Fairy Winner

Chapter 1555: Difficult task

It has been many days since I returned to Lingyu City.

After some arrangement, the Heyin School was upgraded again, and Lingyu City was the same.

Now, even the city can see the sea pillar of vitality, as long as the cultivator is willing to pay some price, he will have the opportunity to practice under the extremely pure sea pillar. This undoubtedly makes Lingyu City the focus of Dongsheng Prefecture. There is an endless stream of immortal cultivators, many of them crossing the Tribulation Realm. Today's Lingyu City is not an exaggeration to say that it is the largest city in the Xuanhuang Realm.

They got vitality, Zhou Shu got many minerals and spirit stones, and continued to prepare for the big formation.

There is no need to say more about these things, everything is proceeding according to Zhou Shu's ideas, and there are many difficulties in the middle, such as some sects making things difficult, each scheming to fight, etc., but they are nothing in the face of the general situation, and Zhou Shu is not used in many cases Talk to Heyin and tell that some outsiders can take the initiative to help solve it.

A few hard rocks and reefs make it difficult to stop the mighty rivers flowing forever.

The growth of Lingyu City is the general trend, and it is irreversible. The cultivators of Lingyu City all feel this way.

During this time, a grand event was held in Lingyu City to celebrate Yangmei's success in crossing the catastrophe.

Ci Hangzong and the Heyin School hosted together and invited many sects to come to the ceremony. At the meeting, the identity of the daughter of Yangmei’s destiny was officially announced, and she said that she blocked the invasion of the Yinkui tribe, and the world shook. The prestige of Yinpai and Cihangzong is even greater. Cihangzong has already surpassed the Tianjianmen and even has the momentum to compete with Kunlun. The Heyinpai has also secured its position as the third sect of Dongshengzhou, and has opposed the Tianjian The door is also quite threatened.

As for the Heavenly Sword Gate, they didn't come to participate because of something, they didn't come out behind closed doors, and seemed to be brewing something.

Today's lotus school changes every day, everyone is very busy, no matter the disciple elders, oh, except Zhou Shu.

Yulin Peak.

"You are very leisurely. When you are in a daze here, we are very busy, and these things are all brought by you."

With Qiushui-like eyes, the worries that had been entangled had long since dissipated. Now they are clear and clear without a trace of confusion. They are very beautiful, but their eyes are rather unkind to Zhou Shu.

"Xuanqing, I'm busy too."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and raised the jade slip in his hand, "writing something."

"It's been a month since I wrote it, can I put so many things in a jade slip?"

Ning Xuanqing Shi Shiran walked to the other side of him and sat down, still wearing a green dress, holding a cup of tea in his hand, and gently placing it in front of Zhou Shu.

"You only saw one," Zhou Shu said with a smile, "It's almost ready, wait for me."

Ning Xuanqing nodded and sipped tea leisurely for a while, until Zhou Shu put down the jade slip.

She looked at Yujian and inquired, "Can I take a look?"

"of course."

Zhou Shu handed the jade slip over, took a sip of the tea cup, and said, "It's better than before, your tea ceremony."

"That's natural."

Ning Xuanqing took the jade slip and paused after just one glance, and said in surprise, "Mozu? What do you write about Mozu?"

"Not only the demons, most of the detailed information of the alien races are in these jade slips."

Zhou Shu put down the tea cup, showing a bit dignified, "During this time, I read the classics and added my own experience, and only then wrote these nearly 100 jade slips."

Ning Xuanqing seemed to realize something, "For future alien invasion?"

"Yes," Zhou Shu looked at the jade slips and said with great relief, "With these jade slips, our disciples will not be at a loss when they meet another race. In addition to the jade slips, I will also arrange some connections. Let the disciples have more experience with the formation of the enemy. When these things are done well, I will forget it but I have a worry."

When he returned to the market, he regarded this as the top priority, and the sooner it was completed, the better.

After arranging the things for the Dutch school, he focused on writing jade slips here.

"You still think about it."

Ning Xuanqing nodded lightly, looking at Zhou Shu's eyes full of appreciation, and slowly said, "What can I do?"

Zhou Shu glanced at her, thinking slightly, "Of course there are, but aren't you busy, do you still have to practice?"

Ning Xuanqing smiled and said, "Busy is busy, but your business is more important, and...you will definitely not treat me wrong, right?"

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously and took out a large stack of light blue jade slips, "Take these."

"All Fu Yujian?"

After taking a look, Ning Xuanqing's eyes lit up, and the celebrities also looked like.

"Well, all the things I have gotten about talisman in these years are basically in it," Zhou Shu nodded and thought for a while. "There are also some of my ideas, how to use talisman to restrain foreign races. For this I Many kinds of common or uncommon talisman have been improved, and there is another special talisman, soul talisman..."

Ning Xuanqing blinked, "Wait, soul charm?"

Zhou Shu appeared a bit dignified, "Yes, draw your own spirit into the rune. If necessary, you can also use the remnant soul or even the evil spirit instead. Using the evil spirit as the rune ink, draw a rune with special power, I call it It is a soul charm, which is similar to the soul cultivation technique, but it is more convenient to use, there is no limitation of soul cultivation, and it has a good effect on most alien races. You know, many alien races have insufficient mind."

Ning Xuanqing watched Zhou Shu for a long time, and couldn't help but praised, "I also thought about some things in this area~www.ltnovel.com~ but I couldn't do it at all, and you...not only figured it out, but even I already have a drawing method, and I don’t know how to say it, but I am clearly Fu Xiu."

"On Huafu, I am far inferior to you now."

Zhou Shu shook his head and said seriously, "Xuan Qing, these are just talks on paper. The drawing method is not perfect. Some doubts have not been solved yet, and I don't know if it can be done. That's why I need you. I should not be able to paint."

"I see, this is a difficult task."

Ning Xuanqing pinched the jade slip with a lot of firmness in his eyes, "but don't worry, I will try my best to finish it."

Zhou Shuwen said, "Well, I believe you can do it, but..."

"Hurry up, right?" Ning Xuanqing nodded and smiled, "I know, as soon as possible, I will not do anything except this."

Zhou Shu's face slightly condensed, "But you..."


Ning Xuanqing shook his head and smiled, "Don't worry. For me, drawing amulets is a kind of practice. To be able to draw amulets continuously and gain new knowledge from it, I am very satisfied, and...I am now at a bottleneck. With you jade slips, I should be able to make a big step forward on the road."

Zhou Shu smiled bitterly, "You have said everything I want to say, so what can I say?"

"You don't need to say anything, just leave it to me. I am much better than before."

Ning Xuanqing carefully put away the jade slips and took a sip of tea, "By the way, I have something to look for you."

Zhou Shu paused, "What's the matter?"

Ning Xuanqing spread his hands, "Elder Ruoyan said, the disciple you're looking for has returned. She didn't say, nor did I ask."

"Finally home."

Zhou Shu stood up, with a lot of joy on his face, "Xuan Qing, I'm leaving now, come to me whenever you have anything to do."

"It's weird in ancient..."

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