Fairy Winner

Chapter 1582: Star Tooth Cave

Turning around the lake, the two walked deep into the mountains together.

After walking without a few steps, he glanced at Zhou Shu, and Fairy Wan Yun hesitated and said, "Zhou Shu, don't you want to feel the power of the sun from the ruins of Huoman?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and asked instead, "Can you really get the power of the sun in the Huoman Ruins?"

She also mentioned the power of the sun, so Yu Tiancheng's words have a lot of credibility.

Fairy Wan Yun frowned and said in confusion, "I don't know, but Emei has always had such rumors that one of the suns can be obtained in the ruins of Huoman, and the three forces of the sun, moon and stars can be combined to make Emei. To become really strong, it is easy to surpass Kunlun, but no monk has ever succeeded, and even a single trace of solar power has not been obtained..."

Zhou Shu showed some interest, "Then why?"

"I don't know this anymore. I haven't seen the power of the sun, but thinking about it, it is indeed extremely difficult for Emei," Fairy Wan Yun seemed to think. "The sun and the moon are too far apart, but in The star power in the middle can only be tilted to one side. Most of us Monk Emei concurrently cultivate Xingyue, and if we have to take care of the sun, we can’t do it...Sometimes I think that we can change to a foreign monk who does not have the power to cultivate Xingyue and feel the sun alone It might be a little easier."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "It is indeed possible."

"Do you think that? You haven't practiced Xingyue and want to get the power of the sun alone?"

Fairy Wan Yun said in a condensed voice, “It’s not surprising that everyone wants to be stronger, but the power of the sun is very powerful, surpassing almost all the power of nature. It is a power that should not belong to the Xuanhuang world or other worlds, only the fairy world. Only qualified to comprehend and use...There has always been a legend that the original Huoman was dissatisfied with the immortal world because he gained the power of the sun, so that he would rain a storm of stars and destroy the Huoman tribe."

Zhou Shu was stunned, "Is there such a thing?"

Fairy Wan Yun nodded, "Yes, there are some records in Emei's ancient books that the power of the sun is also called the power of the divine fire. It has the power to destroy everything. The original fire was relied on the power of the sun to become a wild ancient In the most powerful tribe of the age, there were few immortal cultivators or foreign races willing to be their enemies. Even the dragon race had to stay away from them. Although Huoman is no longer there, it can be seen from the sun's golden fire and the sun's spirit."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, a little shocked.

It seems that he still underestimated the power of the sun. He didn't expect to be so strong that the immortal world would come to annihilate it. This is almost the same as the Tower of Tongtian.

Fairy Wan Yun glanced at Zhou Shu and continued, "You think the Double Ninth Palace, just by perceiving the sun and tempering your heart, you can get a very powerful Chongyang real fire, which will stand among the six major sects. Which sect really got the power of the sun, I am afraid that no one in the world of cultivating immortals can match it."


Zhou Shu was surprised in his heart and only turned into a faint smile, "I didn't intend to comprehend the power of the sun, but I am a little suspicious. I need to go there to solve it. By the way, fairy, how much do you know about Huoman, do they have words?"

Fairy Wan Yun shook his head, "I don't know, I haven't heard that Huoman has written words. There is a weird totem in the record, and the others are gone... Maybe there are some in the ruins."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Well, I can only visit the ruins."


Fairy Wan Yun pointed to a peak in front of him, and said slowly, "Zhou Shu, the star tooth hole is on the mountainside. It is easy to see, but it is dangerous inside. Only the star master has the formation amulet. You, be careful."

"Thank you Fairy, you go back."

Zhou Shu smiled and arched his hands, already changed into a barbarian appearance, and hurried towards the mountain.

As Fairy Wanyun said, Xingya Cave is not difficult to find, it is only smaller than expected, like a volcanic crater that has shrunk many times, with a radius of no more than five feet, but a little bit of perception can tell that there are many organs inside. , And extremely deep, I am afraid that there will be no more than a hundred miles.

Standing in front of the cave, Zhou Shu opened his palm, and a two-inch Yuanli puppet jumped out and flew into the cave.

If it were in other places, Zhou Shu would jump in directly, but in the end it was Emei, unlike the barbarians or the Dragon Palace. The formation was much stronger, and the cultivator's spiritual consciousness was stronger, so he had to act more cautiously.

The Yuanli puppet covered with divine consciousness and consciousness is like an exploratory robot. It will feed back the collected information and data one by one, and will try it personally when it finds suspicious and dangerous places. After spending five Yuanli puppets, the mystery of the formation was revealed little by little. How to break the formation and how to pass smoothly was also presented one by one in the sea of ​​knowledge.

After repeating the deduction dozens of times, Zhou Shu walked into the Xingyadong slowly after making no mistakes.

It is worth mentioning that although these formations are powerful arrangements, they do not involve the power of any laws, because if the laws that later generations do not understand are used, even if there are formations, they cannot enter or exit, which is equivalent to sealing.

The hole is very long and deep, it took hundreds of miles to reach the end, and the vertical straight line distance is more than a hundred miles.

Passing through the cave, you feel brighter ~www.ltnovel.com~ It is a ruin within a radius of a prescription. It is not too big. There are about dozens of houses in the ruins. The roof and the ground are thick everywhere. The white ash should have been left by the falling of the stars and melting rocks at high temperatures.

The strange thing is that the house has not been melted down, and the material is obviously unusual.

Zhou Shu took a closer look and found out that the stone used to construct the house is a very rare sun stone. It is said that the sun stone is smelted by the sun’s golden fire. Value, if you want to understand the power of the sun from these stones, it can only be whimsical.

Most of the ground and houses have been cleaned and tidied up, and the traces have been a long time ago. They should have been left by the Lord Emei in the past.

In most houses, you can find that strange symbol, that is, on the stone tablet Zhu Rong gave him. It seems that it is indeed the totem of Huoman, which is very much valued by Huoman, except for this totem. There are no other symbols or patterns.

Zhou Shu walked carefully around the ruins a few times and didn't miss any suspicious points, but he was a little disappointed.

These houses are all ordinary dwellings, very ordinary, there is not much to explore.

There are no altars, no idols, etc., indicating that this ruin is only part of the tribe, the place where the common people live, and there is no value part.

"It seems that I can only go to Jinding Island."

This result is also expected. This ruin was discovered by Emei very early, and it has been explored thousands of times by the master of Emei. If you get something from it, Emei will not be what it is now. Much stronger.

The relics on Jinding Island have been discovered only a thousand years ago, and perhaps something can be gained.

However, going there will be a lot of trouble.

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