Fairy Winner

Chapter 1579: Yu Tiancheng

Not long after, several monks stopped in front of the island. Miscellaneous ☆ Zhi ☆ Insect ∑

A black-robed monk pointed to the mine on the island with an angry expression on his face, "Two brothers, do you perceive it? The barbarian priest is destroying our minerals in it, which is horrible!"

"Hmph, let us see the Emei Shuangxiu today, so I won't make him feel better!"

A rather beautiful female cultivator took a few steps, her long sword shining with cold.

Another young monk followed closely behind her, born tall and proud, with a lot of arrogance on his face, and also took out a long sword, "Yes, the barbarians, I dare to come to our Emei dispatch to make trouble, I just don't want to live!"

Brother Wupao nodded and slowly said, "Two juniors, these barbarians are making trouble in the Emei faction, but those elders shrank and dare not come forward. I can't bear to see the mine being ruined by him, and he is willing to come forward but lack strength. Fortunately The two juniors put the overall situation as the most important, and they are willing to join me to eliminate demons, otherwise Emei’s face will really be lost."

The young monk showed a bit of sorrow, "Hehe, what Brother Yu said, we are Emei Shuangxiu, and we will definitely not ignore Emei if something happens."

"Those elders, don't talk about it."

The female monk raised her eyebrows and sneered, "When we become elders in the future, we must humiliate them."

"Those elders are unreliable. The future Emei will depend on the two juniors."

The Wupao monk sighed with emotion, and said slowly, "You two go up first, I will surround you behind, and discipline the barbarians to go or not! Don't worry about the two, but what the barbarians rely on is just a seal. Spirit stone, and here I have the broken spirit banner that I got at auction, it just can suppress the spirit summoning curse. When he summons the mountain, it will be handed to me."

"We have discussed it before, so there is no need to say more."

The young monk slightly chin his head and said calmly, "As for the rest, leave it to us. If it's done, I will return the island to you."

"Thank you brother."

Brother Wupao quickly thanked him.

"Go on, sister Juan!"

The female monk nodded slightly, and the two of them flew towards the mine together. Before they walked a few steps, Zhou Shu, who trembled in front of the mine and looked fierce, walked out slowly in a barbarian costume.

He heard it very strangely inside. The three of them dared to come up to find something. The Wupao monk must have ulterior motives.

When Monk Wupao saw Zhou Shu, a glimmer of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he urged, "Junior Brother, come on, give me his mountain reeds!"

"Damn barbarians, dare to make trouble in Emei. I really don't want to live anymore. Grandma will send you to the west!"

The female monk didn't say much. As soon as the sword light flashed, she rushed towards Zhou Shu. The young monk was not too slow. Two sword lights, mixed with many dazzling stars, such as two twinkling Changhong, flew straight towards Zhou Shu.

A fierce light flashed in Zhou Shu's eyes, his hands shook, and a **** hand grabbed at the two of them.

Jianguang and Dashou immediately got entangled.

The cultivation of these two monks is not bad. In the late stage of Transforming God Realm, coupled with the power of starlight, they seemed to have a tie with Zhou Shu for a while, but Zhou Shu naturally knew that he didn't even use a bit of strength. Come out, just want to see what is going on.

"Brother Yu, come and help!"

The female monk glanced back and yelled, "Don't look at it!"

"it is good!"

The Wupao monk yelled, and the banner in his hand shook, two puffs of black smoke came out, like a dragon, but they wrapped the two monks from behind.

The young monk's expression changed drastically, "You, what are you doing?!"

"What to do is to kill you, of course, to show loyalty!"

The Wupao monk sneered, and the flags couldn't help shaking, and a red blood mist emerged from the black smoke, surrounding the two people more tightly.

The two of them were blocked by Zhou Shu's big hand, and they were attacked again behind them. They were still attacked by a trusted senior. Before they could be prepared, the poison and miasma in the black smoke had invaded their bodies. They were immediately unable to sustain themselves and their bodies gradually weakened.

"Yu Tiancheng, you kill the same door, you damn, damn!"

"Ah, ah—"

After a few screams, the two monks died one after another, and even the soul was corroded by black smoke and could not be retained.

The Wupao monk immediately collected the black smoke, turned to Zhou Shu, bowed respectfully and bowed, "Yu Tiancheng has seen the high priest."

If Zhou Shu realized something, he slowly said, "You killed these two people, do you want me to spare you?"

"The high priest will not kill me."

Yu Tiancheng smiled slightly, took out an earthy yellow wooden sign from his arms and held it high in his hands, "Please look at the high priest."

Zhou Shu glanced at him and said calmly, "What is this?"

Yu Tiancheng's complexion tightened, and he quickly said, "Don't laugh, the high priest, this is a token given to the villain by the high priest Banglei, as a proof, the villain is the inner response of the high priest Banglei who stayed in the Emei faction. He is usually a monk of Emei, but he does things for the tribe."

Zhou Shu looked at the token, slightly pondering.

"Do you not know the High Priest of Thunder Thunder?"

Yu Tiancheng raised his head and showed a trace of doubt, "No, the high priest of Thunder Thunder is the leader of the tribe, and he presides over the ceremonies of the gods. No one in the tribe of the hundred thousand mountains knows, the high priest..."

"Of course I know the High Priest of Thunder Thunder, but I don't recognize you."

Zhou Shu sank his face, "The high priest of Thunder Thunder died in the mountain of Shu, and I am also in front of me. How can I not know that in the ten thousand gods ceremony, I also called two barbaric gods, you dare to question my high priest's Identity?!"

Yu Tiancheng shook his head quickly, "The villain dare not, dare not."

"This token is not fake. The Blood Miasma flag you used looks like a high priest refinement~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu nodded slightly, as if thoughtful," I remember the High Priest of Thunder said also However, he has some things in Emei, and he still keeps his confidant to help him deal with some difficult things. Are you the one to help him? "

"Yeah yeah!"

Yu Tiancheng couldn’t help nodding, “The high priest’s eyes, that day, after I was accepted by the Thunder High Priest, I became his confidant. This **** and poisonous banner was handed to me by the Thunder High Priest, and the usage is also his I teach, otherwise, as a cultivator of immortality, how can I use the magic weapon of the barbarian?"

Zhou Shu nodded, showing a hint of joy, "It seems that you are indeed the confidant of the High Priest of Thunder Thunder, yes, get up."

Na Yu Tiancheng quickly got up and stood not far in front of Zhou Shu with a respectful expression.

Zhou Shu slowly said, "If you want to see me, you will come by yourself. Why do you bring two people here?"

Yu Tiancheng chuckled and said cunningly, "The high priest didn't know it. The two men were embarrassed and robbed a lot of other disciples' islands. The small islands were also taken by them, so they took this opportunity to destroy them. It can also be regarded as an eradication for Emei."

"Haha, good idea."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, only to sink his face again quickly, "Dare to use me as a swordsman, you are not brave!"

Yu Tiancheng knelt down again, "It's a small mistake. I won't dare to do it again next time. Please the high priest to punish me."

His face was soil-colored, shaking like chaff, obviously frightened.

(Ps: Thank you nuli8888 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)

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