Fairy Winner

Chapter 1569: left behind

Seeing the city lord leaving, Zhou Shu didn't rush to leave, and took the rare time to think carefully. ※Miscellaneous Chi Mi insects ※

Responsible to change the source of energy, this kind of thing can only be done by the way of heaven, and he had a hunch about the way of heaven, but he didn't expect it to be at this time.

Heavenly Dao is smarter, knowing that the first to seventh heavenly tribulation is not a threat to Zhou Shu, so he no longer works on the heavenly tribulation, but turns to the formation method. In fact, the heavenly path has always been disliked by the heavenly formation method and has to go around. Wouldn't it be very shameless to pass the thunder robbery of heaven and go to heaven? In addition, he was originally dissatisfied with Zhou Shu, so it was only natural to do these things.

It is also a good time to choose. If the formation is almost constructed and self-protection is formed, it will be difficult for the original Qi to change the formation, but now the formation is only beginning to take shape, it is the most vulnerable time, a little bit of foreign Strength, materials will be affected, many internal key points will also loosen, the formation will become precarious.

Fortunately, Zhou Shu had a way to deal with it. The Five Sacred Beasts could suppress the origin and resist the heavens to change the formation, but there were also many problems.

The Four Elephant Seals that suppressed Xuanyuan Sword contained the true Four Elephant Spirits, but they were very small and faint, and it was difficult for them to take on the role of suppressing the origin. A large amount of the essence of the other Four Elephants must be absorbed-the spirit of the alien beast with the blood of the Four Elephants. Wait for it to be strong enough to be used, and the blood of the unicorn can't be used directly. It is necessary to lay out the formation and use it as an eye to exert its effect.

Doing these things is definitely not an overnight effort, it takes a lot of time and energy, and Zhou Shu alone is afraid it will be difficult to do.

After all, time waits for no one. No matter how strong the city lord is, he can only maintain it for two years at most. If the current situation is not changed after two years, the big formation will fall.

It is by no means as relaxed as he showed, this is a great crisis.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Shuruo realized.

"Junior Brother, there is Shushan..."

Xu Rong's arrival interrupted Zhou Shu's contemplation.

Zhou Shu glanced at her and nodded, "Okay, I know, I'll go in a while."

Xu Rong looked at him with concern and said softly, "Junior Brother, are you having any trouble?"

"Yes, there is a little trouble."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Sister, please help me gather people, Yang Mei, Zhao Yueru, Li Aojian, Zhu Dashan, let them come here to wait for me, I will come over at Shushan when I am done, and say I have important things to say. ."

"it is good."

Xu Rong quickly agreed and went immediately.

From Zhou Shu's expression, she saw that it was unusual, and she would not have the slightest delay.

Liuli Peak.

A side hall, the three of Shushan are in it.

Ding Yu walked around, sighing from time to time, "Don't say, although this hall is small, it doesn't lack anything. Compared with the atmosphere of Shushan, it has a special flavor. The Heyin School is really not bad."

"How could it be bad."

Gu Letian sighed, "Along the way, the vitality of the lotus sect is so rich that we are afraid that we will not be able to catch up with the Shu Mountain. And this Liuli Peak, the main peak of the lotus sect, is even more powerful and can match one of our caves. Now, it’s said that Liuli Peak is not the best place for cultivation, but Pagoda Peak is. I’m afraid that it can be compared with the eighth-order spiritual veins, and we can’t compare with Shushan..."

"Yeah, I understand why so many people want to come."

Ding Yu nodded, and said without realizing, "These spiritual energy is worth it, and even more rare is that the disciples inside are too good and hardworking, all of them are like this, I haven't seen a lazy person, no wonder, In such a good environment, everyone will work consciously. Alas, the Holland School has such good conditions, so it should be good for talents to come out in large numbers, but we are a little worse now."

"Why don't I feel this way? Shu Shan is now...a little depressed."

Gu Letian laughed at himself, "Hey, in the past, I always thought that the big sect like Shushan was the holy land for cultivating immortals, and you could pass the world without leaving your house, and the small sects were not worth mentioning, but only when I came to Lingyu City I realized that the past was really Well frog's view."

When they were outside, they were still suspicious and contemptuous, but when they entered the sect and felt the atmosphere inside, they quickly changed their minds and turned into emotion and envy.

Mo Lianxing said nothing, only feeling more in his heart.

It’s not the first time she has come to Lingyucheng. She knew very well what Lingyucheng Heyin School was like before. She knew in her heart that the reason why Heyin School has undergone such a big change in just a few short years. It's because of that person, Zhou Shu.

"Haha, I'm sorry, I kept a few of you waiting for a long time."

Zhou Shu walked in quickly, bowing his hands one by one, looking kind.

The three of them quickly got up and saluted, Mo Lianxing stared at Zhou Shu for a while, there was a different emotion in his eyes, but only a flash.

"Zhou Sect Master."

Gu Letian took out a Naxu ring and handed it over respectfully, "Elder Miao gave it to you."

"You don't need to call the lord, we are still fellow Daoists. With the relationship between the lotus sect and Shushan, even the brothers are fine." Zhou Shu took it and took a look. There were thousands of fire stones and profound spirit jade inside, which was better than expected. There is a lot more, and he smiled and nodded, "Thank you Elder Miao for his hospitality."

"A little thing is no respect."

Gu Letian said loudly, "The elders said it was a gift to Zhou Daoyou for the triumph. Besides, we also have more of these things~www.ltnovel.com~ We just need to say something when we need it."

"Well, I won't be polite when needed."

Zhou Shu nodded in satisfaction, and said thoughtfully, "Isn't it just for sending materials?"

"Friends of Zhou Dao's eyes."

Gu Letian took out a jade slip and said straightforwardly, "The elders have a slip to send, please look at it."

Zhou Shu took the jade slip and found it right after he penetrated into the divine sense, "Yes, you stay in the Dutch school, there is no problem."

There is not much text in the slips. Because Shushan is in the reconstruction period, there are too many chores, and there are many disputes among disciples. Miao Ruolan does not want the three heroes of Shushan to be disturbed, so she sent the three of them to Heyin to send them. To experience in an unfamiliar environment, on the other hand, I also hope that Zhou Shu can give them some good guidance, which can be regarded as an exchange condition for Shu Shan to Zhou Shu's materials.

The three looked at each other and saluted together.

Gu Letian took some relief, "Thank you very much, Daoist Zhou, and hope you can give me more advice in the future."

Ding Yu was a little excited, "Friend Zhou, when will we compare again."

Mo Lianxing's voice was very small, "Senior Brother Zhou, thank you."

Zhou Shu returned the courtesy one by one, and said warmly, "You don't need to be detained. I am just like Shushan here. I only have to keep a few rules."

"This is natural."

Gu Letian nodded hurriedly, "Elder Miao has instructed him. When we are here, we will be sent by fellow daoists. It will never violate the intention of fellow daoists."

Zhou Shu smiled and raised his hand, "Then I won't say much, a few fellow Taoists, go to Pagoda Peak to rest today, and I'll talk to a few others in detail tomorrow."

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