Fairy Winner

Chapter 1562: something wrong

"how to say……"

Zhu Dashan touched his head and was speechless for a long time. "It's weird. I don't know how to say it."

"I'll do it."

Xu Rong frowned and said slowly, "Junior Brother, that's what happened..."

For decades, the three of them have been cultivating in the secret realm of sword intent, accepting the training of sword intent every day, and their cultivation has improved rapidly. Not long ago, the formation of sword intent had basically no effect on them, anyone could relax. Have to go back and forth a few times.

At this level, it is natural to leave.

The three of them had such plans, but when they were about to leave, something strange happened. The sword formation in the secret realm was gone, all the sword intent had disappeared, and with the sword formation, there was Li Aojian.

The secret realm is not big. Zhu Dashan and Xu Rong searched carefully and found no trace of Li Aojian's departure. Besides, Li Aojian would never stop telling them that he left alone and was about to continue searching. People were attacked by accident.

This surprised Zhu Dashan and Xu Rong. The three of them had stayed in the secret realm for so long and had never seen other people or other creatures. How could something attack them? It's just that the facts are in front of me, and I have to believe it.

Looking at Xu Rong, Zhou Shu immediately said, "I haven't opened the secret realm entrance. It's impossible for anyone to enter. What is it that attacked you?"

"I do not know."

Zhu Dashan shook his head, "The speed is very fast, I can't see clearly, and it's very powerful. Old Zhu, I got injured after a few hits..."

He stretched out his arm to show Zhou Shu. On that thick arm, there were several deep scars that were close to each other, almost five or six inches long, deep in the texture, and the flesh and blood were still exposed, all turned into grayish white. Jing said Clear and shocking.

"Lao Zhu, how long have you been injured?"

"It's been almost two months."

After a glance, Zhou Shu's expression stagnated, very surprised.

Zhu Dashan cultivated the improved Fumo Mountain Body. His physical strength is so strong that few people in this world can hurt him, and he has not been able to heal for two months. This is really weird. What is it? Can leave him such a wound?

Xu Rong shook his head and sighed lightly, "Junior Brother Zhu took a few blows just to help me, and I...it is impossible to block that sword intent."

"Sword Intent?"

Zhou Shu was staring at the wounds and nodded quickly, "Yes, the wounds are caused by the sword intent. The sword intent is still in the flesh and blood, and it's entangled. No wonder it's hard to heal."

Xu Rong didn't realize it, "Junior Brother should have a way, right?"

Zhou Shuwen said, "Don't worry, I will try it later, you can tell me in detail, what sword intent is that sword intent?"

"I can't tell you clearly," Xu Rong shook his head. "I have seen thousands of sword intents in the secret realm, and I have experienced many of them, but the sword intent that attacked us does not belong to any of them... It's like the sword intent after breaking through the world of Yi Nian, but with a magical nature, it is completely different from the sword intent in my perception... After being attacked like this, I knew that I was incapable of enemies, so I and Zhu Dashan left through the secret realm exit Zhu Dashan is still reluctant to leave, saying that he has not found Lao Li, but in that case, if we stay for a while, we will all endanger our lives."

"I'm not afraid of death."

Zhu Dashan snorted, a little dissatisfied, but it was not easy to vent, only snorted.

Zhou Shu thought for a moment and nodded lightly, "I probably understand."

Zhu Dashan shook his head and leaned in anxiously, "Xiao Zhou, what do you understand?"

Zhou Shu slowly said, "It's hard to tell the details, but I wonder if Lao Li accidentally absorbed all the sword intent in the sword formation and couldn't bear it..."

Xu Rong's face turned pale, "What? He has absorbed all the sword intents. There are thousands of types in it, and they are all arranged with great power! How could it be possible to absorb all of them? No matter how fast he cultivates, it is impossible. Do it?"

"Huh? You mean, he has over-absorbed and become crazy?"

And Zhu Dashan almost jumped up and shook his head vigorously, "Impossible, he won't be enchanted! His temperament can be cold at any time... Besides, even if he is enchanted, he cannot attack me! Xiao Zhou, you Do you think he will attack us? It's impossible under any circumstances!"

"I don't believe it either, but I didn't say that he was mad."

Zhou Shu nodded, his eyes gradually became condensed, "I think he may not be attacking you deliberately, but trying to drive you away. At that time, he could not bear too much sword intent and had to forcefully overcome the catastrophe."

Xu Rong was stunned, "Ah, crossing the robbery, deliberately driving us away? But I didn't feel that sword intent..."

"No doubt, although I don't know his specific training status, but with his persistence and talent for the sword, he has absorbed the sword intent of the entire sword formation. It should be the moment when he must be integrated to overcome the catastrophe. What he cultivates is the sword body. , Our combination is the combination of the physical body and the soul, and for him, it is the combination of the soul and the sword intention..."

Some rare anxiety flashed in Zhou Shu’s eyes and interrupted Xu Rong’s words, “In the world of immortality, there has been no sword repair with a sword body for a long time. I don’t know what the situation is, but I’m sure However, for him ~www.ltnovel.com~ this is the most difficult stage. He may not be able to fully control the sword body, causing the sword intent in his body to run away. The rampant sword intent and the robbery will most likely be Destroy the entire secret realm, if you don’t leave, you will definitely die."

"It turned out to be so! I said he won't harm us!"

Zhu Dashan patted his head and said in a bit of resentment, "It's just crossing the robbery, but why didn't he say it earlier, he said earlier that we will leave by ourselves, if we stay, maybe we can help him!"

"If he could speak, maybe it wouldn't be the case."

Zhou Shu thought for a while, smiled slightly, and his expression relaxed, "However, we all have to trust him, there should be nothing wrong with him. You should go and rest first. I'll go in and see if he is over."

"I also need to go!"

Zhu Dashan hurriedly shouted, and Xu Rong followed, "Junior Brother, I will go too, I am also very worried about him."

"No, no, you are just outside, how can Dujie be seen casually."

Zhou Shu shook his head lightly, his voice was soft and calm, but both of them stopped talking and stopped talking.

"Do not worry."

Zhou Shu showed a slight smile and disappeared quickly.

"There must be something."

Xu Rong watched Zhou Shu leave, and shook his head unconsciously, "I rarely see Junior apprentice so explicit rejection, or twice in a row. This is not his temperament."

"Yes, there must be a problem."

Zhu Dashan nodded. Although he didn't know what the problem was, based on their understanding of Zhou Shu, Zhou Shu must have hidden something and wanted to solve it by himself.

Hao Ruoyan, who had been silent for a long time, sighed, with a lot of worry in his eyes, "Master Shu is walking in such a hurry that he didn't even take care of Junior Brother Zhu's injury. I'm afraid the matter is not small, alas."

(Ps: Thank you endersenko for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~)

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