Fairy Winner

Chapter 1551: And stay

The middle-aged woman frowned, walked a few steps to Elder Jin, and shouted in a deep voice, "What are you laughing at!"

Elder Jin raised his head, his face still stained with blood, and he looked very grim, "I want to laugh, can you control it?"


The white-skinned old man walked over slowly, with a hint of solemnity on his face, "It's fine to do whatever you want. In short, you don't want to harm Dragon Palace again."


A killing intent flashed in the eyes of Elder Jin, "If it wasn't for the old man, the Dragon Palace could have today? The East China Sea has not had a palace owner for so long, and it is not the old man who presided over it with all his strength. I am afraid that he would have been swallowed by Nanhai long ago! , But now you call it a scourge, it's ridiculous!"

"No need to argue."

The middle-aged woman said coldly, "Your hard work is only for yourself. You want to kill the descendants of the golden dragon and swallow the blood of the true dragon. These are all true."

Elder Jin snorted, "Yes! The old man has done it, there is nothing I dare to admit, but the old man asks you, if you have this opportunity, can you do it? If the blood of the real dragon is right in front of you, you Will it eat it, or leave it to the descendants of the Golden Dragon?"

The two looked stagnant.

Elder Jin grinned, his smile was full of mockery, "The old man just did what anyone would do."

The white-skinned old man thought about it for a moment and shook his head solemnly, "Don't treat a gentleman like a villain. The old man has never thought of it like this. Unlike you, he doesn't scrutinize his own cultivation."

The middle-aged woman also followed, "I will be satisfied when I reach the eighth level, and leave the rest to the more capable palace master."

"It sounds good."

Elder Jin showed a lot of disdain, "Gentlemen? All of them are nice and polite, huh, the old man is planted now, but it is not planted in your hands. What qualifications do you have to teach the old man, and what is the posture? use?"

"There is no need to pose, whether you believe it or not."

The white-skinned old man said calmly, "Elder Jin, we have decided that you will retreat in Xuan Ning Hall from now on. As for everything in the Dragon Palace, you don’t need to worry about it in the future. When you reach the eighth level of Consummation, we will open the lock for you. Longhuan, let you hit the ninth rank and retain the hope of becoming immortal."

Elder Jin's complexion was stagnant, and then he laughed, a little crazy.

"Hahahaha, Xuanning Hall! The eighth level is perfect? ​​Haha, you finally caught the opportunity..."

The two ignored him, turned around and left.

Elder Jin got up slowly, but couldn't stand up straight, a little rickets, "Wait, I have something else!"

The middle-aged woman turned around, a trace of boredom in her eyes, "What else do you have to say?"

"The blood of the true dragon."

Elder Jin said, "The blood of the true dragon has been separated."


The white-skinned old man turned around abruptly and stared at Elder Jin, "What you said is true?"

"Huh," Elder Jin smiled disdainfully, "How much did the old man spend on that Elder Zhao, staring at her day and night, what changes she would not know? Although there are many concealments, she came out of the Golden Dragon Palace. At that moment, the old man could see clearly that she no longer had the blood of the true dragon on her body, she was no longer a dragon seed!"

The middle-aged woman's expression tightened, "In other words, the blood of the true dragon has been separated by the Sect Master of that week?"

Elder Jin said coldly, "There is anyone besides him, if anyone can separate the blood of the true dragon perfectly, it can only be him."

"But, how could he be so strong, how could there be such a cultivator..." His voice became smaller, full of doubts about himself and fear of Zhou Shu.

"You... why didn't you say it earlier?"

The complexion of the fair-skinned old man suddenly turned pale.

"Why did you say it earlier, what good is it for the old man? Not to mention..."

Elder Jin hesitated to speak but stopped, unconsciously showing a lot of fear in his eyes.

He actually understood that if he dared to say that at the time, he might be shot to death by Zhou Shu immediately. After sensing Zhou Shu's spiritual consciousness shrouded around him, he didn't even dare to transmit a voice, let alone say it directly.

The middle-aged woman glared at him fiercely and turned to the fair-skinned old man, "Well, Sect Master Zhou has separated the blood of the true dragon long ago."

The white-skinned old man sighed and said slowly, "It seems that in the three days they were in the Golden Dragon Palace, they were separating their bloodlines, and deliberately did not say it. They were worried that we would take Elder Zhao hostage and force him to leave the blood of the real dragon. ...Well, the old man should have thought of it long ago."

"After the blood of the true dragon is gone, Elder Zhao will no longer have the blood of the dragon family. Once we trigger the wrath of the sea god, she will undoubtedly die, so he has to listen to us, and after leaving the dragon palace, he has nothing to worry about, because we It's impossible to publicize things... It's really deliberate."

The middle-aged woman nodded unconsciously, and said worriedly, "But what do we do now?"

"He has left the Dragon Palace. We have no means of checks and balances. We must be no match for him outside, but..." The white-skinned old man looked into the distance and said straightly, "The old man still has to go~www.mtlnovel .com~At least let him know that we are not that easy to lie."

"I'll go with you."

The middle-aged woman immediately said, "Calling several other elders will also strengthen your momentum."

The white-skinned old man shook his head, "It's useless, after leaving the Dragon Palace, we are not his opponents together. Just go with the old man."

"Elder, then you be careful."

The middle-aged woman can only nod her head with a lot of worry in her eyes.

The white-skinned old man smiled bitterly, "Don’t worry about it. If he really does something on the old man, we don’t have to think about the blood of the true dragon anymore. It’s just to declare war on Dongshengzhou in conjunction with the other three seas. He is so careful. I will definitely not do such a rash and ignorant thing."

Without hesitation, he quickly disappeared into the sea.

The speed is extremely fast, much faster than Zhou Shu, after all, it is the Jinlonghai clan, and the speed on the seabed is hardly comparable to that of a human being.

Zhou Shu's speed at this time was much slower.

As the elder of the Dragon Palace said, after leaving the Dragon Palace, he had no scruples, even if the elders found out, he didn't care much.

"Sect Master Zhou, let's stay."

A wave of water swept across, and the white-skinned old man appeared in front of Zhou Shu and Zhao Yueru with solemn expressions.

Zhou Shu stood still, but Zhao Yueru took two steps back.

The white-skinned elder glanced at Zhao Yueru, with a mirror in his heart, he couldn't help but sighed, "If it is so, the blood of the true dragon on Elder Zhao is gone, then Sect Master Zhou, why are you deceiving me and waiting?"

"The elder asked some knowingly."

Zhou Shu arched his hand and said slowly, "Actually, you and I understand that it is impossible for me to tell the truth in the Dragon Palace. It is not good for me or you."

The white-skinned old man laughed unconsciously, "It's not good for you, the old man understands, but why it's not good for us, the old man doesn't understand, please let me know."

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