Fairy Winner

Chapter 1558: Master Lu

At the moment when he stretched out his hand, Lei Yuan felt that his whole body was frozen and he could no longer move.

Afterwards, a force that was as soft as the wind quietly infiltrated, cold and icy, and after a quick circle in the body, it disappeared.

Sensing returned soon, Lei Yuan looked at Zhou Shu with some surprise in his eyes, "Elder?"

"Okay, it's okay."

Zhou Shu nodded and looked at him with a smile, very kind.

After hesitating for a while, Lei Yuan couldn't help but ask, "Elder, what did you find?"

"If I didn't admit my mistake, your cultivation method should be called the Demon King Yuxin Jue," Zhou Shu thought slightly, and said slowly, "That is a rare kind of mental method created by the power of the monster race. It’s extremely rare in, its cultivation method is very special. It uses the essence of blood to quench the demon pill, and extracts the potential of the demon pill to the maximum...Using this mental method, the speed of cultivation will be extremely fast, no wonder you four Baby will be born in 1 year."

Seemingly enlightened, he glanced at Lei Yuan, and he continued, "Lei Yuan, your golden core before the birth of a baby, should be the sixth grade, right?"

Lei Yuan was stunned, "Yes."

"You have a good chance," Zhou Shu said with some relief, "Your gold core rank is high enough to withstand the extraction of the magic formula, but instead stimulates the potential and maximizes the speed of cultivation... But if the golden core rank Below the fifth level, the golden core will be backlashed by this technique. At that time, not to mention the advanced Yuan Ying, even the golden core realm will not pass, and the lifespan will be completely drained."


Lei Yuan was shocked, his face pale.

"Don't think too much, chances are just like that, let it die and live."

Zhou Shu looked at him with a dignified expression, "Lei Yuan, I will not ask you how you obtained this technique, nor how you successfully cultivated. This is your secret, but I want to remind you. You, this kind of technique is not suitable for you. Jin Dan is not a demon pill, and Yuan Ying is not the case. In particular, Yuan Ying is a manifestation of the potential of the cultivator, and it is unlikely to squeeze out the potential. If it continues, the consequences may not be good. ...This is not alarmist."

"Junior...junior, I understand."

Lei Yuan nodded and said seriously, "I will remember what the elder said."


Zhou Shu nodded and smiled, "You don't have to be too nervous, except for this, the Demon King's Heart-Resting Art is not an evil method. It has its merits in many aspects, but we... it's better to cultivate The tactics of immortal cultivators are better. I have the original mental method here, you take it."

Lei Yuan looked at the jade slip that Zhou Shu handed over, hesitated for a while, and took it with both hands.

Zhou Shu nodded with satisfaction, "Go back and take a good look at this recipe. If you find it suitable, practice it. It's all up to you, but I want to tell you that if you practice it well, you will get unexpected opportunities. It is hundreds of times better than that demon king's Yuxin Jue...If you care about your future, you should consider it carefully."

Lei Yuan nodded lightly, and immediately plunged a trace of spiritual knowledge into the jade slip.

"This tactic... how could it be..."

In an instant, a ray of excitement flashed when the eyes were neutral, and gradually spread to the entire pupil.

This change, of course, could not escape Zhou Shu's eyes, and Zhou Shu only waved his hand, "Okay, you go."

"Thank you elder."

Lei Yuan took two steps, couldn't help turning around again, plucking up some courage and said, "Elder, may I ask your surname, if so... if the younger generation has learned the law, how can I find the elder?"

Zhou Shu was slightly pleased, but his face was very calm, "My surname is Shu, if you want to find me, come directly to this pagoda peak, I will come to see you."

"Okay, thank you elder."

Lei Yan saluted and walked down the mountain quickly.

The pace was still steady, one foot and seven inches, only dozens of times faster, and no one was seen in the blink of an eye.

A gust of wind blows up, and a slim figure falls to Zhou Shu's side and leans on gently.

"Master Shu, how about this Thunder Aid?"

He whispered softly, which made people a little fascinated.

Zhou Shu showed a slight smile, "It's not bad, all aspects meet the requirements, that is..."

Hao Ruoyan hurriedly said, "Master Shu, you definitely don't have to worry about your character. Although our Heyin school is not a well-known disciple, we don't accept disciples with improper minds. Lei Yuan has been in the door for ten years. problem."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Ruoyan, I am not worried about this. I am relieved of the person you have selected, but... Forget it, it shouldn't be a problem."


Hao Ruoyan nodded lightly, not too clever to ask, "Master Shu, should I go to Shenxingfeng now?"

"Come on, together."

Zhou Shu smiled, the two figures disappeared instantly, and soon appeared in front of Shenxing Peak.

After Lin Zhu left, Shen Xingfeng didn't relax his guard either. This place was still one of the most tightly defensive positions in the Heyin School.

The whole mountain is formed with formations. Without Zhou Shu's permission, a bug can't climb in. Anyone who wants to be detected by Divine Sense will be quickly found and listed as a major enemy by the Heyin School.

However, it is not studying the teleportation array now.

Entering the formation, opened a door, and a huge cave appeared in front of him.

The mountain is still verdant, but the interior has been completely hollowed out~www.ltnovel.com~ There are many busy figures in the cave, but if you pay attention, you can find that most of these figures are not people, but puppets. Yes, here This is Zhou Shu's puppet base. Over the past few decades, tens of thousands of puppets have been produced, of all kinds.

Puppet repairers recruited from all over, as well as disciples who are interested in puppets, have spent decades here.

An old man in grey clothes saw Zhou Shu and hurriedly walked over and bowed his hands, "Sect Master Zhou, Sect Master Hao."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Master Lu, you have worked hard."

"It's not hard work. It's really fortunate for Lu and the Lu family to study the way of puppets here."

Elder Lu hurriedly waved his hand and said with emotion, "The sovereign here is really a treasure place for studying the way of puppets. All kinds of classics and puppets are collected more than our Lu family, not to mention the wonderful ideas that the sovereign always put forward. Think about it, what kind of weird airplanes, missiles, etc., every point is worth studying for a lifetime..."

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "Hehe, the master just studies it, it's fine for a few lifetimes."

This elder Lu, named Lu Da, the elder of the Lu family in Youzhou, is also a rare puppet master in the Xuanhuang world. He was hired by Zhou Shu with a lot of money. At first, he was a little unwilling. He just said that he would stay for a few years. I took enough Yuanshi and left, but when I came to the Heyin School, I was immediately attracted by the puppets here. I stayed for decades. It seemed that I didn’t want to leave for the rest of my life. He also recruited many Lu family members for Zhou Shu. Puppet Xiu even wanted to move the Lu family to Lingyu City.

There are good things that naturally attract talents, and Zhou Shu understands this very well.

"Sect Master Zhou, I'm here this time to see the Hundred Blade Beast, right?"

Looking at Zhou Shu, Lu Da smiled slightly, her smile very mysterious.

(Ps: Thank you wangc1111 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~)

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