Fairy Winner

Chapter 1539: Come out

With a deep sound, the temple door suddenly opened halfway.

Opened from the inside.

"Have you finally given up!"

Elder Jin stared at the hall door, his eyes full of resentment, and he shouted sharply, "It's no use begging for mercy now. After the old man breaks the formation, whether you are fit or not, the old man will take out the blood of the true dragon. Even if you use the method of refining the corpse!"

The white-skinned old man on the side shook his head quickly, "Elder Jin can't do that. If she doesn't cooperate, the true blood we can barely get will not be too pure, and it will not help us cultivate the next generation of true dragons."

"Yes, let her take the initiative to cooperate."

The middle-aged woman followed, "We have been waiting for so long, and we don’t care about waiting a while," she turned to the hall door and said slowly, "Palace Master, you don’t have to worry, Elder Jin is just a momentary gaffe, you don’t If you need to change the formation, as long as you open the formation, we will treat you as the palace master, and everything is easy to discuss."

"Shut up all of you, she obviously won't give it! The old man will do this!"

Elder Jin said sternly, "All human immortal cultivators are cunning people, and this woman is no exception. The old man has endured it for a long time these days. Look at the current dragon palace. There are human sword repairs everywhere. What is it like!"

The red-faced elder whispered, "In fact, there is nothing wrong with this."

The middle-aged woman didn't realize it, "Yes, we have gained insights and learned a lot from them."

The white-skinned old man stroked his beard and said with satisfaction, "Communicate with human immortals..."

"Shut up! Are you going to disobey my orders?"

Elder Jin turned around, his face was green, and his smile was very cold and gloomy.

Several people looked stagnant and took two steps unconsciously. Only the red-faced elder, who couldn't help it, muttered in a low voice, "Now there is no palace lord in the Dragon Palace. You and I are both elders. What orders are there? You can't always rely on the cultivation base to suppress us, doing this perversely doing things..."

Elder Jin stared at him, gradually showing a hint of killing intent, "Going backwards? It seems that you are still not convinced..."

"Ha ha ha..."

With a burst of hearty laughter, Zhou Shu opened the door of the palace and walked out slowly.

"You, you are..."

Elder Jin looked at Zhou Shu, very surprised, "You are the sword repairman, how could you be inside?"

The other elders were also stunned. They were observing the Golden Dragon Palace almost day and night, but none of them discovered how Zhou Shu got in.

Zhou Shu didn't answer, but said indifferently, "Elder Jin, you are very prestigious. Could it be that in this Dragon Palace, you are the real palace lord?"

"Dare to break into the forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Palace and look for death!"

A cold light flashed in Elder Jin's eyes, killing intent overflowing, raising his hand and waving his sleeves, the huge power of the dragon flew towards Zhou Shu.

Only before flying far, he was blocked by Longwei and turned into nothingness.

Elder Jin paused, seeming to understand something, "You changed the formation outside the Golden Dragon Palace?"

"Not bad."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "It took a little bit of effort, and it also made a few people tired."

Elder Jin stared at Zhou Shu and asked like a bullet, "Why did you change your formation? What have you done in the past three days? What about the woman?"

Zhou Shu and his eyes met, and there was a hint of killing intent in his eyes, "You are not looking for her, but the blood of the real dragon."

Elder Jin sneered, "Huh, why ask if you know? I tell you, no matter where she hides now, she will definitely not be able to escape. We in the East China Sea Dragon Palace will definitely get the blood of the true dragon!"

"Is it Dragon Palace or you?"

Zhou Shu curled his mouth slightly and said disdainfully, "I think you want it."

Elder Jin's face tightened, and his voice became louder, "You... are looking for death!"

"No matter how loud the voice is, it's you who want the blood of the real dragon."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "If it weren't for the opposition of other elders, I'm afraid you would have done it yourself?"

When the other elders heard the sound, they looked at Elder Jin together.

Elder Jin stared at Zhou Shu with fire in his eyes, "You, you are slander! What is the use of the old man for the blood of the real dragon, the old man just wants to find the real dragon blood for the dragon palace and cultivate the next palace lord!"

Zhou Shu said indifferently, "If it is to train the palace lord, it must be pure true dragon blood. Even a little impurity will affect the effect, and she must actively cooperate to separate the blood, and you don’t seem to care about this. You just want to get the blood of the true dragon, even if it is not pure enough, because you don’t need to be completely pure. You who are stuck in the eighth level and cannot be consummated, as long as you get a little blood of the true dragon, you can try to reach consummation. stop?"


Elder Jin's voice was still loud, but he lost some confidence inexplicably.

While shouting, he was still attacking the formations tirelessly, comparing them fiercely, but it still had no effect. Longwei itself suppressed the Jinlonghai tribe, not to mention Zhou Shu's control, but the elders around him Showing a little suspicion, he stopped attacking the formation.

Zhou Shu lightly sighed and continued, "After you have the blood of a true dragon and reach the eighth level of Consummation, how about you become the palace lord of the Dragon Palace by yourself? No one will dare to oppose you, not just the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, even if The other three seas will not say much~www.ltnovel.com~ nonsense."

Elder Jin suddenly calmed down, "I don't even bother to argue."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "It's not that you don't want to argue, but you can't argue at all. If you didn't want to be the lord of the Dragon Palace, why did you deliberately drive away the descendants of the Golden Dragon, or even want to kill him?"



The other elders were stunned, and the red-faced elder said directly, "What you said is true?"


Elder Jin, who had just been quiet for a while, became embarrassed again and shouted, "The old man did not drive him away. It is because he has a stubborn temperament and lacks intelligence. He has a good skin, but the dead wood cannot be carved. It is impossible to be the palace owner. s material!"

"Insufficient intelligence, empty skin, haha."

Zhou Shu sneered unconsciously, "Whatever you say, as for the truth," he turned to the elders, "you will know soon."

Elder Jin stared at Zhou Shu, and his body trembled unconsciously, "Nonsense, slander about the Dragon Palace, slander the old man, the old man will never let you go! Don't want to leave the Dragon Palace, as long as you leave the formation, the old man will definitely kill you. !"

Zhou Shu smiled and said calmly, "I will be out soon, just wait, I don't plan to let you go."


Elder Jin questioned, "What did you say?"

Zhou Shu walked down the hall door and walked towards Elder Jin step by step.

"You imprisoned this elder for decades, against her wishes, and even wanted to draw blood to kill, such a vicious act, as the Sect Master of the Holland Sect, how can I tolerate you?!"

Every word, with a thrilling sound.

In the formation, the dignified Zhou Shu approached step by step, and Long Wei followed, with a mighty momentum, rushing towards Elder Jin.

Elder Jin couldn't resist, he couldn't help backing back many steps.

"The Sovereign of the Lotus Sect?"

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