Fairy Winner

Chapter 1595: Tomb Keeper

A monk walked quickly, his broad robe and sleeves were swaying in the wind, his face was square and righteous, his earlobes and shoulders were quite strange, and his eyebrows were slightly worried.

Zhou Shu took a few steps, smiling and arching his hands. "It is rumored that Mr. Xuande inherited the legacy of his ancestors and was praised by others. When I saw him today, he really deserved his reputation.

That monk was Liu Xuande, the head of the Liu family. He approached and bowed his hands back. He smiled, but his smile was very unconcerned. "I don't know if the chief of the Zhou Zong of the Dutch Music Sect is coming, our people have lost their way to welcome them. It is really bad manners. Still looking at Haihan."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "Xuande's public statement is serious."

"Sovereign, if you have important matters, please enter into the story."

Liu Xuande raised his hand seemingly indifferently, and walked into the hills first.

Wuzhangyuan, the four seasons are like autumn, and the cold wind is bleak all day long. The more you go in, the more wind becomes stronger, and the sad song becomes more sad.

Zhou Shu looked around and frowned thoughtfully. Liu Xuande saw Zhou Shu's actions, with a trace of disdain in his eyes, and said slowly, "The lord has stayed in the prosperous city for a long time, I am afraid that he is not willing to come to us. Come to this bitter cold place, ha ha."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "Of course not, I hear the tragic song in a tragic and majestic place, Zhuge Gong has been here for generations, and I am actually impressed."

Liu Xuande was slightly surprised, "Admiration, why can't the old man see it?"

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Hehe, this Wuzhang originally belonged to the Liu family of Gong Xuande. If I show my admiration for Zhuge's family here, I only feel that it is overwhelming and disrespectful."

"This is Liu's house..."

Liu Xuande's expression was slightly condensed, he glanced at Zhou Shu, and said, "The Liu family and the Zhuge family are as close to each other as the family. No matter how much the lord praises the Zhuge family here, the old man will not feel disrespectful, but will be very happy..."

Zhou Shu looked at him with piercing eyes, "Duke Xuande listens too much anyway and doesn't care anymore, right?"

Liu Xuande's mind was slightly shaken, and a wave of anger surged up unconsciously, and he said in a deep voice, "If the lord wants to say it, just say it. If you don't want it, don't say it. The old man doesn't care."

"Haha, don't worry about Master Xuande."

Zhou Shu waved his hand and smiled faintly, "This matter is not going to happen again, but Gong Xuande, I don't know something."

Liu Xuande stroked his beard and said slowly, "The old man won't be angry. Just ask the suzerain."

Zhou Shu paused, "I heard that Liu Jiazu’s Dolphin County is also in Zhongzhou. That Dolphin County is also a prosperous sacred place in Zhongzhou, and it is also a sacred place for cultivation, no less than Wuzhangyuan. Why did the Liu family abandon the ancestral land in the first place? , Instead of going to this five zhang original?"

Liu Xuande glanced at Zhou Shu and snorted, "Sect Master really understands my Liu Family."

Zhou Shu showed a bit of sorrow, "Of course, the Liu family can be regarded as the emperor of Zhongzhou. Since the origin of mankind, the Liu family has left a lot of color, set the banner of rejuvenating Zhongzhou, and used the strength of mortals to fight against foreign races, and take the lead against evil spirits. Many major events, as long as the cultivators who remember the history will never forget the merits of the Liu family. I have also respected the Liu family for a long time."

Thinking of the ancestors, Liu Xuande's heart was also quite turbulent, and his tone gradually eased, "It's all in the past, it's rare for the lord to remember."

"Naturally I remember it," Zhou Shu nodded, only a sudden change in his tone, "It's a pity that today, the Liu family can only guard Wuzhangyuan and cannot return to the ancestral land to worship the ancestors. It is really sad."

Liu Xuande's complexion turned overcast, looking at Zhou Shu, he didn't know how to refute for a while.

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Since the fall of Zhongzhou, Dolphin County has suffered several catastrophes. Now it has been completely overthrown, and will never return to Sunlight Color..."

"say no more!"

Liu Xuande's face was a little dark, and he looked at Zhou Shu and said, "What the **** is going on here with the lord?"

Zhou Shu didn't answer with a smile, and pointed to a lone mountain in front of him, "Duke Xuande, this mountain should be called Dolphin Mountain, right?"

Liu Xuande looked at the mountain, with a lot of nostalgia in his eyes, and said warmly, "Yes, it is the Dolphin Mountain. It was here that the ancestor Liu Dolphin started to rejuvenate Zhongzhou and create the ancient Shu Kingdom. This is the root of my Liu family. ."

Zhou Shu sighed, "Unfortunately, this is not the Dolphin Mountain in the Dolphin County, nor the real place of origin of the Liu family, but the Liu family built it by himself. There is no trace of ancient Shu at all, just the appearance. "

"It's enough."

Liu Xuande was shocked and said in a deep voice, "Here, the lord did not come here to expose my Liu family's scars?"

"Of course not, I just hope that Mr. Xuande will remember those things in the past."

Zhou Shu looked indifferent and continued, "The Liu family was robbed for the first time, and the Liu family's guardian strength was insufficient, so they asked for help from Zhuge's family, but Zhuge's family was too late, and Liu's family was destroyed. Fortunately, a foreigner came to help. If Lingmai and many children are lost, the Liu family will be overthrown and extinct..."

Liu Xuande's figure was slightly shaken, but he was speechless.

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Later, the Liu family was rebuilt, but it didn’t take long for the nightmare to come again. This time, Zhuge’s family still did not come, and most of the ancestral land was once again destroyed. Liu’s family was reluctant to leave and had to rebuild again, decades later. , Was attacked again, this time Zhuge's family came, but it was too late and Liu's family was in ruins..."

Liu Xuande stared at Zhou Shu~www.ltnovel.com~ The muscles on his face were shaking.

Zhou Shu just ignored it and said slowly, "At this time, the Patriarch Zhuge said that the Dolphin County is in distress and that people are always invading him. It is really unsuitable for living and practicing. He advised Liu's family to stay in Wuzhangyuan without going back to the ancestral land. Without waiting for the consent of the Liu Family Patriarch, the Zhuge Patriarch had taken out the Tongjun Spiritual Vessel and moved it to Wuzhangyuan. With such a powerful means, the Liu family naturally had no time to stop it, and had to accept such kindness, but by this time, the Tongjun was completely finished... …"

"shut up!"

Liu Xuande's sleeves swelled up and pointed, his anger was beyond restraint, and he sternly said, "How do you know these things?"

Zhou Shu was unmoved, staring into the distance, "Many people know these old news, and I also know, but I am different, I still know the hidden information, but not many people know it, but I want to be as smart as propaganda. You must know it."

Liu Xuande trembled and almost fell, "You...what else do you know?"

Zhou Shuqing sighed, "Actually, a family was driving behind the several robberies in Dolphin County. Their purpose is to let your Liu family leave Dolphin County completely and protect Wuzhangyuan forever and do it for them. The tomb keeper who lives forever."

"The guard of the tomb, our Liu family is the guard of the tomb..."

Being stabbed in the thoughts that had been hidden for tens of thousands of years, Liu Xuande felt helpless, and his eyes dimmed, as if he was several hundred years old.

Zhou Shu looked at him and said with emotion, "Yes, you are the guards of the tomb. You were their masters, but now, generations of generations have to be their tomb keepers. They sacrificed everything, but when they wanted to sacrifice to their ancestors, they couldn't find even an inch of land, which is really sad."

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