Fairy Winner

Chapter 1589: See the same

Zhou Shu is still thinking. Fastest update

Sacrifices such as life and spirits?

Probably not. In the record, Huo Man was not so frantic. If the Sun Seed needed this kind of sacrifice, Zhou Shu would not dare to use its power.

In those ancient times, what would the barbarians use to worship the sun? At that time, besides the barbarians everywhere, what else would there be? Zhou Shu frowned, seeming to feel something, obviously

The possibility of a savage beast is still the greatest, but it will not be a whole savage beast, but the essence and blood and spirit of the savage beast, which is the blood and soul orb.

Give it a try.

Confusing Li Chenyi's perception, a few blood beads silently fell on the sun seed crystal.

The ripple shook a few times, and immediately swallowed the blood beads.

Sure enough.

Zhou Shu was excited in his heart, and while he was excited, the sun seed crystal above his head suddenly shone with brilliance, the brilliance fell like water, and the mist shrouded him like a mist.

"You, what did you do?!"

Li Chenyi was shocked, Xingli turned into a big hand and grabbed the Sun Seed.

But it was too late at this time. The Tao Tower of the Sun Seed Seed had already been born, and it was covered by the power of the Sun, and the star power was melted away as soon as it touched.

"Damn it!"

Li Chenyi knew that it was not good, stared at the vague Zhou Shu, and yelled, "Daoist, you are so unruly! It's too unruly, I just show you how to use it, this The Sun Seed is not yours!"

"I don't know, it's like this."

Zhou Shu spread his hands, his expression a little innocent.

"Fart! If you don't give him the sacrifice talisman, how can you make it give you the tower, do you treat it as a fool!"

Li Chenyi pointed at Zhou Shu, angrily rushing to the crown, lost his calmness, and spoke vulgar words.

Zhou Shu shook his head and left him alone. Anyway, he was in this tower, protected by the power of the sun, and would not be hurt, and there was no need to worry about Li Chenyi.

Inside, it feels very different from the outside.

There is also golden light inside, but it is much softer and not a bit aggressive.

Under the soft light, the whole body was hot, as if penetrating into the body, and everything was comfortable. Muscles, blood, bones, meridians, etc. were all active, running in a state several times more than usual, not just The body and even the inside of the Sea of ​​Consciousness are the same. Under the shining of soft light, the tree of spirits grows much faster, and the branches are spreading and growing at almost visible speed.

Simply put, there is unlimited life everywhere.

The effect is much better than taking the best supplementary pill.

Obviously, in this case, using the primordial stone to practice can do more with less. The speed is five or ten times the normal practice speed, and there will be no feeling of fatigue, and there seems to be eternal motivation.

As he had thought before, this Sun Seed is indeed an extremely mysterious magic weapon, forming a Tao Pagoda and assisting the Huoman cultivation inside. He also understood why Li Chenyi could cultivate so fast.

There are enough blood or marrow beads, plus unlimited primordial stones and star beads, it is enough.

Zhou Shu would not practice in it, this was not his goal.

He tried to analyze the soft light. Although it is not aggressive, its essence is not much different from the golden light outside. It is a force that has nothing to do but pays without asking for return. It is obviously also the power of the sun, but It is another usage.

A kind of dissolving everything, giving death, a kind of urging everything, giving life.

The power of the sun is really profound.

Zhou Shu would not miss such an opportunity. His knowledge of the sea did not relax for a while. All the spiritual consciousness was mobilized, deduced and calculated, and used Shu's power to simulate the power of the sun, trying to exert a similar effect.

Imitation is also an excellent way to learn when you cannot understand the nature of the power of the sun or the laws.

If you can imitate it completely, even if you don’t know the rules, you will begin to understand the meaning and gradually understand the meaning in the process of using it, just as if you are doing a question, even if you don’t know how the answer came, you will do a lot of repetition. , You will understand.

But if you use other Dao powers, it is difficult to achieve this, but Shu Zhili is different.

His Shuzhi Dao is infinitely extended and all-inclusive, and it contains many essential laws of tactics, even if he doesn't know the specifics, but it is indeed inside.

Soon, he was immersed in it and gradually gained something.

Outside Daota, a pair of resentful eyes stared at him, and Li Chenyi was already out of anger.

"What do you want to do? You can't do without here!"

Zhou Shu looked up at him, looked at the direction, and seemed to stretch his finger thoughtfully.

A trace of Shu's strength gently fell on the inner wall of the Taoist Tower, and on the Taoist Tower, a ray of golden light appeared in a timely manner, shining straight at Li Chenyi.

Li Chenyi's complexion changed abruptly and he dodged, while the golden light bounced back and forth in the ruins, marking hundreds of traces, and was not taken back until he touched the road tower.

Zhou Shu stared at the golden light, with a strange feeling, although he couldn't control it.

But Li Chenyi looked at Zhou Shu with more bitter eyes. He walked around, waving his sleeves and cutting the surrounding buildings. Soon, he also learned Zhou Shu and covered his body with a layer of sunstone armor.

"Have you got the power of the sun?"

Xu Shi has been yelling for a long time~www.ltnovel.com~ His voice is a bit hoarse, with resentment, and envy.

Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, showing a trace of concentration, "I almost forgot."

After thinking about it, he took out the stone tablet from Qiankun's bag.

Looking at the quaint red stone stele, Li Chenyi's eyes seemed to burst into flames. He opened his eyes as hard as he could, but he couldn't understand the words on it, and he couldn't help showing a little dazed.

"What you can't understand, neither can I."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "If you can understand these words, you don't need them at all, because these words are all on the tower."

Looking at the Dao Pagoda and the stone tablet, Li Chenyi was confused.

He murmured unconsciously, "How could this happen? Is this really the Fireman Bible? Why do you want to leave the words on the tower in the Bible, so what use is it? It can't be understood, and it is impossible to understand it. , And if you can understand, why need the Bible... shouldn’t it be a book that can be understood so that people who see it can use it to master the sun’s divine power in the sun seed?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "I thought the same way at the beginning, but it doesn't seem to be the case. This Bible may be for people who understand the power of the sun. It has no effect until the power of the sun is mastered and Tao is understood. ."

Li Chenyi stared at the stone tablet and couldn't help but shouted, "Maybe it's..."

As soon as he spoke, he covered his mouth, slightly flustered, as if he understood what he had said wrong.

"Use the power of the sun in the sun seed to see it?"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "I think the same way, you and I see the same thing."

Li Chenyi was speechless, squeezing his fists hard, and the sun was petrified into fragments, streaming out from his fingers.

I hate it, "Damn it, remind him again!"

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