Fairy Winner

Chapter 1581: Singya Island

"Artifact, you say it again?"

Zhou Shu looked at Yu Tiancheng, his face changed a little. Fastest update

Yu Tiancheng hurriedly said, "The little one dare not deceive the high priest, Emei's divine weapon universe really has a lot to do with Huoman."

Zhou Shu was surprised, "What's the relationship?"

Yu Tiancheng whispered, "The Universe Circle is also known as the Sun-Moon Universe Circle. It guards Emei, but it has not been used by the Emei monks. It is a very special artifact. Without sufficient power, it cannot be followed. It needs He is someone who can use the power of the sun, moon and stars, but Emei just doesn't."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, "The power of the sun, the moon and the stars..."

Yu Tiancheng nodded, "The high priest should know that the sun and the moon are also stars, and they are the most special stars, one yang, one yin, and the other stars are somewhere in between. Their nature is peaceful and monk Emei can practice. Star power can also find a way to cultivate the power of the moon, but it is difficult to perceive the sun and get the real power of the sun from it, so it is impossible to use the universe circle..."

Zhou Shu seemed to understand, "Huoman is rumored to be the inheritor of the power of the sun, so Emei wants to get a method to master the power of the sun from Huoman."


Yu Tiancheng complimented, "Sure enough, the high priest knows what he has done."

Zhou Shu lightly snorted, and said coldly, "These secrets, how do you know this little God Transformation Realm, and know so clearly? Could it be that you are coaxing me to go to Jinding Island and drill yourself? Into the trap of Emei?"

Yu Tiancheng's legs were a little weak, and he cried out repeatedly, "The little one will never dare. The little one listened to an elder."

Zhou Shu became colder, "Why did he tell you?"

"There are no rules and no secrets in the Emei faction now. Everyone will say whatever they want to say," Yu Tiancheng explained. "The elder is very dissatisfied with the star master. In fact, all the elders and disciples are very dissatisfied with the star. The master is very dissatisfied. The star master abused his power to punish his disciples, diverted a large amount of resources to practice on his own, and ignored sect affairs for hundreds of years. Now that Emei has become like this, who will convince him?"

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Can't you resist? I remember there are many elders in Emei who are better than the star master, right?"

"It may have been in the past, but it's hard to tell now."

A look of fear flashed in Yu Tiancheng’s eyes, "The two elders went to the star master for accountability, but they came back within a few hours. After they came back, they both triggered the catastrophe. Both died. The other elders guessed. The Star Master’s cultivation speed is astonishingly fast, and it may already be the eighth or even the ninth level of the Tribulation Realm, and the golden dome where he is located is protected by divine artifacts, and it is difficult for other elders to fight."

Zhou Shu stared at him for a while, nodded in satisfaction, "It seems that you didn't hide it from me."

Yu Tiancheng bowed his head and said, "The little one dare not deceive the high priest."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "You go, half a month later, come here again, after I confirm, I will give you the remaining marrow beads, if I do something, I will reward you a few more, you Remember, this matter must not be leaked out, and, during this time, you should not rush to use that marrow bead."

Yu Tiancheng hurriedly saluted, "Thank you for the high priest, thank you for the high priest, the little one has long regarded himself as a barbarian, and the adults will never talk nonsense."

Watching Yu Tiancheng leave, Zhou Shu thought for a while and flew to Xingya Island.

Emei was really messed up, and even these big secrets were arbitrarily spoken by an ordinary monk. It was out of help. The Star Master Quan Qing Lin seemed a bit tricky, let alone his cultivation, even the artifacts were in his hands. , Now that I feel in the ruins of Huoman day and night, I am afraid that the eight-fold cultivator who has understood the power of the sun and has a complete artifact, even Zhou Shu is not sure of victory.

However, this kind of situation is difficult to occur. Compared with the power of the stars and the moon, the power of the sun is more powerful and rarer, and conflicts with each other, and people who can smoothly use the three powers should not exist in the immortal world.

Not long after, Xingya Island was already in front of him.

The island is semi-circular, with many peaks rising from the edge, like sharp teeth soaring to the sky. Xingya Island is probably named for this.

There is a lake in the mountains, dark green, the light of stars shines on the lake, transpiring like mist, full of the breath of stars, it is really a treasure place for cultivating the power of stars, no wonder Tian Guangbo had to go from the evening clouds The fairy took it from her hand.

There was a hut in the lake, and a female amendment stood in front of the hut, staring at Zhou Shu in the air.

"Friends of Daoist, please go elsewhere and leave it to you, but if you want to invade this island, please draw down the road. This fairy will never make you feel better."

A slightly cold and hostile voice came into Zhou Shu's ears. Zhou Shu didn't notice a faint smile. He only spread the voice and said, "Fairies, don't be surprised, there is no intention of intrusiveness when visiting."

"Old friend? This fairy does not have a barbarian old friend."

Fairy Wan Yun's face was slightly condensed, and Zhou Shu had fallen to her side while thinking.

She turned pale, and took a few steps back quickly. She was even more shocked. Not to mention how this person broke through the formation. The speed alone was beyond the reach of the high-ranking cultivator of the Tribulation Realm. Strength, I'm afraid it is far above me, unfathomable.

Zhou Shu raised his sleeves slightly, and changed his appearance when he dropped his hand. He smiled and said, "Does the fairy know me?"

"Ah~www.ltnovel.com~ Are you Zhou Shu?"

Fairy Wan Yun recognized it at once, but the astonishment on her face increased without diminishing, "You, the cultivation base is the same as mine?"

"Haha, chances are fine, the fairy doesn't need to care."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, smiled and took out something, "I'm here with Fairy, I have something to ask for, please accept it first."

"Xuan Tiancao?"

Fairy Wan Yun looked at the thing in Zhou Shu's hand, was shocked again, and shook his head quickly, "Just tell me what you have, and I will try my best to help. This Xuantiancao is too precious. I am ashamed of it, let alone you. Just helped me. I wouldn't be able to take back Xingya Island without you. I wouldn't want it."

"A Tier 8 spiritual creature is not a good thing."

When Zhou Shu raised her hand, Xuan Tiancao fell in front of Fairy Wan Yun. She looked at it for a long time, and finally put it away. Looking at Zhou Shu, her face looked very solemn, "Zhou Shu, what can I do for you? of?"


Zhou Shu nodded and said in a straightforward voice, "Is there a savage ruin on Xingya Island, Fairy?"

Fairy Wan Yun was taken aback, showing some doubts, "Yes, it's in the Star Tooth Cave."

Zhou Shu laughed, "Please also ask the fairy to lead the way. I want to take a look at the ruins, okay?"

Fairy Wan Yun thought for a while, "I can naturally take you there, but I have to explain in advance that there are many layers of formations inside the Star Tooth Cave. They were not arranged by me, but by the previous star owners. I don’t know how to crack it, maybe you will encounter a lot of dangers after you go in...So I think you should not take the risk."

"Thank you Fairy for your concern, but you might as well take me there first."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, looking indifferent.

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