Fairy Winner

Chapter 1593: Ask for advice

"Friend Li Dao, I'm leaving."

Li Chenyi, who was sitting still in the passage, suddenly heard a sound in his ear.

His face tightened and he rushed to the Huoman ruins. At a glance, he saw that the sun seed crystals hanging in the air were still intact. He immediately let go of a lot of heart, but he hasn't settled down yet. There is a wave of fluctuations in the sea of ​​consciousness, and his heart is raised again. , "What is he doing?", speeding up and flying up.

In a short while, he went to the Golden Pavilion.

Since there is no one, but the universe on the beam can't help trembling, seemingly disturbed by something.

"Are you gone..."

Li Chenyi stared at the universe circle, motionless for a while.

Although he didn't know what happened, he faintly felt that this was not a good thing. Before getting the permission of the star master, the universe should not move, unless there was a major crisis in the sect or was seduced by others. Up...

At this time, Zhou Shu had already left Jinding Island, flying under the starry sky.

"Zhou, why don't you take it away, that's an artifact?"

Caiying beside him was a little curious, "It obviously listens to you."

"Temporary control is not difficult, but in the long run, I can't do it. Moreover, the universe is not an unowned thing. Taking it away will make Emei desperate."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, with some self-satisfaction in his eyes, "It is enough to try, and the hard work of this year has finally yielded results."

This year, his harvest may be the biggest.

Using Shu Zhili, he successfully simulated the power of the sun, and in a short period of time, it was enough to use the false and the real to exert all the magical effects of the power of the sun to control the Emei artifact universe. During the simulation, Zhou Shu gradually clarified some suns. The mystery of Shu Zhidao absorbs some of the essence of the power of the sun, and Tao has also grown greatly.

For him, he doesn't care much about the magic weapon of cultivation, Dao is the most important thing.

Using Shu Zhili to simulate any other Dao power is the direction of his efforts. If he can achieve it, it also shows that Shu Zhidao can absorb the essence of all Taoism.

A lofty and fearless goal.

Although Shu Zhidao has been growing like him, but unfortunately, there are still shackles that cannot be broken, and he is also a little anxious.

Zhou Shu took out the flying boat, walked in, and asked, "Caiying, go back."

"I know, let this palace do coolies again."

Caiying complained, but still cleverly flew to the front of the boat, leading Feizhou back to Dongshengzhou.

Zhou Shu smiled, and could not wait to enter Wushuang City.

I haven't seen it for a year, and I have a lot of thoughts about everything. In a place like the Huoman Ruins that God does not know, I can't communicate with Wushuang City.

He quickly saw a lot of wooden boards in the room dedicated to communicating information with the Holland music school.

Most of them come from them who are looking for the Four Elephants.

Zhou Shu looked through them one by one, and his mood went from nervous to calm to leisurely.

He was not disappointed, and the things he was worried about did not happen at all. Everyone did a good job. Among them, the blue bird had even returned. It was also very lucky. She found many strange animals with Phoenix blood in Luofengpo. The skeleton, and even two strange animal eggs, collected enough essence from it, and the Vermillion Bird Seal was already complete.

Speaking of it, the blue bird and the red bird are of the same origin, both of which are phoenix species, one green and the other one vermilion. He asked the blue bird to obtain the essence of the red bird.

Yangmei is similar to them. Although they haven't completed it, they have achieved good results. They will come back within a year without any problems.

He replied with a smile. After hearing a lot of complaints and scolding from the city lord, Zhou Shu quit Wushuang City and took out the Reincarnation Pearl to enlighten him.

He attaches great importance to reincarnation beads.

Xu is that he has experienced too many "reincarnation" relationships, such as the nine-story tower, heart domain, rebirth, etc. Zhou Shu feels that he has a special talent for the way of reincarnation. The facts seem to be able to explain this point. How long did Zhou Shu basically understand his previous life, several lives in the Xuanhuang Realm, and other realms, from which he has obtained a lot of useful information, which will be revealed in the present and the future.

Sometimes, he even feels that he can already master some of the laws of reincarnation, and can see other people's past lives by some means.

He somewhat understands that seeing other people’s reincarnation in previous lives should be the first level of application of the law of reincarnation. If he masters more, he should be able to enter the reincarnation of himself or others, and even modify it, and not only the previous life, but also the future life...until Get out of reincarnation yourself and dominate the reincarnation of others.

It's just a step-by-step process. The first thing to do is to find a way to see other people's past lives.

Staring at the reincarnation pearl, entering concentration is normal, and time is as fast as a gust of wind.

"I'm in Dongshengzhou, where are we going?"

I don't know how long it took, Caiying flew over, swaying and swaying in front of him.

"Go to Cihang first."

"I see, this palace is your coachman."

"Then change me."

"forget it."

The flying boat is like a shuttle, jumping forward section by section, and the Daqin Mountains and the icon of Cihang are gradually in front of my eyes.

The divine consciousness swept across, several very familiar figures came into view, each focused and busy, Zhou Shu smiled and passed by without time to disturb.

After a notification, I came to Wuguanggu.

Coming here, I want to visit Master Miaodi.

Zhou Shu seems to have no talent for the calculation, and he didn't intend to learn it, but at this time he has to learn. Now he and Samsara are separated by a thin layer of paper, but he can’t see it. I hope that the calculation can help He punctured this layer of paper.

As if expecting Zhou Shu to come, a gorgeous and delicate wooden kite flew out of the valley and landed steadily in front of Zhou Shu, quietly laying down its wings and forming a wooden ladder by itself.

"Friends of Zhou Dao~www.ltnovel.com~ please come."

Mu Yuan's eyes are witty, and his mouth speaks, which is the sound of the wonderful truth.

Zhou Shu smiled, "Master Miaodi learns from heaven and man, and the way of puppets is so fast that I admire him."

Stepping on the wooden kite, the wooden kite rises with the wind and slowly flies into the valley.

At the end, the magnificent Master Miaodi sits on the lotus, his eyes are slightly opened, the corners of his mouth are half-curved, like a smile but not a smile.

"What happened to Fellow Daoist Zhou?"

Zhou Shu bowed his hand slightly, "Master, come here to ask for advice and calculate the way."

"Want to see my own destiny, or the past and future?"

The miraculous truth seemed to have some understanding, and he said slowly, "When immortal cultivators reach such a realm, most of them will have this thought. If they are stuck in the mud, it is difficult to move a single inch. This is a big crisis. One must be vigilant. Eliminate all, the world is open, if the entanglement is difficult to solve, you will take advantage of the demons, fall into a barrier, and the immortal road will be difficult... But I can’t help you figure out, your fate is unknown, and I believe you can control it. ."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Thank you, Master Xian, for your concern, but I have no intention of this. I want to count others, the world and everything."

"Are you going to learn the calculation method?"

Miao Di was relieved, his eyes closed quietly, "Then I will ask you, why is there a destiny for the world and everything, and why there is a life before and after?"

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Clouds turn into rain, rain falls into water, and water condenses into clouds. There is no end to changes. Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four seasons change, midday, noon, twelve o'clock alternate, and so on, the world, everything, All are reincarnations, and if there is no detachment, there is no end. How can there be no fate, how can there be no past and future generations?"

"It seems you know a lot."

Miao Di nodded slightly, showing a slight smile.

(PS: Thank you 482228 for your support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~)

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