Fairy Winner

Chapter 1590: accident

Without reminding, Zhou Shu also knew what to do. Fastest update

The stone tablet was gradually covered with a layer of golden light, Zhou Shu inside the Tao Tower, and Li Chenyi outside the Tao Tower, all staring intently.

Time flies slowly and quickly.

Zhou Shu gently shook his head, "It seems not."

The power of the sun penetrated the inside and outside of the stele and lasted for a quarter of an hour, but there was no change, and it remained the same.


Li Chenyi was a little disappointed, but also a little lucky.

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Isn't it the Huoman Bible you mentioned, I'm not sure, but it may be useless right now."

"Unless you can find someone who can read these words."

Li Chenyi unconsciously continued, with a hint of sarcasm in the corners of his mouth, "It seems that you and I have no relationship with the sun's divine power, ha ha, fellow Taoists have worked so hard, but now they are all in vain, ridiculous."


Zhou Shu smiled faintly.

He has nothing to disappoint.

He had no intention of getting the power of the sun, but only hoped that through the power of the sun, he could improve his way. At this point, it is enough to have the sun seed, but he also has some doubts. What is the meaning of Zhu Rong giving this stone to him? , Do you hope to find someone who can inherit the power of the sun through him? Or, the stele is not a savage bible at all, but other information, which can only be interpreted after mastering the power of the sun?

In comparison, it seems that the second possibility is a bit bigger.

I don't know if Zhu Rong's move was intentional or unintentional, but now he doesn't plan to struggle any more, and temporarily throw it aside.

Li Chenyi looked at Zhou Shu and said coldly, "Aren't you planning to come out?"

"Well, stay a little longer."

Zhou Shu nodded and smiled, "Friend Li, you have been enlightened for hundreds of years, don't you mind if I use it for a few months? Anyway, I can't take it with me. It will still be yours when I come out, right?"

The power of the sun has not yet felt enough, and there are still some ideas to be implemented, so I can't leave it.


Li Chenyi calmed down, and gradually became calm, "Then please ask fellow daoists to take a good look inside. Li is waiting."

After speaking, he walked away and disappeared.

Only he didn't know, a trace of divine thought fell on him without a trace, and left with him. At the same time, all the divine thoughts he stayed here were expelled by Zhou Shu.

Get used to it, it is better to be cautious, although it is unlikely that anything will happen.

Zhou Shu took out some blood beads and marrow beads and put them into the sun seed crystal.

Time is running out, hurry up.

The power of the sun in the Dao Pagoda became more and more intense, and the transpiration was like mist, which made Zhou Shu more convenient and more comprehensive.

He didn't need to practice, but others weren't. After basically determined that the Sun Seed would not be in any danger, he took out Caiying and the Demon Refining Pot and put them in the Tao Tower together.

"So comfortable..."

Caiying stretched out lazily, lying still on her stomach.

Zhou Shu took out a bunch of high-level spiritual relics and countless primordial stones, and piled them beside her, "Feel it well, don't be lazy."

"My palace knows."

Caiying curled her lips and got back into the sword, only to fly out soon, exclaiming, "Wow, this place is very good for Qingjian!"

Zhou Shu didn't realize it, "What are the benefits?"

Caiying was very happy, "It turned out that there was a small flaw in the blue sword. It was due to the fact that there was too much fighting some time ago, and some internal wear and tear. It cannot recover by itself. The palace is still planning to find a way, but just now, that light I took it directly inside and it started to recover on its own, which is really interesting."

"The power of the sun here can indeed stimulate the vitality of all things."

As if he had discovered some secret, Zhou Shu's heart was slightly shaken, as if he was enlightened, "Then, it should be possible to restore the magic weapon, and more than that. If you refine the artifact in this light, it is most likely to achieve the best, alchemy. The same, all materials can be improved inside."

Caiying exclaimed, "Then you still don't try?"

"It's not in a hurry now, you can practice hard."

Zhou Shu looked at the demon refining pot beside him, his eyes gradually condensed, "Are you recovering too?"

The power of the sun is not specifically used for cultivating immortals, it is good for all things, and its value is greater than he expected. This is really a surprise, and it must be used well.

I'm afraid Li Chenyi, who wants to get the power of the sun, doesn't know.

However, he suddenly thought that when he took out the demon refining pot just now, the demon refining pot shook unconsciously twice, and seemed to be a little excited. It seemed that the demon refining pot had known it earlier than he and Caiying. The magical effect of force.

The demon refining pot shook slightly, and a line of words appeared, "Yes, but it's very slow. It's good for you to let me stay in it for a while."

Zhou Shu didn't say a word, but seemed thoughtful.

Compared with the power of the stars outside the sky, the power of the sun, which should not belong to the Xuanhuang Realm, is higher and more powerful. It can naturally help the Demon Refining Pot to recover better, much faster than he had absorbed the power of the stars everywhere. However, he couldn't let the demon refining pot recover too much, and he lost control, which was also troublesome.

He paused and said calmly, "Tell me what you know."

The Demon Refining Pot hesitated for a while, "I don't know much~www.ltnovel.com~ I only know that this light is rare even in the fairy world, and it is a great opportunity in the Xuanhuang world. I have only seen four Times, but not once can be obtained, in short, it must not be wasted. By the way, you can take out your magic weapon and pill etc. It is very good for them. If it takes a long time, it is likely to improve the quality. There is your beast."

"I will."

Zhou Shu thought for a while and said, "You only know these, then do you know how to obtain such power."

The Demon Refining Pot quickly replied, "I really don't know."

Zhou Shu nodded gently, "You can recover."

After a lot of things, the credibility of the Demon Refining Pot has increased a bit. I don’t know if it is true. After all, the disappearance of the Fire Man and the Sun Seed was in the ancient era, and the active period of the Demon Refining Pot was Ancient times.

Zhou Shu took out his belongings one by one. There were spiritual objects, pills, and magic weapons. Of course Xiao Gun was also included. Seeing them bathed in this light, there was a strange high level of satisfaction.

Changes are not fast, but they are not slow, and you can feel their changes.

After watching for a while, he quietly drew a line, and a barrier suddenly stood up, dividing the road tower into two sides.

There are more important things to do.

Sitting alone, he took out Xuanyuanjian.

Since the power of the sun can help the demon refining pot to recover, it should also have an effect on the Xuanyuan sword. The divine tool that has been silent for a long time may be able to glow with new vitality in the power of the sun.

After a short while, the gloomy sword gradually flashed a little bit of light, like water splashes on the ocean at night, spreading little by little, filling the entire sword.

With a soft cry, the sword body seemed to shake.

Zhou Shu didn't hesitate, a wisp of soul went straight into the sword.

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