Fairy Winner

Chapter 1557: Mind

Looking at Zhou Shu, Lei Yuan had a heart of admiration unconsciously.

The elder in front of me, the first time I saw him, it gave him an inscrutable feeling. He could easily take out a treasure like Lingwulan, and he seemed to know him very well, but I didn’t know what the elder had. purpose.

He was still a little uneasy.

Zhou Shu handed the sword back to him, showing a sense of solemnity, "Take it back, use it well, don't let this sword down."

"Thank you elder, juniors understand."

Lei Yuan retracted the long sword and nodded respectfully.

Zhou Shu continued, "Lei Yuan, I heard that you also did something on Fu Dao Pill Dao. Can you show me the talisman you refined and the pill?"

Lei Yuan said indifferently, "The elders are dead, why don't the juniors follow?"

A dozen symbols and a few bottles of pills were delivered by express delivery.

"Xuanling Pill, although it is a Tier 3 pill, it is difficult to refine. It is not easy for you to refine the top grade," Zhou Shu put down the pill and picked up the talisman, unconsciously said. , "These talisman... are these Xiaoyanguang talisman?"

"The juniors are not good at talisman, this kind of small escape light talisman is not bad."

Lei Yuan nodded, and said embarrassedly, "The price is also very expensive, and the younger generations rely on them to earn some spiritual stones."

"Hehe, what's the embarrassment about earning spirit stones? Who didn't come here? Back then, I didn't draw some charms to earn spirit stones. Otherwise, how could I cultivate so smoothly."

Zhou Shu smiled unconsciously, quite cheerful.

"Does the elder draw charms to earn spirit stones?"

Lei Yuan laughed, feeling that the relationship had been drawn a lot closer. "The younger generation heard that Sect Master Zhou also relied on drawing charms at first, and he could also create spa charms, which made the younger generations envious...Until now, there are many in the Hoyin School. There are many kinds of talisman that he left behind."

"In the early days, I always need to find something to do. Painting talisman can exercise a lot of qualities, which is very helpful to immortal cultivators," Zhou Shu smiled and nodded. "You changed the painting method of this little escape light talisman in the sect?"

"I want to change, but the contribution value is not enough."

Lei Yuan smiled, "But then I met an Elder Ning. Seeing my sincerity, she gave me the painting method. The younger generation is grateful."

Zhou Shu laughed, "Hehe, this is also a good opportunity."

Lei Yuan nodded and said firmly, "The younger generation will repay Elder Ning."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Lei Yuan, you have learned a lot of Taoism, not to mention the many techniques of the Heyin School itself, you have expertise in kendo, talisman, alchemy, and implement. , I must have an understanding of Dao?"

Lei Yuan nodded, but he stopped talking, "The juniors also like formations, but..."


"Will the juniors learn too much Tao and can't find the Tao that really suits them? Several seniors have said so, and two uncles have specifically reprimanded the juniors, but..." Lei Yuanqing Sigh, "but juniors always feel that if you learn more Taoisms, and then look for the advantages and disadvantages from the various Taoisms, you will be able to understand what you want and find the Tao you really want."


Zhou Shu stared at him with burning eyes. He was truly sure now that Lei Yuan was the inheritor of Shu Zhidao, the man he had been looking for, his first disciple.

"Senior, what's the matter?"

Lei Yuan was a little startled, not understanding why Zhou Shu suddenly used such a loud voice.

Zhou Shu smiled, "It's nothing, Lei Yuan, you shouldn't have a master?"

"No, many uncles said that I learned too much, not inheriting the good materials they learned," Lei Yuan shook his head lightly and said calmly. "The juniors never thought about whom to worship as their teacher. Before the Tao."


Zhou Shu nodded lightly and took out a jade slip, "Look at this, look carefully."

Lei Yuan took the jade slip and looked at it carefully for a while, his eyes gradually became confused, "Senior, this jade slip...somewhat do you not understand?"

Zhou Shuning said, "It's just some, don't you understand it at all?"

"It should be that I can't understand all, and don't understand the meaning of a word," Lei Yuan thought for a while, and said hesitantly, "However, I think the younger generation should be able to understand it. Those words seem to be drilled into the juniors. ...Elder, what is in it, can the younger generation take it back and take a closer look?"

That feeling was very strange, he wanted to figure it out.

"of course can."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "I give it to you."

Zhou Shu looked at him with a little more smile, almost unable to hide it.

The jade slip is the "text" on the Taoist Tower of Zhou Shu. If he can understand it, it means that he has a relationship with Shu Zhidao. However, it is difficult for a person like Xue Nu to be born and enlightened to have a second one, and he does not have Lei Yuan. Understand, but the good situation is that he is not completely incomprehensible, which means that he and Shu Zhidao do have some if there is no connection. It is very good to be able to do this. As long as the iron is hot, he You should be able to understand a little bit, and you will be able to get started and get your own comfort.

"Thank you senior."

Lei Yuan didn't refuse this time, he faintly felt that the things in this jade slip were very important to him, and it seemed to hide a great opportunity.

Seeing Lei Yuanzhen and putting away the jade slips, Zhou Shu nodded with satisfaction~www.ltnovel.com~Lei Yuan, I have a mentality book here, which is suitable for Yuanying Realm training. Are you interested? ? "

The mental method in the jade slip is of course the Shu Xin Jing, Zhou Shu's own practice.

Now is the time to preach, Zhou Shu's heart is thrilled, can he succeed? Finally found the first disciple, won't you fail?

"Senior's mentality is definitely excellent."

Lei Yuan said slowly, "But the junior has a mental method, and..." He paused, "Don't hide it from the senior, the reason why the junior has got a mental method from the Golden Core to the Nascent Soul realm Although the juniors don’t know their names, the mentality is really good. They practiced for thousands of miles, far from being comparable to other mental methods, so the juniors are probably..."

Zhou Shu felt a shock, "Lei Yuan, stretch your hand over."

In four years, from the Nascent Infant state to the Nascent Infant state, the cultivation speed is so fast, this mentality is by no means normal.

If it’s some big sect’s secret mind method, it’s okay, but if it comes from evil cultivation or even demonic cultivation, it’s very bad. Most of these kinds of mind methods have lost their nature and cause the mind demon, and even break the roots. As a side effect, if Lei Yuan really used such a mental method... then it would be difficult for him to become Zhou Shu's disciple again, not only that, I am afraid it would be difficult for even the immortal world to tolerate him.

Back then, Ning Xuanqing could only achieve this after taking Luze Pill. Could it be that Lei Yuan was in a similar situation?

Zhou Shu's heart was lifted at once.

Seeing Zhou Shu's solemn expression, Lei Yuan showed some hesitation, "Senior, are you going to take the exam for juniors in school, but..."

"I must look at the vitality in you."

Zhou Shu said solemnly, "This is very important to you. You can't learn some mental methods randomly."


Lei Yuan nodded, stretched his arm over, and only slowly said, "Junior will not study randomly, juniors know what they should do and what they are doing."

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