Fairy Winner

Chapter 1583: Ablation

Golden Summit Island.

Located in the middle of the Falling Star Islands, with a radius of thousands of miles, the island is as flat as a mirror without half a mountain. The ground is full of natural star sands, which absorb the essence of stars day and night. Because of their existence, you can cultivate star power on the island. , Do more with less.

There are not many monks on the island, and a dozen monks can be seen patrolling around, monitoring the formation of the island.

An inspection monk was walking, and suddenly a soft cry came from behind him, "Brother, where is the golden cave?"

The monk subconsciously stretched his finger to the distance, "over there...well, who is it?"

He seemed to have noticed something wrong, he hurriedly turned his head back, but he couldn't see a half-person figure, and the formation didn't fluctuate at all, and his heart trembled slightly, "Is it an illusion, it seems that I heard something?"

After searching for a while, I still didn't find it, so I could only shook my head and walked away and continued to inspect.

Zhou Shu's figure appeared from dozens of miles away, moving in the direction that the monk pointed.

Not long after, his figure gradually became obscure, and his pace was much slower.

It should be close to the target, the strength of the formation is much stronger, but fortunately, there is not much divine consciousness monitoring here, so that he has the opportunity to break it calmly.

About half an hour later, a young man came into view from the building complex.

Among them, a golden-roofed attic is particularly eye-catching because of its appearance and the amazing power coming from it.

Divine consciousness can see through the outer wall of the attic. On the inner beam of the attic, there is a pale golden circle hanging.

The circle is not large, but a few feet, the material is unknown, the lines on it are numerous, it is difficult to describe, there is no light, it seems ordinary, but a little bit of perception, you will know that it is broad and profound, like the world, the sun and the moon The universe is in it.

The circle rotates slightly, like the sun and the moon, endless, inside and outside the attic, under its protection.

Universe circle.

It has always been in the universe of Emei. Unlike those unowned or damaged artifacts, it has never lost its power. Relying on the long-term worship of Emei disciples, it is still growing, but also because in Emei, it has received more There are many restrictions, from heaven to sect. Generally speaking, it is difficult to show its ability before the critical moment of sect.

"Sure enough, there are artifacts to guard."

Zhou Shu stood in the distance, seemingly thoughtful.

The Qiankun Circle should have discovered his existence, but did not make any movements. This is not much different from what he expected.

As Emei’s highest strength, it will inevitably be restricted by Emei. Until the moment of crisis, the universe cannot act on its own will. To activate it, it must get permission from the master of Emei, the white silk chain hanging from the universe. It is the spell that binds it.

It accepted its destiny as an artifact of Emei, relying on the growth of Emei's disciples, it must make such sacrifices.

With a smile, Zhou Shu arched his hands far away to show respect.

He didn't have the mind to **** the artifact, not to mention that it would surely shock Emei, and the artifact would never let him do it. Once it broke out, Zhou Shu didn't have the confidence to retreat.

Zhou Shu walked quickly towards the pavilion.

He perceives clearly that there is no one in the pavilion, and there is a hole at the bottom of the pavilion, which is not much different from Xingya Cave.

The Universe Circle looked at him and did not respond.

The formation outside the attic was not difficult, and Zhou Shu quickly came to the entrance of the cave.

With a little bit of perception, I know that the formation here is exactly the same as Xingya Cave, but it should be arranged by the latecomers according to the original formation. It is not as proficient as the formation in Xingya Cave, and the realm is also much worse. Then, Zhou Shu passed without any problems.

But Zhou Shu paused at the entrance of the cave, his expression becoming serious.

In the cave, he felt some dangerous aura, very dangerous, just like when he faced the eighth-order consummation mountain at Guixu.

Could it be that there is a cultivator of the Nine-fold Consummation of Crossing Tribulation Realm below?

Somewhat unbelievable, but his perception can't go wrong, there must be an extremely powerful existence below.

With his right hand stretched out, a small Yuanli puppet took shape and leaped into the hole.

Hundreds of miles, all the way through the array, very smooth.

Zhou Shu looked attentively, his divine consciousness and Shu Zhili attached to the puppet, observing the situation in the cave.

Not long after, the entrance of the cave was in front of him. The ruins were much larger than those of Xingya Cave, and there were many more buildings. What made Zhou Shu's eyes fixed was a round stone platform. On the stone platform, there was a pale gold. Blurry imaginary tower.

It is Daota.

He recognized it immediately.

It was a strange feeling to see other people's Taoist pagodas, and seeing the lines on that Taoist pagoda, Zhou Shuli froze for a while.

Many of the lines are similar to the inscription on the stone tablet.

In other words, the inscription also comes from a similar Taoist pagoda, which is a kind of Taoist inheritance.

"who is it?"

Just waiting to take a closer look, a low voice suddenly came from the Tao Tower.

Accompanied by the sound, a golden light flew out from the Dao Pagoda and ran straight towards the Yuanli puppet.

Zhou Shu secretly said a bad cry, and the puppet manipulator retreated quickly.

If the puppet is destroyed by the formation, it is enough, but if it is destroyed by human hands, the opponent can know a lot of information from the divine consciousness and consciousness.

This is not something Zhou Shu wants to see.

Although the Yuanli puppet was fast, it was not as fast as the golden light. In an instant, the golden light met the puppet.

If the snow meets the blazing sun, the Yuanli puppet begins to melt at a very fast speed~www.ltnovel.com~ Only two or three breaths, the Yuanli disappears, but through this gap, Shu Zhili escapes from the puppet. Quickly rush up with divine mind.

Zhou Shu's complexion became darker.

His Yuanli puppet is not an ordinary Yuanli puppet. Among them, Yuanli is close to the power of the original source, and it is extremely powerful.

But it is no match for Jin Guangyizhao.

He had never seen the power in the golden light, but it was certain that it was stronger than the power he had seen, including the power of the dragon, and the power of the Tao that he was far from perfect.

Is it the power of the sun?

That pagoda is a pagoda formed by the power of the sun?

The people in the Dao Pagoda should have understood the Tao of the Sun-this seems to be a nonsense. Even Dao Pagoda can take shape. Naturally, it means that the people inside have gained the Dao, but Zhou Shu felt that something was wrong.

Having lost the **** of Yuanli, Shu Zhili ran all the way with his spiritual thoughts, and was about to leave the cave soon.

However, the golden light never gave up, stalked closely behind, and never lags far behind.

Zhou Shu stood at the entrance of the cave, and Shu Zhili had formed a shield.

The opponent at the bottom of the hole can be regarded as one of the strongest players ever played against Zhou Shu. He is by no means under the mountain relics. If God's Sense falls in his hands, it is difficult to say what the consequences will be.

With a soft sound, Shu Zhili integrated into the shield and returned to Zhou Shu with divine thoughts.

The golden light came in search of it, turned into an arrow, and flew towards the shield.


Zhou Shu didn't move, but Shu Zhili's shield shook. Between the collisions, Shu Zhili had lost a lot of time.

Similarly, Jinguang has also been exhausted a lot.

In the golden light, a faintly reflected sun suddenly lit up, shining twice at Zhou Shu, seeming to be warning something.

Then disappeared.

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