Fairy Winner

Chapter 1548: Try this

And pointed a point, a white smoke drifted towards Zhao Yueru.

The sword intent took shape, like a flying arrow, breaking the wind with a sound, and in a short while, it reached the cloud ice barrier.

The barrier immediately sank, but soon it was heavily surrounded, wrapping the sword intent in the middle, and couldn't help but wear off.

It's just that it kills anyway. That sword intent never diminished, but continued to deepen.

Zhou Shu deliberately tested it and naturally made a lot of effort. Although he didn't use much strength, Shu Zhidao was also vividly reflected in the sword.

Shu Zhili perceives the cloud ice barrier, looking for weaknesses, to resist or counterattack. Although he can't talk about the edge, he still fights steadily, step by step. Yes, the cloud ice barrier contains the laws of the great road that Zhou Shu can't understand, but it is here. At this level of strength, Shu Zhili, who has already realized the Tao, will not be much worse, and Zhao Yueru will not control it, so he can keep moving forward.

"It seems I can't stop you."

Zhao Yueru suddenly let go of the cloud ice barrier, her expression proudly displayed in front of Zhou Shu, her eyes flashed cold, blue pupils were like burning ice, a blue long sword suddenly appeared in her hand, the tip of the sword pointed at Zhou Shu, and it trembled three times. .

The sword moved in the wind.

The huge sword intent poured out, wave after wave, like a tide.

"The sea is rising?"

Zhou Shu seemed to realize that the sword intent used by Zhao Yueru was exactly the sword intent he was very familiar with.

In an instant, Jian Yi and Bai Yan were mingled together.

As soon as a heavy sword intent overlaps, and the power continues to increase, Zhou Shu also has a bit of difficulty.

What surprised him was that Zhao Yueru's own sword intent was not much worse than that of the cloud ice barrier. After enlightenment, the sword intent had become a faction of its own and should not be underestimated.

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, and the white smoke moved suddenly, missing the rise of the tide, attacking its ebb, and specifically attacking where the sword intent was weak.

However, after a few ups and downs, the vast sword intent was cut to pieces by the white smoke, and it gradually fell into shape.

Zhao Yueru glanced at Zhou Shu, Leng Ao remained unchanged, but there was a trace of envy in her eyes.

She already knows that her sword intent is higher than Zhou Shu. Zhou Shu's sword intent is not enlightened, but she is far inferior to Zhou Shu in terms of changes in sword intent and perception. Even if the realm is not small, she can make up for it. .

She lifted the sword, and the tip of the sword showed a little light of rice, shining like the sun, but disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Only a bright brilliance was left in the eyes.

"drop in the ocean?"

Zhou Shu thought slightly, his expression more focused.

The second type of Treading Sea Sword Art is also the most powerful change. It used to be used by others, but now it is the first time I see others use it.

Compared with Zhou Shu’s personal use, Zhao Yueru is very different. The drop in the sea is actually accompanied by the effect of the domain. With the drop in the sea, the entire Golden Dragon Palace is enveloped by a thick layer of blue ice fog. It was the sword intent and the let go of the divine sense, which confuses the surrounding space. In this thick fog, even Zhao Yueru's figure is somewhat invisible, not to mention the tiny bit of sword light.

So concealed, this is really a drop in the ocean.

If her opponent is not Zhou Shu, maybe she will be recruited, but unfortunately, it is Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu’s divine consciousness obscures the sky and the sun, and a little difference can be distinguished. The bit of sword light hidden in the fog, although constantly changing its position and twisting forward, it also falls on the ground. In his eyes.

Bai Yan flashed slightly and rushed towards the sword light.

Zhao Yueru didn't dodge either. Her goal was originally the sword intent.

If you find it, let's go.

The sword light and the sword intent collided without any fancy, silently, only a spray of mist.

The rice-sized sword light penetrated directly into the sword intent, and then exploded, trying to smash the sword intent from the inside.

How could Zhou Shu, who was ready, let her do what she wanted.

Shu Zhili turned into a thousand silk threads, one by one, pliable and dense, constantly going around the sword beam, and the sword beam was knocked open and cut one by one, but it was no match for so many, and every bit of Zhou Shu’s strength, They all attacked the weakest place of Jianmang, making her exhausted.

The collision of Jian Yi and Jian Mang, but two breaths.

But in this short period of time, the two sides have contacted more than a thousand times.

When Zhao Yueru received the sword, the sword light had completely disappeared, but Zhou Shu's sword intent had also been worn away by nearly one-fifth.

This is the sword intent that contains Shu Zhili, and it can be worn away so much, it is quite impressive.


Zhou Shu nodded slightly, just about to approve, but was interrupted by Zhao Yueru's yelling, "Don't be distracted, the winner has not yet been determined!"

The long sword in her hand turned slightly, and a transparent round mirror suddenly appeared in front of her, azure blue, and there were continuous ripples flashing, like a erected lake, quite strange.

Behind the round mirror, she has a light frost on her face and her eyes are very cold.

Zhou Shu seemed to feel something, and did not pause, the sword intent hanging in the air suddenly turned back and flew towards Zhao Yueru.


The sword intent hits the mirror surface, suddenly bends and spreads around.

Zhou Shu was slightly surprised.

Zhao Yueru used the mirror to stop the water, which was also a change in the sea treading sword art, but it was very different from the one he had cultivated ~www.ltnovel.com~ not only was the defensive power exceptionally strong, but the mirror surface was extremely cold, with a The suction force, after his own sword intent was dispersed, was actually attracted to the mirror surface, and the action became abnormally slow, as if he had been frozen.

On the transparent round mirror, the sword intent continued to spread, like water falling on ice, quickly forming a flower.

If you relax slightly, you will be punished.


Zhou Shu let out a soft cry and immediately changed his move.

The sword intent attached to the mirror surface kept surging, and Shu Zhili in it began to exert a powerful effect, radiating fire-like heat, resisting the attack of ice cold and sword intent, and separating his sword intent from the mirror surface.

As long as the speed is faster than Mingjing's water stop, it will naturally be released quickly.

Once you work hard, the result is very different.

The sword intent slid down one after another, condensing into white smoke again in the air, and flew towards the round mirror.

Zhou Shu has already understood Zhao Yueru's changes in the mirror to stop the water, and he is extremely focused. The round mirror could not resist the enemy and began to sink. Although the ripples on it were constantly turbulent and repaired, it was of no avail. Seeing it, the center of the mirror began to appear. A big gap.

Zhou Shu stopped talking, glanced at the sword intent that had shrunk quite a bit, leading it to rush towards the crack.

Go straight to Zhao Yueru, like thunder, like lightning.

He received a lesson just now. In the competition, there must be a victory or defeat. Zhao Yueru is such a person, no matter whether he is strong or weak, he must do his best. At this time, keeping his hands is disrespect for Zhao Yueru.

Zhao Yueru stared at the sword intent close at hand, but a smile appeared on her face.

"Try this again!"

Accompanied by a light chick, she turned her sword back in a circle, the bright mirror shattered, and a dark blue vortex quickly formed a few feet in front of her.

The black hole like the eyes of the sea, with great suction, before Zhou Shu's sword intent could turn away, he was swallowed.

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