Fairy Winner

Chapter 1559: Zhuge is strict again

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "I have such thoughts."

"Sect Master follow me."

Ruda walked slowly, bypassing a few stone walls, and a large hall appeared in front of him.

In the middle of the hall stood a huge puppet with a height of several tens of feet, stepping on the ground with all four feet, raising his head and roaring to the sky, full of power and daunting.

Looking closely, every part of its body has hidden organs, exquisite and ingenious, and can change all kinds of weapons at any time, powerful and terrifying.

The Hundred-Blade Beast is the strongest puppet beast in the chain gate, not one of them.

Compared with Fuzhan Bunker, etc., it is a more powerful war machine, especially in large-scale battles. It can play a great role. Back then, with such a hundred-edged beast, the gate of the machine could withstand hundreds of thousands of seas. The clan is truly invincible. When the sea clan later saw it, he would flee in awe, full of shock.

Zhou Shu stared at it for a while, and said thoughtfully, "Can it use the prison of a hundred soldiers?"

"It's not working for the time being, and it's not completely complete now."

Ruda shook his head, "But please don't worry, Sect Master, within three years, you will be able to make it completely. I am sure that I can use it to use a hundred soldiers!"

Looking at the Hundred Blade Beast, his eyes were shining like stars.

Zhou Shu showed a little solemnity, "Surely it, Master?"

"If you can't, I will come and see you!"

Ruda said firmly without hesitation, "Perfect drawings, perfect materials, and perfect roaring remains. If so many good things can't make a perfect hundred-blade beast, I would rather die!"

This hundred-blade beast can be said to have poured all his energy into it. If it is unsuccessful, it will become a benevolence. He always has this determination.

The Lu family and Zhou Shu also spent a lot of money. The Lu family dispatched a lot of staff, and Zhou Shu made a guarantee in terms of materials. Of course, he got the sky in the secret realm of Huaguo Mountain, and the drawings were after Zhou Shu. Shu deduced the calculation and improved it many times, and all the conditions can indeed be described as perfect.

"This is the masterpiece of the old man's life. You must not fail!"

Ruda looked at the unformed Hundred-Blade Beast and repeated it again.

"Master does not need to be like this."

Zhou Shu quickly shook his head and said slowly, "Although it is very important to us, it is only the beginning. Later, there will be organ dragons and so on. This requires the master to continue to work hard, and I also believe that the master's way of puppets It's more than that."

"The old man is a little excited."

Ruda nodded and laughed, "It's strange to say that the old man is always very excited with the lord, and thinks that he has a good future, hehe."

Hao Ruoyan followed with a smile and said warmly, "We are always upward from top to bottom of the Heyin school, and there will be a good future. The master is also the elder of the Heyin school, so naturally he will think so."

"Yes, the mood is always good in a good sect."

Ruda seemed thoughtful, "But the old man has lived for more than a thousand years, but he has never seen a vigorous sect like the Heyin School."

"Master, please be busy, just ask me and Ruoyan if you have any requirements."

Zhou Shu arched his hands, "I won't bother the master, and I have to go inside and see."

Ruda nodded without saying much, and went on busy.

After passing through the tall arches made of several heavy stones, he walked all the way to the deepest part of Shenxing Peak, where Lin Zhu had studied the teleportation array.

Zhou Shu walked through the gate, stood on a platform, and looked down. Suddenly there was a feeling of a million soldiers in his chest, not just a feeling, there were really tens of thousands of soldiers in the large square below.

The square below has gone deep into the ground, much larger than the space on the ground, almost tens of miles in radius.

There are densely packed puppets everywhere here, of different sizes, but they are arranged very neatly and vaguely formed into a battlefield.

Suddenly, a figure flew from the pile of puppets and landed in front of Zhou Shu, raising his hand in salute, "Sect Master Zhou!"

The man was tall, with star-like eyebrows, and arrogant. He was a beautiful man who seemed to be young, but his demeanor was calm and solemn, showing an old man who did not meet his age.

Zhou Shu looked up and down, smiled and nodded, "No matter how strict you are, you have turned your head, very good, you deserve to be behind the famous door."

Zhuge looked serious and sincere, "It all depends on the cultivation of the suzerain, and the training resources our brothers get are incomparable even in Zhuge's family."

"There is no need to mention those, but you have to rely on your own efforts."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, and said slowly, "You two brothers, one is traveling abroad and the other is practicing hard at home. Although you have gone through hardships, you have achieved very good achievements. They did not live up to Lingtang's expectations of you. Very good, very good. it is good."

"very bad."

No matter how strict Zhuge was, he shook his head and said in a straightforward voice, "To this day, I still haven't been able to clean up my father's reputation, and still haven't allowed my mother to return to the family. How can our brothers say good? Only these things can be done. Repay the kindness of the mother and the sovereign for us."

Zhou Shu nodded unconsciously, showing a lot of satisfaction.

He is indeed a descendant of the family, and his requirements are not generally high. He always remembers what he is going to do, and will never stop until he achieves his goal.

These two people are also considered useful ~www.ltnovel.com~It is not in vain of his years of hard work.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "No matter how strict it is, don't worry, the opportunity is coming soon."

"I know, suzerain."

No matter how strict Zhuge looked, he said, "Opportunities are rare, and our brothers will never miss any opportunities."

Looking at him with a serious face, Zhou Shu didn't realize it, "I know, but no matter how strict it is, you don't have to be serious at all times, just relax."

Zhuge nodded more severely, but still said very solemnly, "Be careful in words and deeds. My ancestors once said that everything needs to be rigorous, not feasible and dangerous, and there must be no relaxation. , But the details are also the key to success or failure. You can't be sloppy at any time."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "But your ancestors have also taken risks. If you hadn't made an empty plan back then, you wouldn't have become a family."

No matter how stern Zhuge's face was, he seemed to have some enlightenment, "I...when I am in danger, I will definitely not fall behind."

Zhou Shu patted him on the shoulder and smiled, "Just talk about it, well, you don't need to be so serious."

Zhuge Zaiyan and Zhuge Fuyan are both sons of Zhuge Yan. They have different personalities, one is cold and the other is hot, the other is strict and the other is free and easy, but they are both masters in cultivation, and both are not in the family of Zhou Shu and Zhuge. An essential helper.

Zhuge Fuyan nodded, turned to the puppet, and said in a straightforward voice, "Sect Master, most of the puppet army has been drilled, do you want to try it out now?"

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Can you control these military formations alone?"

Zhuge Fuyan thought for a while and said, "Practicing a tactic and adding constant soul fluid, my spirit and consciousness have improved very quickly. Now it is not a problem for one person to manipulate thousands of puppet formations, and can manipulate seven types of formations at the same time. , Only one kind can be achieved in eight formations."

There was a glimmer in his eyes as he spoke.

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