Fairy Winner

Chapter 1556: Thunder aid

Under the moon, pine forest, snow.

Pagoda Peak.

A monk in Tsing Yi was pacing alone. He looked very young, walking vaguely with wind, his chest and waist were straight.

He walked very slowly, sometimes staring into the distance, his eyebrows furrowed, he should be thinking about some thorny issue, he seemed to be a little messy, but if you look closely, you can see that his steps are extremely stable, every step is one foot and seven inches. , By no means more than one point less one point, as if measured.

How can a cultivator who can walk like this be upset?

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, and Matsuba trembled a few times, and a large piece of snow fell, about to fall on the boy.

Only before the snow fell, it spread out strangely, turning into thousands of regular snowflakes, and falling to the ground without any sound.

Only then did people notice that the boy had walked in the snow for a long time, but there was no snow on his body.

The young man stood still, staring straight ahead, his expression slightly changed.

There was one more person in the pavilion in front of him, looking at him calmly, with a smile on his mouth, it was Zhou Shu.


The young man stood there, bowing his hands, with some caution in his eyes.

The sheathless long sword at the waist flashed a cold light suddenly, and the cold light flashed again under the cover of the snow and moon. It is hard to see for ordinary cultivators, and a few strands of sword intent have followed. Out, the armor is generally covered on the body.

Zhou Shu looked at him with a trace of satisfaction.

He said slowly, "Are you Lei Yuan?"

Lei Yuan said calmly, "Junior is a disciple of the Dutch School. Lei Yuan, I don't know who the senior is and why he appeared in the Dutch School. Please tell me."

He didn't know Zhou Shu.

In fact, among the Dutch disciples who have come in over the past few decades, few have seen Zhou Shu. They only hear his name and respect his virtue, because Zhou Shu is basically not in the sect, and he is very low-key when he comes back. Most of the sects will not show up. Most of the sects are presided over by several elders. Of course, if you haven’t seen it, it doesn’t mean you don’t know each other. The name Zhou Shu is like a thunderbolt in the Dutch school. Any disciple knows that today’s situation is all Zhou Shu By.

Zhou Shu smiled, "I have my own reason for being here. I am also the elder of the Dutch school, and you think, who can break into the pagoda peak of the Dutch school silently, you know, Sect Master Zhou is in the sect."

"That is, elder."

Lei Yuan nodded slightly, and said, "I'm sorry that the younger generation took the liberty. I haven't returned to the sect for many days, and I don't know how many elders there are in the sect."

There are still some doubts in the words, but some seem to be believed.

Zhou Shu stared at him and asked with interest, "Lei Yuan, four years ago, you were only in the Golden Core Realm. Now that you have returned from experience, you are already a monk, and your sword intent has also improved. How did you do it?"

Lei Yuan's complexion was slightly condensed, and he said, "Elder, juniors have a little chance."

"Oh, what's the chance?"

Zhou Shu seemed to be thoughtful, and he became more interested.

"This...does the elder have to know?"

Lei Yuan looked at Zhou Shu with his eyes facing each other, without a trace of fear in his eyes, and said slowly, "Junior thought, this should be a personal secret."

"That's what I said, haha."

Zhou Shu smiled indifferently, "Others can't take away personal chances. I just want to know you better. It doesn't matter if you don't say it. Look at this thing. Compared with your chance, which one is better? "

He waved his sleeves out, and a strange flower appeared in front of Lei Yuan.


Lei Yuan was startled, unable to restrain his excitement, and whispered, "Senior, is this the flower of martial arts, Lingwulan?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Yes, I'll give it to you, just accept it."

Although Lingwulan is a strange treasure, a rare and rare thing among the sixth-order spiritual things, it is not worth mentioning to Zhou Shu now.

Lei Yuan stared at Lingwulan for a long time, turned his head a little bit reluctantly, and arched his hands, "Senior, I don't dare to suffer without merit."

Zhou Shu's eyes were suddenly cold, bringing out a hint of chill, "It is normal for the seniors to give the meeting gifts when they see the juniors, why don't you accept them?"

"It's too precious, seniors, juniors did not do anything but got such treasures, it is inevitable that they will be worried and become thinking about the past and affect their own minds. This is really not a good thing for the juniors, and the juniors have a good future. A clear plan, I don't want to change because of Lingwulan... Moreover, the younger generation will get it on their own in the future."

Lei Yuan just shook his head, and his tone became firmer and firmer.

Zhou Shu couldn't help but nodded, with a lot of smiles, "Lei Yuan, what you said is good, then I want to ask you, what is your future path?"

Lei Yuan did not hesitate, "The juniors want to find a way that suits them and achieve a career."

Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, "Is it the promotion of immortality?"

"Promotion is the junior's goal, but it is not the ultimate goal," Lei Yuan paused for a while and slowly said, "In order to achieve the goal, juniors will do things that don't violate their original heart. Environment, then..."

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and he was a little excited, but he seemed to have realized something~www.ltnovel.com~ and stopped quickly, a little embarrassed.

Zhou Shu smiled, "Why didn't you say it?"

Lei Yuan lowered his head and whispered, "Senior's nonsense made Seniors laugh, sorry."

"Needless to say, you are good and different."

Zhou Shu said slowly, he did not hesitate to praise him. After all, he has only met such a cultivator for the second time. He has a rare tenacity, a clear understanding of his future, and a more profound goal, just like his past self. Also like and value it more and more.

"Senior is absurd."

Lei Yuan showed a bit of joy, but quickly converged, "This Lingwulan, please take it back."

Zhou Shu nodded, put Lingwulan away, and said slowly, "Lei Yuan, the sword on your body was made by yourself, right? It is said that when the sword was born, it also shocked the Tianhuo Pond and shook for a while? Can you show me? see?"

"How does senior know this?"

Lei Yuan showed a lot of excitement, and immediately agreed, offering the long sword with both hands.

The long sword was light blue, like a torrent of water. Upon closer inspection, a light and shadow resembling a rainbow carp could not help swimming on the sword, which was amazing.

Lei Yuan explained, "This sword, the junior is called Hongquan."

Zhou Shu stretched his fingers, and the sword was shaking, and a long and clear voice was heard from a distance.

He slowly said, "A good name, rainbow carp can transform dragons, and rainbow springs can be dragon springs. The artistic conception of the sword is greater than the essence of the sword. The material is not suitable for this sword, so it has a lot of room for promotion. In the end, you can refine such a fifth-order high-grade magic weapon in the Golden Core Realm, and you will have a boundless future in the tool road."

Lei Yuan was amazed at hearing, "How can seniors know this? Juniors have such thoughts, but they have never told anyone."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Watching his sword and knowing his people, I know it by myself."

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