Fairy Winner

Chapter 1547: Good sword

"Hehe, the big deal is over, the rest is nothing."

The white-skinned old man glanced at Zhou Shu and seemed to have noticed something, but still said with a smile, "Sect Master, these two small swords were given to Elder Zhao. She is a sword repairer. This should be very suitable. she was."


Zhou Shu picked up the small sword, felt it a little, and said suspiciously, "It seems to be a little different from a normal flying sword."

The white-skinned old man slowly said, "These two flying swords, called Ice Barrier and Cloud Screen, were used by an ancient sword repairer. They are indeed different from ordinary flying swords, but how different is the old man. Clearly, according to the ancient records in the Dragon Palace, a monk who holds these two swords, even if he only has the Transcendent God Realm, cannot be hurt by crossing the Tribulation Realm."

Zhou Shu seemed to understand, "Can't crossing the Tribulation Realm hurt the Transcendent Realm?"

The white-skinned old man nodded, "It should be a fact. The old man asked Kuiming to try it. He said that with these two swords, unless his original strength sword is unsustainable, it is almost impossible to be hurt, even if his opponent is much stronger than you. The same is true for Qiang. As for the specifics, I don’t know, the lord will know if he tries it himself."

"Fine, thank you elder."

Zhou Shu arched his hands and put away the two flying swords.

Judging from the name of the flying swords, they are defensive flying swords. This kind of flying swords are very rare. Together with the functions mentioned by the elders, they should be quite good. With them, Zhao Yueru can be considered as a good guarantee.

"This Qiankun bag, as well as the tactics, will be given to you together."

The white-skinned old man picked up the last universe bag and handed it to Zhou Shu, "There are things promised to you, one hundred vitality sea pillars, many spiritual objects, and some immortals used by immortals, which can improve cultivation. Treat it as compensation to Elder Zhao."

Zhou Shu took the Qiankun bag, glanced at it and nodded in satisfaction, "Okay."

The space inside this Qiankun bag is larger than his Qiankun bag, and it is more than three times larger. In the world of immortality, there are probably few better than this, and the pill inside is all fine, most of them are Seventh and eighth ranks, assisted cultivation, improved cultivation, and so on, there are everything, there are many spiritual things, most of them are on the bottom of the sea, many of which have not been seen by Zhou Shu, and can only be called by name.

It is worth mentioning that there are quite a lot of spiritual things that can prolong life. Such spiritual things are extremely rare. They not only contain the essence of heaven and earth, but also have the power of the law of life and death. This is the truth that Zhou Shu only understood after initially understanding the law.

Almost everything in the Qiankun bag can be finalized at the sea meeting.

The treasures in the Dragon Palace are extraordinary.

"All right."

The white-skinned old man smiled and patted his sleeves, "Sect Master, it's almost over, you can leave with Elder Zhao at any time, but..." After a glance at Zhou Shu, he said quite meaningfully, "Sect Master intends what? It’s time to restore the formation of the Golden Dragon Palace, when will Elder Zhao come out to see us? We have been with us for so long, and we are leaving now, so I don’t want to hide all the time, right?"

Zhao Yueru has not come forward, and they have some worries.

"Of course not."

Zhou Shu smiled and promised, "I will go to the Golden Dragon Palace now, restore the formation, and then bring Elder Zhao out to bid farewell to you."

The white-skinned old man arched his hands, "Okay, the old man is waiting here."

Zhou Shu walked towards the Golden Dragon Palace, and after a few steps, he was inexplicably stagnant, and a bitter stare shot behind him, and he seemed to understand.

That is Elder Jin.

After so long, he finally became a little awake, and he should have also sensed the abnormality in his body. The lock dragon ring shattered his hope. Although he was extremely angry, he couldn't do anything. He could only bury his hatred. But still couldn't help it, after all, in his eyes, all errors were caused by Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu didn't pay attention to him. With the Suolong Ring and those elders, he couldn't overcome the storm.

If there is a chance of goodbye, let's talk about it.

As soon as he walked into the palace gate, Zhao Yueru greeted him with a lot of concern in his eyes, "Zhou Shu, you are back, are you okay?"

"It's okay."

Zhou Shu gently shook his head, "Elder, everything is resolved, we can leave at any time."


Zhao Yueru was shocked, "They have five eighth ranks, how did you do it, and they really want to let me go?"

"Yes, the elders can rest assured that now that there are descendants of the Golden Dragon, they are not so urgent for the blood of the true dragon..." Zhou Shu explained a few words, "You take these two swords, and I'll also give you this Qiankun bag. I will take the vitality Haizhu. Use the contents as you like."

Zhao Yueru just shook his head, "I have a Qingsuo sword, I don't want to go around, I don't need those things, just take it."

Zhou Shu stuffed the Qiankun bag to her, "The two swords are different. You can try them first. You can use those things to restore the Qingsuo sword. I specially asked them to prepare them. You must also use them."

"I'm confused."

Zhao Yueru smiled unconsciously, "Yes, I really need it..." She glanced at Zhou Shu, but she secretly sighed while smiling.

"Let me look at the sword."

Two swords flew slowly ~www.ltnovel.com~ around her, as the sword intent entered her body, a layer of pale white cloud soon hovered over her body, and there were many fine ice crystals in the cloud, such as A little bit of cold star is very special.

Zhou Shu looked at her, seemingly feeling, "How is it?"

Zhao Yueru contemplated for a while, "It's amazing. These clouds with ice crystals naturally emerged with my sword intent to step on the sea. It seems to be a combination of magic tricks, cloud ice barriers, and even without my driving. This is my first time with the sword, and... this cloud ice barrier gives me an unbreakable feeling. Why don't you try it? Use more strength."

"it is good."

Zhou Shu simply waved his hand, a burst of vitality burst out, rushing towards Zhao Yueru like a tornado.

He didn't use much power, but it was mixed with the power of the original source, and it should be enough to deal with the general tribulation realm.

Yuanli quickly ran into the clouds, the clouds oscillated a few times, and the ice crystals in it dimmed a little, but soon they shone again.

Zhao Yueru was surprised, and so was Zhou Shu.

She thought for a while and said, "Your power was divided into countless small pieces by the sword intent, and was absorbed by these cloud ice crystals. Nothing fell on me, but I only consumed some vitality and sword intent."

Zhou Shu followed and nodded, "Yes, this layer of clouds is a very powerful shield, even the power of the original source can be eliminated. It can be seen that there are several avenues in it, which are by no means ordinary flying swords. They are indeed powerful. What the elder said is correct, others will not cause you any harm before your Yuanli sword intent is exhausted."

Both of them were sword repairers, and soon understood the reason.

"Very good sword."

Zhao Yueru said lightly, "However, Zhou Shu, you should be enlightened, why not use your real power?"

"as you wish."

Zhou Shu nodded, if she didn't need Shu Zhili, she wouldn't stop, and he wanted to give it a try.

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