Fairy Winner

Chapter 1591:

At first, it took a long time to slowly restore the demon refining pot to a usable condition, but now, less than a hundred breaths, Xuanyuan Sword has such a big Щщш..lā

Is the power of the sun many times stronger than the power of the stars?

Zhou Shu didn't think so. It should be that Xuanyuan Sword had not suffered any damage at all, which was very different from the demon refining pot that was nearly destroyed, and the spirit that Zhou Shu had penetrated quickly confirmed this point.

Xuanyuanjian became active on the outside, but the internal changes were not big. The door was still firmly locked, and there was no sign of loosening.

The Xuanyuan Sword was not damaged, it should have been sealed from the inside. If it was damaged, the power of the sun could restore it to some extent, but now just let it gradually become active, just like other magic weapons gaining the power of the sun.

To use it, the seal must be unlocked, and the key to unlocking the seal is obviously on the inexplicable beggar.

"The beggar..."

Zhou Shu secretly thought that the beggar was definitely not an ordinary person or a soul. The tactics used were extremely weird and even drew vitality. He had never heard of it. He must be familiar with some unknown laws, fearing that it would be a mighty existence that fell into the realm.

The beggar didn't seem to be hostile to Zhou Shu, but it was not easy to find it, and he had no clue at all.


In thinking, Zhou Shu also found some differences.

The three-headed and six-armed statue in front of the gate, illuminated by the power of the sun, went from being dark to clear. Originally, only one face could be seen clearly, but now all three faces can be seen, and... they seem to begin Moved.

Zhou Shu showed a lot of surprises, and his soul couldn't help but back down.

It is really moving, three faces and six arms, all moving slowly.

Like the human face of the emperor, his hands are separated up and down, ringed in the abdomen, like holding a ball, the fingertips are turning up and down, the speed is not fast, but a little bit of aura keeps flying around, lingering on the fingers, like fireflies , It is strange.

"Tai Shang Yin Qi Jue?"

Zhou Shu's complexion was slightly frozen, and he immediately thought of something.

The Taishang Yin Qi Jue is about the earliest spirit-inducing method. I don’t know when it appeared and circulated in the Xuanhuang Realm. It can be said that the emergence of human immortals has a lot to do with this method. The earliest Cultivators basically use this simple and effective technique to attract spiritual energy and then practice.

Before this formula, human beings didn't even know how to perceive and use aura.

Today, the Taishang Yin Qi Jue has long since disappeared, or it has evolved into another appearance, but Zhou Shu still has some impression of this earliest prototype.

This kind of fingering, plus the aura of attraction, is 80% sure.

Looking at the other two faces, they also looked like the emperor, and the actions were the same.

With three heads and six arms moving at the same time, it is quite weird, but when you look closely, you don’t notice it. On the contrary, there is a kind of strange charm. Zhou Shu looks a little frozen. Unconsciously, the more he looks, the more obsessed, the more immersed in it. Seems to be enlightened.

As the first method of mankind, it didn't have any cumbersome steps, and it was far less efficient than the improved ones in later generations, but it was closer to the essence of cultivating immortals. After seeing it a lot, savoring it, there is a feeling of returning to the original.

It's also when the realm is reached that there will be such an understanding.

When a cultivator arrives in this state, he always thinks about cultivating the path and advancing, and he has a different understanding of everything.

I don't know how long I watched, but the statue has changed again.

Gradually raise your hands, hold them flat on your chest, close your wrists, separate your palms, make a flower blossom, your fingertips are like petals, slowly spread out, and then slowly close together. The movement is not complicated between opening and closing. But it is very aura.

"What's the ancient trick?"

Zhou Shu seemed to feel something, and he was happy again.

This set of **** looks even more wonderful. Although I don’t know the effect, there is a faint feeling of extremely comfortable mind. It seems to also coincide with certain Dao laws. It is very helpful in practice. Looking at it, Zhou Shu gradually became fascinated. The sense of enlightenment.

Slowly, the whole person became a little sluggish, and unconsciously followed the movement...


There was still a hint of clarity in the Lingtai, Zhou Shu yelled, and suddenly withdrew from the spirit.

He has experienced many fascinations, but this situation is definitely not the fascination before enlightenment, and it does not benefit him at all.

"It is absorbing the spirit and consciousness!"

This is a fact that he immediately discovered after he woke up.

The spirit and consciousness that he entered into the sword all had a reduced appearance, because it was so slow that he didn't notice it at the time.

After careful self-examination, I found out again soon.

Not only the soul and consciousness, but also the cultivation base of his own vitality has been reduced. In other words, the spiritual energy attracted by the previous Primordial Yin Qi Jue was actually his own cultivation base.

Zhou Shu raised the Demon Refining Pot in front of him.

"Do you know what this trick is?"

He slowly used the two sets of fingerings and movements that he saw in Xuanyuanjian, looking at the demon refining pot with an unusually solemn expression, "To be honest."

The demon refining pot paused for a while, and several rows of characters appeared.

"Taishang Yin Qi Jue, Huang Tian Ji Lingshu, are very early human methods, a kind of Qi used to attract the origin of vitality and spiritual energy, etc., and a kind of Qi used to attract the spirit of all things~www.ltnovel.com~elves Soul and so on, but these two tactics should not be of any use now, and they have probably long been lost."

Zhou Shu questioned, "Why is it useless?"

The Demon Hug continued, "In the ancient times, the original Qi of vitality was everywhere. In this environment, everything has an aura, and it is easy to see the stone and wood elves. Such techniques are useful. After the ancient times, the black and yellow realm was weakened, the original vitality of the vitality was withered, all things were difficult to gather spirits, and the elves were hard to find. Even if used, such a trick would have no effect, and it would not attract much."

"If it was useful, I would have told you a long time ago to help you cultivate immortals faster, but now it is not the past."

It seems to be a little emotional.

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "That's it, thank you, you continue to recover."

Putting back the demon refining pot, Zhou Shu stared at Xuanyuanjian, seemingly enlightened.

He roughly understands.

The power of the sun is not without a little effect, at least, it has awakened a part of Xuanyuan Sword's purpose, only that use is not a good aspect.

The Taishang Yin Qi Jue, Huang Tian Ji Spirit Technique, and even other ancient methods are exactly the way Xuanyuan Sword draws from its host. The statues in it continue to use the method, and the cultivators who use the Xuanyuan Sword will Unknowingly, they were absorbed by the cultivation base and the soul, and Xuanyuan Sword's powerful power compensated them. They enjoyed it and even felt that they could make progress, but the lack of the cultivation base and the soul was irreparable. In a certain battle If it breaks out, you will lose your life for no reason.

The masters of Xuanyuan Sword in the past have fallen like this.

There really is a problem with this Xuanyuan sword.

(Ps: Thank you Gulang Tingtao~ for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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