonfly in the clan.

The Dragon Palace concealed this news, because they knew that once it was spread out, other Longhai tribes in the East China Sea, and even other Sanhai people, would come to the Dragon Palace to fight for this opportunity for higher positions.

While concealing it, while looking around for the Blue Golden Jiao, which is the descendant of the Golden Dragon.

They really found it.

Two hundred years ago.

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