Fairy Winner

Chapter 1552: Lost

Zhou Shu looked at the fair-skinned old man, shook his head lightly, but said nothing.

"Can't tell?"

The white-skinned old man sneered, "That's it, Sovereign Zhou, you are concealing the facts. You just want to leave the Dragon Palace early to prevent your elder Zhao from having an accident. You also deliberately delay the time, let us wait endlessly, and even have no intention of keeping the truth. Give us the blood of the dragon! What good is it for us? It's ridiculous to deceive ourselves to this point."

There are some hard-to-see harsh expressions on his face, and his tone is getting worse and worse.

Zhou Shu looked at him, not angry, just opened his hand.

A drop of bright red blood, half-hanging in the hand, gradually burst into light.

Gorgeous and bright, full of or breath, and even with incredible power, the surrounding sea water separates automatically when it trembles slightly, and dare not get too close to it, and the crimson luster also drifts away with the sea water, and the sea water is dyed. There was a layer of colorful clouds, and with the trembling of the blood drops, they continued to spread, changing colors, and gradually turning the entire seabed into a dazzling gem.

Unlike in the Golden Dragon Palace, Zhou Shu did not suppress the blood of the true dragon, but showed it without reservation.


The white-skinned old man was stunned.

There was a roar in his ears, which made him unable to stabilize his mind anymore. The huge real dragon aura kept beckoning him and urging him, and the ancient dragon's roar seemed to be heard in his ear, "Come on, come on... "

The originally clear eyes gradually turned into a burning fire.

"give me!"

The white-skinned old man gave a low roar, not like a human voice, it was a cry from a beast that had been sleepy for millions of years.

Before the roar fell, he had already rushed over.

The movements are unbelievably fast, and they are full of majestic power. I am afraid that he can reach the limit, but there is no way to speak. These movements are completely driven by himself. At this time, he has been blooded by the real dragon. Some of the impact has lost its nature.


He slammed into a wall firmly.

Shu Zhili wall built by Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu's brows were also slightly tightened. The power that burst out of the old man's madness made him also a little surprised. Although the wall did not move at all, the impact he felt was not much worse than the previous elder Jin.

A person can often exert greater power when he is lost and completely driven.

The white-skinned old man was shocked back immediately.

His face turned pale, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and his hair and beards were all mixed together. He was already injured, but he didn't realize it. It was as if he was not the injured at all. He stayed in place for a while, and immediately rushed over.

Still in the original position, still aimlessly.

Of course, it is still the original result.

There was a loud noise, and I was back shocked again, but this time I fell into the sea and didn't get up for a long time.

Slowly raising his head, there was still a fiery fire in his eyes, and he kept roaring in a low voice, like a beast, for the blood of the true dragon, and in response to the call of the dragon clan, he was completely dominated and was about to lose himself.

"He...what happened to him?"

Zhao Yueru was shocked, and Hua Rong was a little bit pale. In her eyes, this old man had always been wise and steady. How could this be?

Zhou Shu showed some thought, "You don’t have the blood of a dragon right now, and you don’t feel the temptation of the Dragon Sea tribe by the blood of the true dragon. When they see the true blood, they will really sacrifice their lives regardless of themselves. It's just that I catalyzed this process and used the Mind Control Technique... I didn't expect that in front of the blood of the true dragon, he was almost completely lost, and there was almost no resistance to my technique, so just It became like this."

"That's it, the Lost Heart Technique is not so easy to use. The difference between your realms is not big, this is a risk."

Zhao Yueru nodded lightly. Although she understood the whole story, she still felt a little palpitating when she saw the old man's demeanor like a wild beast. She couldn't help but said, "Is that true dragon blood really that powerful?"

"This drop of true dragon blood was originally extraordinary..."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "After 10,000 years of birth in the Zhao family, I was inspired by the blood of the unicorn. I did not make any cover up. It was indeed very aggressive. I also attached some magic tricks. I was afraid it would be any Jinlong. Even the Sea Clan can't resist...Don't be afraid, she has no effect on our immortal cultivators."

"Fortunately, I can't perceive its power."

Zhao Yueru felt a little grateful, "Zhou Shu, what are you going to do?"

"No need to do anything. Although he is lost, he still has some feelings. He should understand."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "I did some tricks, which is also a good alert for them, this is enough."

As he said, he closed his right hand to completely cover up the blood of the real dragon, and the luster disappeared, but after a few breaths, the surrounding area returned to its original state, and it was still a piece of dark blue sea water flowing calmly.

Without the blood of the true dragon, and withdrawing the magic formula, the white-skinned old man quickly woke up.

His eyes gradually became clear, but his complexion became a lot older, staring at Zhou Shu for a long time without a word.

I couldn't believe that he was lost, but that was the case. In that silent time, he thought about too many things.

Zhou Shuping looked at him and said slowly, "Elder, do you understand now?"

"Understood ~www.ltnovel.com~ The white-skinned old man slowly got up and sighed, "Ah...I don't know, that drop of real dragon blood has such magical powers, which can make the old man lose his mind. I just want to grab it and swallow it and become a real dragon..."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "It can't be changed."

"The old man knows that unless it is extremely compatible with it, it is possible to transform the dragon with various opportunities, and it is definitely not enough to swallow it."

The white-skinned old man is still sighing, "It's just that the old man was completely lost at the time, and there is only this one thought... It's really terrible, alas, we near the Longhai Clan can't change the desire to become a real dragon. Once we meet or , There is no ability to resist. This may be our biggest weakness."

"The elder understands very well."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly. Of course he knew that this was not the case. Without him, the old man would not be completely lost in his heart.

"Ha ha."

Looking at Zhou Shu, the old man let out a sorrowful laugh, "Speaking of which, I really want to thank the Sovereign. If the Sovereign took out the blood of the real dragon, the Dragon Palace would be in chaos. The old man's concentration is good, and it becomes like this. Crazy, changed someone else... Hehe, the old man really doesn't know what it will be like, I am afraid that the entire Dragon Palace will turn into a sea of ​​blood."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "It won't be like that, but in the situation at that time, I really shouldn't take out the blood of the true dragon. I hope the elders can understand."

If he really wanted to control all the elders at the time, Zhou Shu was afraid he would not have that kind of ability.

The Lost Secret Technique is not so easy to use, and when it is not much different from the opponent's realm, it will be even more dangerous, as Zhao Yueru said about the risk.

(Ps: Thank you Xiefeng and endersenko for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~)

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