Fairy Winner

Chapter 1594: 5 length

The way of calculation comes from observation.

Observe the changes in the world and everything, summarize the rules, and calculate the next changes based on the rules. When watching the clouds and stars, you can know the sky, the mountains and the water can know the geography, and the birds and beasts can know the domestication. It seems that it is not difficult to calculate everything. There is spirit, and human beings are the strength of all souls, and they are both unpredictable and unpredictable, but there are traces to be found. The only way to calculate is profound.

From shallow to deep, deep to broad, Zhou Shu and Miao Di had a long talk, and it was more than March.

"I don't know who taught whom."

Miao Di shook his head and sighed, looking at Zhou Shu, his eyes were bright, there was a lot of satisfaction, and there was a trace of admiration.

Zhou Shu stood up and respected his discipleship, "Thank you, Master, I will benefit a lot from here."

"I can't stand the gift of Daoist friends."

Miao Di immediately returned the courtesy, and said slowly, "The Daoist is just a little bit unclear, but your understanding of the Dao is far above me. This time the discussion on the Dao made me feel puzzled, and I couldn't understand the doubt after hundreds of years of hard thinking. As of today, if I have achieved something, Daoists will do much, and I don’t know how to be grateful."

Compared with reincarnation, the calculation method is indeed a small section. It is just a way to understand the law of reincarnation. When Zhou Shu asks for advice and calculations, he will naturally also talk about his many insights about reincarnation. These insights are basically wonderful. Little thought and never thought of, from the talk, she has gained more than Zhou Shu, and her cultivation of the secret reincarnation to the truth of the Ninth Rank Withered Rong tactic, I am afraid that it will also usher in a breakthrough.

Miaodi has made a lot of money, and for Zhou Shu, he is already satisfied.

Talking about reasoning, his calculation method is advancing rapidly, and he is very confident that it will not take long to pierce the layer of paper and go one step further in reincarnation, but he wishes.

"It's the immortal master's self-realization, and it has nothing to do with the next."

Zhou Shu smiled and folded his hands, "Master, let me say goodbye."

Miao Di nodded gently, and said warmly, "I won't send it. I need a long time of retreat before I can fully understand it."

Leaving Wuguang Valley, Zhou Shu glanced at Caiying and curiously said, "Caiying, you have been listening in the past three months, have you realized anything?"

Caiying just shook his head, "No, my palace is suffocated."


Zhou Shu smiled silently, wanting Jian Ling to enlighten other Dao, I'm afraid it's still a bit early.

"Zhou, where are we going this time?"

"Wu Zhangyuan."

The flying boat rose from the ground and penetrated into the clouds.

Wuzhangyuan is located on the side of Zhongzhou and is well-known in the world. It is cold and windy all day long regardless of the season, day and night.

When the general Zhugewei died in Wuzhangyuan, the whole country of Shu hangs, and the tragedy spreads out thousands of miles. It can be heard to this day, whether it is generosity, or passion, or loneliness, or desolation, haunting the original from time to time, even after tens of thousands of years. When people travel here, they can hear sad songs, think about the past, and feel melancholy and full of emotion.

Zhugewei was reborn as a man and created a new situation in the world of immortality. The establishment of Zhuge's family is a story.

For Zhuge's family, Wuzhangyuan is an extremely important place. Whether it is a memorial or for cultivation, the spiritual energy here is very rich. It is considered the most prominent place in the declining ancient Zhongzhou, even in the Daqin Mountains. In many places, it cannot be compared.

But this Wuzhangyuan never belonged to the Zhuge family.

Zhugewei was extremely loyal to the king of the Shu Kingdom Liu Dun before his death. Without Liu Dun’s three visits and trust, he would not have achieved anything and become a general admired by thousands of people in Shu. Therefore, even if he was reborn as an immortal, Unwilling to occupy an inch of land in the ancient Shu Kingdom, Ning landed in the remote Xihe Prefecture.

Wuzhangyuan has always belonged to the Liu family of ancient Shu.

The Liu family is also an ancient family, not too big. At first it was supported by the Zhuge family. At that time, the monarch of the Shu Kingdom Liu Doo was just a mortal. The descendants of the next generations have no spiritual roots and cannot cultivate immortals, but Zhugewei changed his fate against the sky. They planted spiritual roots for several generations of the Liu family, and finally made the Liu family a family of cultivating immortals, which was able to multiply and continue.

After that, the Liu family also produced many elites, who had the power to ascend to immortals, and complemented each other with the Zhuge family, and made progress with each other, which made a great story in the world of immortality.

The relationship between the two families has always been excellent, like one family, but in the past few thousand years, there has been a detachment...

The flying boat is parked on Wuzhangyuan.

The grass was lonely, and there were many graves arched in the distance.

Zhou Shu perceives the surroundings, and suddenly feels a desolate air of sadness emanating from his heart and radiating.

This kind of feeling is indescribable. Guzhongzhou, the birthplace of mankind, always has many peculiarities, even if it becomes a fairy, it may not be clear.

"Sure enough, it's tragic everywhere..."

At this time, the two monks saw Zhou Shu and flew over.

A young monk with a sword eyebrow in the temple paid a respectful salute, "Liu Yong, here, may I ask the seniors why they came to Wuzhangyuan?"

Zhou Shu raised his hand in return, "Heyin sent Zhou Shu to see Duke Liu Xuande."

"Hollywood Pie?"

The two monks glanced at each other and were very surprised. Liu Yong paused, "It turned out that it was Sect Master Zhou of the Heyin Sect, and he was rude, but it seems that our Liu family did not invite Heyin to participate in the Wuzhang Festival. "

Another monk followed, "What's more, there are still three years and five feet before the sacrifice begins."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Two little friends, I am not here to participate in the Wuzhang Festival~www.ltnovel.com~ but I have something to discuss with Liu Xuande."

Liu Yong hesitated and hesitated, "Patriarch said, our Liu family..."

"The Dutch monks are not welcome, are they?"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "I also know that because of the Zhuge family, the Liu family seems to have misunderstood the Heyin school, and has never interacted with our Heyin school, but this matter is very important, for the Liu family and the Heyin school. It’s the same for Zhuge’s family. Troublesome little friend, you should just report it."

Liu Yong looked at Zhou Shu, suspicious, but didn't dare to disobey, so he nodded and said, "Please wait for the lord."

Liu Yong turned around, very fast, and the other monk bowed and waited not far away, his eyes fixed on Zhou Shu, unmoving, as if worried about something Zhou Shu would do.

"These two little guys are not polite yet at such a level of cultivation!"

Feeling a little annoyed by him, Caiying couldn't help but said, "I'm so angry with my palace, let my palace teach them a lesson!"

Zhou Shu just smiled and didn't speak.

Caiying snorted again, "Zhou, so are you. Why are you so friendly? Others don't welcome you! Just like Emei, just break in directly. No one here can stop us and catch us. Patriarch, do what they want them to do, do they dare not agree?"

"Don't make trouble."

Zhou Shu glanced at her and smiled, "It would be great if it were that simple. The Liu family is no ordinary. They are more stubborn than the Zhuge family, and they are very important to us. If we can't convince them to help with their heart, we will not be able to achieve great things."

Caiying was a little curious, "What's the big deal?"

Zhou Shu looked into the distance and said slowly, "The revival of the Zhuge family, from the beginning of the decline of Kunlun, all fell on the Liu family."

(End of this chapter)

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