Fairy Winner

Chapter 1597: correct

Over the years, Liu Xuande has also had a lot of dealings with Zhuge Xuan. He doesn't know who Zhuge Xuan is.

He glanced at Zhou Shu and said slowly, "Although he is incompetent, he will not do such a thing, and the elders will not allow it."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "If everyone in the aristocratic family gets enough benefits, and all those who oppose it are killed or driven out of the aristocratic family? You don't know how much Zhuge Xuan likes internal fighting. A person, his Patriarch came in this way, and Zhuge Lian’s death was really done by his brother Zhuge Yan? Wouldn’t you doubt that you and Zhuge’s family were so close?"

"This one……"

Liu Xuande's face was slightly condensed, and he slowly said, "There may be something strange, but I still don't think that they will give up their own family, and they fight for power. Isn't the purpose of being the head of the family and continue to protect the name of the family? This kind of thing, There is in every family, there was in the past, there is now, and there will be in the future.

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, "Indeed, the family's internal fighting is constant. As a member of the family, I also know that the reputation of the family is more important than life. It is a pity that it is you, Master Xuande. The Zhuge family is completely different, because they can no longer keep their glory."

"What do you mean?"

Liu Xuande stayed for a while, "Can't keep it, could it be..."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, because of Zhuge Xuan's reason, Zhuge's military discipline has no successors, and now there is no descendant in the family who can enlighten Tao. If you continue, you should know what the result will be. The Zhuge family disappeared."

Liu Xuande was surprised, "Isn't it possible? Last time I saw Zhuge Xuan, he also said that there are some very good younger generations in the family."

"It's just a lie."

Zhou Shu said indifferently, "Zhuge Xuan expelled the two most talented descendants of the clan from the Zhuge family, and changed the clan rules indiscriminately. As a result, there is no one in the clan who can understand the military principles, even the iron army in the clan. More than half of the withering, or providence, is also the reward he deserves. Xuande Gong, think about it, if the military is withered when he is the head of the family, and there is no successor, he will be shameless to see the ancestors, and the military is that. The annihilation is even more painful to the Xuanhuang Realm. He is unwilling to shoulder this great responsibility, so he simply gives up and is willing to hand over the military to Kunlun, not to mention Kunlun has given him such good terms."

"Ah, he wants to hand over the military to Kunlun?"

Liu Xuande was shocked, "How can you do such a thing."

"Yes, who can think of it?"

Zhou Shu just shook his head and sighed, "Because of Zhuge Xuan's incompetence, not only did Zhuge's family name disappear, and even the military way he created would also be looted by Kunlun. It's a pity that Zhuge Weigong's life's hard work, alas."

Liu Xuande stared at Zhou Shu with a solemn expression, "How did you know that things like this shouldn't be leaked out?"

Zhou Shu slowly said, "This Duke Xuande doesn't need to ask much, I have my own way, I don't know how Duke Xuande should choose, whether to continue following Zhuge Xuan, watching Zhuge's family merge into Kunlun, Liu family is at a loss, or... "

Seeing Zhou Shu paused, Liu Xuande couldn't help asking, "Or what?"

Zhou Shu looked at him and said calmly, "Get out of the chaos, let the Zhuge family get back on track, and even your Liu family can go back to where they were."


Liu Xuande was shocked and couldn't help shaking his head, "How is it possible?"

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, and said seriously, "There is nothing impossible, it only cares about your choice."

"Old man..."

Liu Xuande hesitated for a while, and finally shook his head, as if struggling to say, "I won't believe it, I don't believe that Zhuge's family will abandon themselves, abandon the military, nor do we believe that our Liu family can return to Tongjun. These things are impossible to happen."

"Gong Xuande, you don't believe it, but you don't dare to believe it."

As if he knew his answer long ago, Zhou Shu sighed softly, "When everything happens in front of your eyes, you will naturally believe it."


Liu Xuande was stagnant, speechless for a long while.

He couldn't believe it, but he also accepted his fate.

Zhou Shuslowly nodded, "Well, you don't believe it, Xuande Gong, but you still have to cooperate with me to do a few things so that you will see the truth that you can't believe."

Looking at Zhou Shu, Liu Xuande shook his head very heavily, "I won't...I won't betray the Zhuge family."

"I know, but you won't betray this, will you?"

Zhou Shu took out a light gray token and placed it in front of him, "You know it, right?"

"This is Tianlong Order?!"

Liu Xuande looked at the token engraved with the dragon, his expression changed, "You...how can you have the Tianlong Order from Tianlong Temple or the Tianlong Order from Dongsheng Prefecture?"

"Don't worry about how I got here, you will follow your orders, and you will see people when you order. You should understand the rules of Tianlong Temple."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "When the Liu family encountered disaster for the first time, it was the eminent monk of Tianlong Temple who rescued you. Without him, the Liu family would have been destroyed, and the Liu family knew that it wanted to establish a foothold in the immortal cultivation world in Dongsheng Prefecture. It is necessary to find suitable support, so the Patriarch of the Liu family at that time voluntarily joined the alliance of Tianlong Temple and established an ancestral motto. Whenever, after seeing the Tianlong Order, the Liu family must accept the resources of Tianlong Temple and obey Tianlong Temple. Isn’t the order wrong?"

Liu Xuande stared at Tianlong Ling and sighed lightly~www.ltnovel.com~ That's right, it was Tianlong Ling. "


Zhou Shu put away the Heavenly Dragon Order, smiled and nodded.

Liu Xuande looked at Zhou Shu and said slowly, "The resources of the Liu family can be mobilized by you, and people can listen to you, but the Liu family will not do anything that harms the reputation of the family. If you use the Liu family to deal with the Zhuge family , I will not agree."

"Don't worry, I just need you to prepare something. It's not you who can do it."

Zhou Shu looked indifferent, as if with a trace of disdain.

Liu Xuande saw Zhou Shu’s disdain and was not angry. Instead, he sighed in relief and hesitated, “I don’t understand, Sect Master Zhou, since you have the Heavenly Dragon Order, why did you take it out now? If you took it out earlier, There is no need to say so many things."

Zhou Shu glanced at him, "So you don't have to bear any responsibilities, and you can feel at ease, right?"

His face tightened and he was speechless.

"Yeah, now I regret it a little too."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, his expression gradually becoming serious, "Although I have a Tianlong order, I will not order casually to do things that you do not know and do not want to do. I want the Liu family to know that I will do it. It’s good for the Liu family, Zhuge family, Dongshengzhou, and the world of cultivating immortals. I hope you will seriously participate and take up the heavy responsibilities instead of passively accepting it. However, Xuande Gong’s stubbornness and resignation , It seems that I'm a little troubled, it's counterproductive."

Liu Xuande stagnated, looked at Zhou Shu, but didn't say what he wanted to say.

"Duke Xuande, don't talk about this, there is still a chance to change, let me tell you a few things first."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "In two years, the Zhuge family will come over. Before these two years, some things have to be prepared..."

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