Fairy Winner

Chapter 1538: dissatisfied

"found it?"

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful.

"Found it, but disappeared again."

Zhao Yueru nodded, "It is said that the bloodline of that blue golden dragon is extremely pure, not only has horns when it is young, but both horns are made of pure gold, which is no different from the golden dragon, the ancestor of the blue golden dragon. The young blue golden dragon should have no horns. The horns will not grow until the semi-mature period, and the horns are also half blue and half gold."

Zhou Shu didn't realize it, "Return to ancestors?"

"Return to the ancestors?" Zhao Yueru was startled slightly, "This word is right, that's it. Its appearance is exactly the same as the Golden Dragon. The only difference is that it cannot be transformed by nature, but it is not surprising. If it is born by nature, then It is a real dragon. At that time, the sea clan in the Dragon Palace said that it is a pure descendant of the golden dragon, and it will definitely enter the fairy world in the future."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Then why did you disappear?"

"The Dragon Palace asked Elder Jin to be responsible for cultivating him, and to give him what he wanted, but after less than half a month, the descendants fled. According to Elder Jin, the descendants of Jinlong were too stubborn in temperament and lacked intelligence. He didn't want to and couldn't accept his teaching. He only punished a few words. The descendants couldn't stand it and left by themselves. After looking for the Dragon Palace for a long time, they couldn't find it, so he had to give up."

Zhao Yueru smiled bitterly, "If they can find the descendants of the Golden Dragon, they won't have to work so **** me."

"I roughly understand."

Zhou Shu nodded, "By the way, what color is the baby blue golden dragonfly?"

Zhao Yueru thought for a while and said, “I haven’t seen it before, but I’ve heard from people here that most of the Jiao tribe living in the sea are blue when they are young, and the color is similar to that of sea water, but as they grow, the color will gradually change. There are blue, red, and so on. Gold is the most noble. When the blue golden dragon matures, it becomes mixed gold, while the horns on its head are blue-gold. The more gold, the purer the blood."

"Look, isn't it this?"

Zhou Shu took off the Qiankun bag and handed it over. Zhao Yueru took it in doubt, took a look at it, and was immediately stunned.

Putting down the Qiankun bag, she couldn't help but be surprised, "This... how can it be with you?"

Zhou Shuwen said, "It should be the descendant of the Golden Dragon, right?"

Zhao Yueru nodded firmly, "Although I haven't seen it, it must be it. You have seen the Golden Dragon Palace. It is exactly the same as the golden dragon on the temple. When it matures, it must be a golden dragon."

Zhou Shu put away the Universe Bag, pointed to the blood of the real dragon floating in front of him, and slowly said, "It can't become a golden dragon now, but it's different with this blood."

Before, he felt that this little snake was missing something. Although Longwei was pure but not complete, it was because of a drop of blood. If it was allowed to absorb this drop of true dragon blood, it would be possible to turn into reality. Dragon.


Zhao Yueru stayed for a while, and shook her head, "Zhou Shu, you can't do this. If the Dragon Palace really has real dragons, none of us knows what terrible things will happen. The dragons are unwilling to be mediocre and appear. The real dragon queen, they are likely to dominate the world again. After all, among us human beings, there has been no Mahayana realm for a long, long time, and it is impossible to restrain the real dragon."

"It's worthy of being an elder, thinking far-reaching."

Zhou Shu showed a trace of admiration, "I think so too, so I won't do this until I have achieved great power."


Zhao Yueru stayed again, looked at Zhou Shu for a while, and couldn't help laughing. "That's right. Although there has been no great power for a long time, it doesn't seem to be such a distant thing to have a genius like you. It's time for a Mahayana state to appear."

"Thank you elder for your good words."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Elders are also very hopeful."

Zhao Yueru said immediately, "Of course, now I believe that I can reach a higher realm, and it is far more than the Mahayana realm, I want more."

This time, Zhou Shu was stunned.

Every immortal cultivator he met had the goal of ascending immortality, but now there is an exception. Zhao Yueru, the goal of her practice is far more than achieving great power. At this point, she can be regarded as his soulmate and pursued. The realm is higher.

He didn't realize it, "How much is more?"

"I don't know, I will do my best..." Zhao Yueru paused for a while and said slowly, "I want to see the ultimate of kendo."

Zhou Shu stared at her, speechless for a long while.

"Why, scared?"

The corner of Zhao Yueru's mouth bends slightly, with the same cold arrogance as before, "Maybe it is a idiot in your opinion, but that's what I think."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "It's not a idiot. I admire it. The bigger the goal, the less you will be limited, and the greater your future achievements will be. It's good for you to think this way, and the more I think you can be promoted. "

Seeing the ultimate of kendo also means getting the essence of kendo. It is completely transparent, connected by great roads, and one connection also leads to all paths. If you reach this point, you will basically be able to see the gates of all wonders and walk on the path of sanctification. Way off.

Her goal is quite ambitious.

"It's as if I've been promoted to a fairy~www.ltnovel.com~Zhao Yueru smiled softly, "But I haven't crossed the catastrophe yet, Zhou Shu. "

"For you, it shouldn't be difficult," Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Elder, you should have enlightened you?"


Zhao Yueru nodded, with challenges in her eyes, "Zhou Shu, would you like to try?"

"Try again if you have time, now we have other things to do."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, his eyes turned around Zhao Yueru.

Feeling his gaze, Zhao Yueru's body is hot, and her complexion has changed a little, and he hesitated, "Could it be... the blood has not been separated? We still need..."

"No, I left here."

Zhou Shu put away the blood of the real dragon, smiled and shook his head.

"Oh, how to get out?"

Zhao Yueru settled down, "We have been inside for more than three days, and the formation outside has been turbulent. There should be many sea races, and the few dragon palace elders may be there."

"Yeah, it's all there."

Zhou Shu stared at the hall door and slowly nodded.

Outside the temple.

"Elder Jin, it still doesn't work."

The middle-aged woman put her hand down, she was a little panting, and there was a lot of light in her eyes.

The other people are similar, and they are not very energetic. After all, such an attack is too expensive.

The Longwei of the Longwei Array is essentially crushing them. They can only get in with continuous wear and tear, but each step requires a lot of energy, even the origin, with their eighth rank The strength is a bit tired.

"Get me up!"

Elder Jin looked gloomy and shouted loudly, "It will be ready soon, and I will insist on it all! Don't blame the old man for being rude!"


Several people raised their hands again, with some dissatisfaction on their faces.

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