Fairy Winner

Chapter 1561: problem occurs

After a few hours.

Seeing the scattered ground, there was almost no puppet that could still stand, Zhuge Zaiyan had to show up and said rather heavily, "Sect Master, I surrendered, I am not the Sect Master's opponent at all."

Zhou Shu landed next to him, smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "You have done very well."

"Yes, I insisted on it for almost three hours!"

Hao Ruoyan rushed over and said in surprise, "Ruoyan has never seen someone who can fight with Master Shu for so long, no matter how strict you are, you are really strong!"

"Where is it strong, it is the Sect Master who is asking me to take the exam."

Zhuge lowered his head sternly, and said dejectedly, "Oh, in fact, the Sect Master has discovered where I am long ago. If the Sect Master is determined to win, I only need to find a chance to go straight to Huanglong. I can hardly handle it. No matter how many puppets are not the enemy of the sovereign, I am controlled, and the army is naturally broken, how could it be possible to fight for so long and fall long ago."

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "No matter how strict it is, I am testing you, but you don't have to belittle yourself."


Zhuge doubted again, "Do I still have a chance to win?"

Zhou Shu nodded and said in a straightforward voice, "Of course. First, your military tactics are not complete yet. There are gaps in the eighth formation. Naturally, some flaws will be exposed and you will be easily caught, but your strain is already very good. Every time I see a flaw, I don’t need to remind you. You can make up for it in a few breaths. Knowing the flaws by yourself shows that your military talent is extremely high and will never be worse in the future. I admire you for this."

No matter how Yan Zhuge did not speak, only his eyes lit up.

Zhou Shu continued, "Secondly, in your military formation, there is still a lack of a core formation. This point can be filled in three years. You also know that the blade beast you are doing is prepared for you. , Once you have the Hundred Blade Beast, the entire army formation will be blessed by the Prison of Hundred Soldiers, plus the strength of the Hundred Blade Beast itself, your army formation will be at least twice or even three times stronger, just wait. "

No matter how Yan Zhuge was, he still didn't speak, but his eyes were brighter and brighter, full of expectations.

Zhou Shu smiled, "Third, it should be your most worried point, which is your own protection. Once the opponent finds out where you are, it will become a point of persistent attack by the opponent and become prominent in the military formation. It will be difficult for you to control the military formation calmly..."

Zhuge raised his head strictly, staring at Zhou Shu, "Yes."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "This point, the Hundred Blade Beast can also help you solve it. The Hundred Blade Beast has a body that is difficult to injure even after a tribulation. There are countless mechanisms. It can hold dozens of immortal cultivators. Deploy many protective layers...Once there is a danger, you can hide inside. I believe that even if there are a few crossing the tribulation realms, it is not a problem."

"I understand."

Zhuge nodded sternly again and again, showing a lot of excitement, and the points of concern were made up for, and the army was naturally stronger.

"As for the fourth..."

Zhou Shu looked at him and slowly said, "It is your own progress. In the three hours before I fought with you, if you are careful enough, you should be able to understand many things, and those things can really help. To yours."

No matter how stern Zhuge looked, he slowly said, "I know, Sovereign, I will definitely not let your pains go."

"It doesn't have to be this way, just remember your goal."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Well, you can continue to practice, come to me if you have something to do, we are gone, those puppets."


Zhuge's respectful and respectful Zhou Shu sent out, and immediately returned to the cave to look at the fallen puppets. This look caused a shock in his heart, and it took a long time to recover.

"So many puppets have all fallen, and in a short period of time, I thought it was severely injured. It will take me a long time to repair it, but... there is no injury at all!"

All of the puppets had their knees and elbow joints dropped. There was no damage in other places, not even a piece of sawdust fell. It was possible to do this when they were attacked by thousands of people in their army. It's incredible.

"Sect Master Zhou's strength... is much stronger than I expected... But, I will definitely catch up with you!"

He sighed, quickly settled down, and concentrated on playing with the puppet.

Be cautious under the peak.

Hao Ruoyan looked at Zhou Shu with a trace of worry in his eyes. He said, "Master Shu, is the military really powerful? If Master Shu can't restrain it, shouldn't the Zhuge family continue to grow, just in case ..."

"I know you will miss this."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and said warmly, "Don’t worry, you believe that I am. Unless it is Zhuge Wei’s rebirth, I don’t think the Zhuge family poses any threat to me. They don’t have a real iron army to implement the military, and those puppets It's not enough."

"That's good."

Hao Ruoyan patted her chest lightly, "Xicai Ruoyan is really worried."

"It's okay," Zhou Shu gently patted her, seeming to realize, "Speaking of which, we need to strengthen it a little bit. We have to find a magic weapon to become a domain, otherwise there will still be some problems with the control of divine consciousness..."

"What are you doing here! Something big!"

I was thinking about it~www.ltnovel.com~ A tower-like man suddenly fell in front of the two of them, and the ground collapsed, while a woman in red fell lightly beside him, frowned and complained. , "Zhu Dashan, keep your voice down, for fear that others don't know?"

Zhu Dashan touched his head and said embarrassedly, "Oh, I was so excited when I saw Xiao Zhou."

Zhou Shu also looked excited, "Ah, are you two out?"

The woman in red was Xu Rong. She nodded and smiled, "I came out, not long after I came out, and hurried back as soon as I came out. Fortunately, it didn’t take much time. Hey, I’ve been in for so long now. Jade City is really completely different."

Zhu Dashan's eyes widened, "That's right, I almost can't recognize Lao Zhu, is this still the Heyin school!"

"Hehe, your changes are not small."

Zhou Shu looked at the two and laughed, "Senior Sister Xu, you are in the late stage of becoming a god. Looking at the sword intent on your body, I am afraid that you have surpassed the world of no self and no sword, and reached the world of thoughts. Not to mention, it was the one who ran out to cross the robbery. Looking at you, you are probably inseparable from the eighth-order monster."

"Of course, Lao Zhu, I didn't endure hardship in vain. I was beaten by countless sword intents every day. My current body..."

Zhu Dashan patted his chest, "Leave aside, the sword intent must not hurt me, haha!"

"Don't be happy, let's talk about it later, we still have urgent business!"

Xu Rong walked in front of Zhou Shu and showed a lot of solemnity, "Junior, Li Aojian has something wrong with him."

"When I saw that I didn't come out with you, I knew there was a problem," Zhou Shu nodded slightly, his face was calm, but his heart was very anxious. Li Aojian and Zhu Dashan were his brothers all the time. He would never want to have trouble with them. "Go ahead, what's the matter?"

Zhu Dashan shook his head, "He..."

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