Fairy Winner

Chapter 1578: Plunder

Golden Summit Island. √Miscellaneous 々志々虫√

The largest island in the Luoxing Islands is also the core of the Emei School.

In the magnificent hall, there are several tribulation realm cultivators standing in twos and threes, discussing something leisurely, and among them, a god-transforming cultivator walks around quickly, looking anxious.

After walking for a while, the cultivator of God Transformation finally stood still.

With a bitter look on his face, he looked at the monks around him, seemingly pleading, "Elders, please think of a way. This is already the tenth one. For several days, our mine islands have suffered. The barbarians looted and suffered very heavy losses!"

A monk raised his head and glanced at him, and said slowly, "Sect Master Bai, why do you think that it was made by the barbarian?"

The cultivator of the Huashen Realm is the current Sect Master of Emei, Bai Xuqing.

What I want to say is that the emei sect's suzerain does not have much power and can handle chores, but cannot mobilize elders. Only the star master can mobilize elders. However, since Quan Qinglin took over as the star master, there are not many elders because of his unfairness. I am willing to obey the orders of the star master, even if he does not listen to the orders of the star master, the elders will not care about the words of the suzerain.

The current Emei is basically a mess of sand, each acting independently.

Bai Xuqing explained in a low voice, "Elder Xu, according to the disciples on the island, the person here is dressed in a barbarian priest costume, riding a barbarian beast, and even using a witch rod to summon a mountain monk. The mountain monk roared, and they didn't immediately With strength, I can only let the barbarians **** it."

"Aren't the barbarians and us doing well a few years ago, they came to make us an idea, haha, it's interesting."

"Those barbarians can't make it into the climate, but it's a pity that they haven't been able to defeat Shu Mountain. What a pity, what a pity."

The elders nearby talked about it on their own, without taking Bai Xuqing seriously.

"It's actually possible to summon mountain relics, this spirit stone is really good."

The elder surnamed Xu looked slightly stagnant, and turned to the elder beside him, "Why, is Brother Li interested in snatching it, he should be able to sell a lot of Yuanshi?"

Elder Li shook his head quite disdainfully, "It’s nothing to do with the sacred stone. Besides, the old man can’t call spirit curses, and he can’t use it. The old man doesn’t bother to sell it. With this time, the old man is better off. Go to occupy a few more deserted islands and get more star power to cultivate your natal stars."

"Bah, what a **** desert island!"

A cultivator on the opposite side strode over and pointed angrily, "Li Dazong, you have taken the two islands of the old man's disciple, so you dare to say that they are deserted islands? Do you have any shame?"

"Zhang Xiaoxian, don't you want to spit people, is that your disciple's island?"

Li Dazong chuckled, "Why didn't the old man see your disciple on the island? Oh, maybe it's because the cultivation level is too low and he was automatically ignored. It's a pure waste of resources. You don't know how to be an old man. You clearly want to take the island in the name of a disciple."

Zhang Xiaoxian's face turned dark for a while, "Even if the old man is a trick to occupy the island, you can't help but behave like this. We have always been like this."

"That was before, now there are no rules."

Li Dazong waved his hand in disdain and turned to the other monks, "You say, don't you?"

Some of the other elders nodded, some shook their heads, and each said that each had its own reason. Only Bai Xuqing on the side saw that he was about to vomit blood, so he had to ask again, "Several elders, can you wait and say your grievances? Now is the time for the sect to discuss matters. , Let’s talk about the robbery of the mine islands. You should also know that those mine islands produce minerals such as profound spirit jade and thousand flint, which are important resources for building large magic circles and one-time magic weapons. Let the barbarians get away and use them to retaliate against us, the consequences would be disastrous!"

"It makes sense."

An elder stroked his long beard, "From the old man's point of view, this matter is a bit tricky. Why not take the barbarian and grab the ore again."

Bai Xuqing's eyes lit up and he hurriedly saluted, "Elder You is willing to make a move, it is really great, junior."

"Don't worry, don't worry," Elder You waved his hand and said slowly, "The old man will take action before he finishes talking, but after the matter is done, the old man will go to Tibet to collect ten star beads. It’s not difficult to get paid."

"What, ten star beads?"

Bai Xuqing hurriedly shook his head, "The Star Beads are the result of years of hard work by the ancestors of Emei. Each one is the treasure of Emei. How can I give it to the elders casually?"

"Don't give it, forget it if you don't give it."

Elder You snorted, "What is the most precious treasure, the star master has not used a lot by himself, otherwise he can cultivate so fast?"

"Elder You, you are too greedy. You only need ten for your mouth. Who can stand it?"

Li Dazong walked a few steps closer and smiled, "Sect Master Bai, you discuss it with the Star Master, I will do it, as long as eight star beads are enough."

Zhang Xiaoxian rushed over, grabbed Bai Xuqing's sleeves, and said loudly, "Don't pay attention to him, the old man only needs six, no more!"

"You You"

Bai Xuqing broke free, watching the few people vomiting blood, "Just leave it alone, even if Emei is robbed by someone, it doesn't matter, is it!"

"That's not what I said."

Elder You shook his head~www.ltnovel.com~ to take care of it, but we have done a lot, why not let the star master also take care of it? He stays in a closed solitary meditation practice, all resources are occupied, we have to grab the island, and we have to work hard to get the Star Zhaoxing ceremony and die. Why? "

Several elders nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes."

Li Dazong glanced at Bai Xuqing, very disdainful, arched his hands all around, "Sovereign, goodbye, next month's discussion, the old man can't come to retreat."

Soon people went to the building, and Bai Xuqing was the only one left in the hall. He raised his head and sighed, but he could only leave slowly.

On an island thousands of miles away.

Zhou Shu put away the mountain relics and was contentedly collecting ore.

"It went smoother than expected. If you grab a few more islands, you will almost reach your goal. There is still some surplus. It is strange that no one has come. I knew I didn't need to be so careful. Now Emei is really messy. "

His divine consciousness shrouded all around, although it was inconvenient to penetrate the formation of Jinding Island, most of the changes around him were also in sight.

These days, he has been looting arbitrarily inside Emei, but no elder crossing the robbery came to him. Didn’t you find it? It’s impossible, but most of them are unwilling to fight him for Emei’s sake. We are all selfish to this degree, Emei is also hopeless.

"However, no remains of Huoman have been found. It would be great if we could find Monk Emei who knew the High Priest of Thunder."

While he was thinking, he was slightly stagnant, and his divine consciousness sensed the strangeness. Thousands of miles away, several monks were rushing to see the direction. It was here that he came.

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