Fairy Winner

Chapter 1570: showdown

Heyin School, in the hall. ωMiscellaneous●Zhi●Cworm ω

Zhao Yueru, Yang Mei and the other five have been waiting for a while.

Zhou Shu walked in quickly and glanced at a few people, his expression still calm, with a rare dignity in his eyes.

He looked at Xu Rong and said slowly, "Sister, you first..."

"I won't go out, I want to stay."

As if he knew what Zhou Shu was going to say, Xu Rong shook his head quickly and said stubbornly, "I can help too."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "I understand, but you haven't enlightened you, it's still important to cultivate."

Xu Rong frowned, "Although I am not as good as you, but I am confident that I have few rivals in the realm of transforming the gods. Junior brother, are you discriminating against me?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Of course not. This matter is very important. If you know it, there will be many causes and effects involved. If you have enlightened Dao, take Dao as the foundation and are not afraid of cause and effect. But you have never enlightened Dao, and cause and effect are very related to you. Great, I’m afraid that future cultivation will be difficult, that’s why I said that."

"I don't care about cause and effect."

Xu Rong stared at Zhou Shu and shook her head vigorously, "What's more, I said before that the younger brothers have aspirations and are omnipotent. For me, this is the greatest cause and effect. What can be compared."

"it is good."

Zhou Shu nodded without saying much, turned to other people, and said slowly, "I am calling you today. There is an extremely important matter that needs your help. This matter will involve many things and is extremely dangerous. You have caused a lot of trouble, are you willing to help?"

Several people looked different.

Zhao Yueru's face was indifferent, "Just say it."

Li Aojian and Zhu Dashan were extremely excited, "Haha, Xiao Zhou, you finally have something to call us, let's talk!"

Yang Mei watched Zhou Shu not saying a word, and nodded as if complaining. To her, these things Zhou Shu said were nonsense, there was nothing she could not do, as long as Zhou Shu spoke.

Everyone's performance fell in Zhou Shu's eyes. Zhou Shu felt a lot of relief, only smiling and nodding, "This time, we will have many enemies."

"It's been peaceful for so long, and it's time to start."

Li Aojian seemed to realize something, "Who or something else?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "First of all, the way of heaven."


Zhao Yueru's expression was slightly condensed, and he said calmly, "We are already enemies of the Heavenly Dao. If we want to ascend to an immortal, we must break through the obstacles of the Heavenly Dao."

"The elder is right."

Xu Rong and Li Aojian responded, "This is nothing, right? Heaven is the enemy of all cultivators."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "It's not something like Heaven's Tribulation, but the many obstructions of Heaven's Path. You haven't experienced it, but I have..."

He talked about several experiences he had encountered, such as the catastrophe when casting the sword, the baby fish in the sea of ​​death, the elves when crossing the catastrophe and so on.

Several people were dumbfounded.

Li Aojian paused and sighed for a long time, "There is still such a thing, no wonder... No wonder Xiao Zhou, you cultivated so fast. It turns out that the Dao of Heaven is helping you in secret. Why didn't I encounter such a good thing? Alas!"

Zhu Dashan nodded, "Yes, this is all chance, Xiao Zhou is so lucky."

"It's an opportunity to bear it. Putting you in that situation may not be able to pass safely."

Zhao Yueru snorted, her eyes shining brightly, "However, I also want to experience that kind of encounter. It is a really good growth opportunity and can better hone Kendo."

Yang Mei looked at Zhou Shu, very serious and worried, and said in a low voice, "Brother, don't leave me behind. Let's go through it together."

Xu Rong sighed secretly, admiring Zhou Shu more.

Seeing the few people full of fighting spirit, Zhou Shu also nodded unconsciously. These people, ah, regard all danger as a test, and are willing to go through everything for their own way. It is said that true monks should be like this, but this is the Xuanhuang world. There are really not many monks with such aspirations.

Zhou Shu slowed down, and continued, "The enemy is not only the way of heaven, there may be six major sects."

"Six major sects, that's nothing."

Zhao Yueru shook her head and said faintly, "Sooner or later we will become the same kind of existence. Even now, I don't think it is worse than them."

Li Aojian looked at Zhou Shu and frowned, "Xiao Zhou, are you worried about them? Are you kidding? I think we have never been afraid of the six major sects, from the Qingyuan mountain range to here, from the refining of gas to the present, we Haven't been afraid, have you forgotten Senior Brother Xu and Senior Brother Yun."

Zhu Dashan followed, "Yeah, I didn't care about it in the past, let alone now, they dare to provoke us and never make them feel good!"


After speaking, Xu Rong only nodded.

Yang Mei didn't speak, but looked at Zhou Shu firmly, she knew that Zhou Shu understood everything she thought.

Zhou Shu nodded, showing a bit heavy, "Yes, the six sects are actually nothing, but if you add other big and small sects, not only the cultivators, but also many foreign races, such as monsters. Clan Sea Clan, etc., count them all?"

Several people were a little silent.

Xu Rong was shocked, "Junior Brother, do you mean to be an enemy of the entire Xuanhuang Realm?"

Zhao Yueru said slowly, "Zhou Shu, what are you trying to say? I will be with you, but you have to think carefully."

Zhu Dashan looked at Zhou Shu for a while, hehe he laughed, "Okay, okay! So bold, Xiao Zhou, now I'm convinced! Lao Li, do you have any comments~www.ltnovel.com~ I am not afraid," I really want to feel it, haha!"

"Those who hinder our Tao are all enemies."

Li Aojian said proudly, "If they really want to interfere with me, and there is still Xiao Zhou, then cut it off."

Yangmei nodded slightly, "Brother, no matter what, I'm with you."

"me too."

Xu Rong, who hesitated for a while, also nodded firmly.

Looking at a few people, Zhou Shu breathed a sigh of satisfaction, knowing that he was like this, whether right or wrong, life and death follow, and the husband can ask for anything.

Zhou Shu smiled and said slowly, "Hehe, it may not be such a point. As long as we work hard, things will develop in the direction we need. At that time, it may not be them who are our enemies, or the other way around. Allied with us."

"That's natural and good."

Li Aojian stared at Zhou Shu and said dissatisfied, "Well, you can talk about things quickly, want to suffocate us?"

Zhu Dashan stared, "That is, if you tell the matter, don't always talk about the consequences, you should know that we people will stand on your side no matter what happens."

Xu Rong and Zhao Yueru just nodded, "Yes."

It was time for the showdown to explain everything, Zhou Shu waved his sleeves, thousands of lights and shadows swept out, and quickly assembled in the hall.

In a short while, a tall tower was formed, simple and delicate, and it was extraordinary at first glance.

"this is……"

Li Aojian and Zhu Dashan looked at each other, Xu Rong didn't know when they stared.

And Zhao Yueru's face was slightly condensed, and she said a name she didn't believe in.

"Tower of Babel?"

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