Fairy Winner

Chapter 1592: Time to go out

Xuanyuanjian was put into a separate Naxu ring.

Negative effects have been stimulated, and I don’t know what else will happen. In short, it is not appropriate to resume.

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, "Could it be that the Emperor really did such a thing?"

Xuanyuan Sword is a divine tool that guards the Xuanhuang Realm. There shouldn't be such a statue in it. In other words, this Xuanyuan Sword has been changed by others, and the statue was put in later, and the earliest owner of Xuanyuan Sword was the Emperor. , Xuanyuanjian is also named because of this. The magic tricks used in the statue are in line with the era of the Emperor. All signs have proved a conclusion-the Emperor left behind is a modified evil artifact, which was used deliberately. To absorb the power of the cultivator.

As Master Miaodi said.

But why did Human Emperor want to do this? Where did the power Xuanyuanjian got? Can it be passed to the fairy world?

Baisi is hard to understand.

Maybe only by finding that beggar can we know the truth.

Where did the beggar go? If he has a lot to do with Human Sovereign, 80% of them have gone to Xuanyuan Mountain, which is the ancestral land of Human Sovereign.

Xuanyuan Mountain was in the Aolai Kingdom of Dongshengzhou, but it was destroyed a long time ago, and it was destroyed three times. Once it was destroyed by the Xiuxian sect that was killed by Xuanyuan Jian, and the Xuanyuan clan was also annihilated. The clan invaded, the mountain collapsed and the land broke, and once was the invasion of the devil monkey, now Xuanyuan Mountain has long ceased to exist.

"When the time comes down, I still have to look for it."

Zhou Shu thought for a while and put this matter in the plan, but the priority is not high, and I will talk about it after the matter of the Tongtian Tower is resolved.

The most important thing right now is the Tongtian Tower.

Looking at the surrounding things, as well as Xiao Gun bathed in golden light, Zhou Shu concentrated on feeling the power of the sun.

Time flies quickly, and a year is a blink of an eye.

In this process, in order to maintain the strong solar power at all times, Zhou Shu has been replenishing the marrow beads and blood beads, which consumes a lot of money, and almost used all the brutal beasts, but the results obtained are enough to satisfy him.

Time to go out.

The quality of the pill and the magical things, and even the soul fluid, has been improved, and he has also made time to refine two top-quality magic weapons.

One piece of order 7 is named Tingtao.

An extremely rare special magic weapon that can release invisible waves after use, with a range of nearly a thousand miles. It hides one's own consciousness and mind in the endless waves of the domain, and protects it so that the opponent cannot perceive or interfere, even if it is An opponent who is much better than himself.

The cultivators of the Transcendent God Realm use this treasure, and the cultivators below the sixth level of the Tribulation Realm are unlikely to interfere with their own divine consciousness and consciousness.

This magic weapon was prepared for Zhuge no matter how rigorously it is. With this treasure, the military formation can play a greater role.

One piece, regardless of order, is named Wuyi Feizhou.

It is a very peculiar flying magic weapon.

Its speed is of course very fast. Needless to say, it is even more rare that it has a wonderful characteristic. It has flown five thousand miles at a normal speed, but in fact it has flown six thousand miles, which is an extra thousand miles. , I don’t know what the moment passed, nor where it is, but it is true that this magic weapon can reduce the distance by one-fifth of the normal distance and increase the speed by one-fifth.

Among them, the law of space must play a role, and the thousand li of existence has become the invisible non-existence.

Zhou Shu couldn't fully explain the law, but he also understood some truths so that he could unconsciously use the law when refining magic weapons.

A good result is that such a magic weapon can be refined in this realm. With time, after a better understanding of the laws of space, it seems not difficult to refine the magic weapon of the sky.

Caiying and Qingyanjian have also been greatly improved.

The Blue Nightmare Sword has just been released, all hidden diseases and hidden injuries have been fully recovered, and it is full of vitality. It also evokes some memories of the long sleep in the sword, that is, the sword intent.

Those sword intents were absorbed by the ever-growing picks. Not to mention the higher level of cultivation, the realm became clearer. Zhou Shu was certain that the sword of Liuxia would definitely write a rich and colorful stroke on the world of cultivation.

It's a pity that the sword spirit cannot preach.

Caiying is a little unhappy, but after entering the sky, there may be changes.

Xiao Gun, still sleeping.

In fact, it was almost ready to wake up, but Zhou Shu didn't plan to wake it up yet.

Another thing to say is that one thing has also changed in the power of the sun, a big change.

Magic monkey.

The magic monkey in the stone fetus has a layer of fine golden hair growing on its body. It is no longer a baby but has grown into a mature appearance.

It’s no wonder that almost half of the primordial stone that Zhou Shu took out was absorbed by it. With the catalytic effect of the power of the sun, Zhou Shu estimated that if it continues, it will be broken in a short time. Out.

He did it deliberately, he wanted him to grow.

But not yet when it comes out.

The devil monkey has done a lot of evil to the Xuanhuang World, and Zhou Shu will not let it wake up when it has not completely changed.

To completely change is to let it completely forget everything in the past, even forget that it was once a magic monkey and acquire a new identity.

In this regard, Zen Gate can do it, and it needs to be suppressed by Zen Bao at all times, and it needs to make its own vow, and Zhou Shu has some plans.

As for the refining pot...

Seeing its thirst for the power of the sun~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu did not want to deepen the enmity, so he gave it considerable freedom, did not deliberately restrict its acquisition, it seems that it has recovered a lot, it is very simple One of the facts is that the Demon Refining Pot can slightly resist the power of the sun, the power of the sun outside the Taoist tower.

More precisely, when using the refining pot, the fourth character on the pot showed one-twentieth.

Zhou Shu was a little curious, "What can you do for one-twentieth of you?"

"Don't worry, I'm far from your opponent. I can assure you that 90% of the cultivators of the Tribulation Realm can't hurt you. Even if you understand the Tao, the Lian Li Secret Art can kill them. Can't refining? To."

It seems to be a report of knowledge, and the Demon Refining Pot answered honestly, "By the way, the demon refining world can accommodate some creatures. Of course, other things can also be used. The advantage is that no one will perceive the contents except you, God. Also included. You can put in what you need"

After hesitating for a while, he continued, "Your sword spirit and the spirit beast Xiaogun are also okay. If you trust me, it will be better to cultivate in it than Qiankun Bag."

"I have a hidden dragon picture, no need, but thank you very much."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, and smiled, "Can the cultivator go in now?"

The demon refining pot quickly responded, "Before I can't resist the way of heaven, the cultivator wants to enter the demon refining pot. There are big restrictions. The soul can try it, but I can't guarantee that it is intact."

Zhou Shu thought for a while and said, "Forget it, you can help me build some cultivation facilities first, I will be useful in the future."

"it is good."

The Demon Refining Pot readily agreed.

It seems that the experience during this period has greatly improved his relationship with Zhou Shu.

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