Fairy Winner

Chapter 1598: Won't do what you want

The flying boat rose into the sky and disappeared without a trace. Liu Xuande sighed sadly as Zhou Shu left.

He didn't know how things would develop, but he felt that he had missed an opportunity for a family to rise again.

His feeling is not wrong.

On the flying boat.

Caiying manipulated the flying boat, and said in a puzzled way, "Zhou, this palace doesn't understand it. He didn't dare not agree to directly take out the Heavenly Dragon Order, right?"

"I dare not, but may not be faithful."

Zhou Shu sighed slightly, "The matter is very important. If he reveals the news to Zhuge's family or Kunlun, it will be difficult to handle. Therefore, I can't directly use Tianlong Ling to persecute him. I must try every means to persuade him. Unfortunately, things are contrary to his wishes. He still can't get rid of Zhuge. Aristocratic family, I don't believe in myself too much."

Caiying thought for a while and said, "Will it be better now? However, he might still leak the news, right?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "It is possible, but there is no other way for the time being. The Liu family has won the trust of the Zhuge family. For me, it is a very important part of the plan. Without their support, we would not be able to be on Wuzhangyuan. Something has happened...I have left people and divine minds over there. If Liu Xuande is really so loyal to Zhuge Xuan and insists on revealing it, he will change his plan."

"What the **** is it?"

Caiying turned her head curiously and stared at Zhou Shu, "Zhou, it seems you have planned for a long time."

"I don't know what medicine Zhuge Xuan took wrong and made such a decision about the merger. Could he be Kunlun's undercover agent? I didn't understand it when I knew it," Zhou Shu was somewhat puzzled, quite solemn. "The Zhuge family cannot be merged into Kunlun. Kunlun has everything that should be there. If they are allowed to get the Zhuge family and the military path, the general trend of the world will be irreversible, not only in Xihezhou, for fear that everyone in the world of immortality will be at risk. , Can't be calm anymore."


Caiying nodded seemingly, although she still didn't quite understand.

Zhou Shu smiled, "Don't think about it, go, go back to Lingyu City."

Zhou Shu was still thinking about Feizhou all the way back.

Kunlun’s merger with the Zhuge family was the news he had received long ago. All indications indicate that the Zhuge family will announce this news at the sacrifice of Wuzhang. The reason why they announced it in Dongshengzhou instead of Xihezhou is due to the following reasons. Second, the first is to avoid turmoil this week. If it is spoken in Xihezhou, the immortal world of Xihezhou will definitely stop it. Although Kunlun is not afraid, it is also detrimental to Xihezhou. In Dongshengzhou, it can be completely avoided. This question, the second is to show your own strength in Dongshengzhou, the four major families have been included in Kunlun, do you two martial arts have no feeling.

Zhou Shu will not let them do what they want.

He has also considered for a long time why he did this.

The relationship between the Immortal Realm and the Xuanhuang Realm is basically like this. There is a certain race in the Xuanhuang Realm that promotes immortality. The Immortal Realm receives feedback from the Xuanhuang Realm, and then decides on the Xuanhuang Realm’s policies. , It will restrict the human race and support other races. If the human race is weak, it will do the opposite. In the various races, the same is true for the major sect forces and so on. Only in this way can the balance of the Xuanhuang world be maintained.

The immortal realm is not the same for all lower realms, but the status of the mysterious yellow realm is different.

The immortal realm is actually a derivative realm of the mysterious yellow realm. Simply put, the mysterious yellow realm is the mother realm of the fairy realm. The fairy realm evolved on the basis of the mysterious yellow realm. As for why the derivative realm far surpasses the mysterious yellow realm, and then s.

For 20,000 years, no race in the Xuanhuang Realm has been promoted to immortality, and the Immortal Realm has not been able to control and change. To some extent, the order in the Xuanhuang Realm has been in chaos.

Among them, Tiandao Pu Lao has a great responsibility, but he has no fear, because Pu Lao can easily blind the Immortal Realm when the Xuanhuang Realm cannot transmit information to the Immortal Realm, so that the Immortal Realm will not know what Pu Lao has done. , I only feel that Xuanhuangjie is too weak to be promoted.

When a certain race is weak, the fairy world will support it, but if all races are weak, it can only mean that there is no need for support in that world, and it has declined to the point that it can’t be supported anymore. You should look for new ones. Even if the status is special, a realm should be annihilated when it should be annihilated, and the immortal realm cannot be changed forcibly. This is the law of the continuous evolution of the universe.

Although Zhou Shu is not sure, most of the fairy world thinks so.

The time left for the Xuanhuang Realm was really running out.

That is to say, at this point in time, all kinds of aliens will spot opportunities and compete to invade or restore.

When facing life and death, all races in the Xuanhuang Realm should work together and try their best to cultivate. In any case, they must first ascend to the Xuanhuang Realm, inform the Xuanhuang Realm of the situation, and then make other plans, fight for their own status, etc. Many races also This was done, but the human cultivators did not unite.

All major sects are seizing the time to compete for genius, and strive to train to become immortal~www.ltnovel.com~ to fight for their own interests before serving the Xuanhuang world. This is understandable, but Kunlun is obviously doing more than that, they do more. , They not only want to train their own disciples to promote immortality, but also want to take advantage of this chaotic and weak period, without the support and suppression of the immortal world, to bring Xihezhou, no, the entire Xuanhuang world cultivator under their own influence, If they are really allowed to do so, in the future there will be immortal cultivators in the Xuanhuang world, and everything they get will go to Kunlun, because there is no other sect to support.

Kunlun's ambition is well known, but to achieve this step is still too much.

Most of Xihezhou has already fallen and fell into the hands of Kunlun, but if they were allowed to acquire the Zhuge family among the four great families, the trend of annexation of the world would have been achieved, and it would be difficult to stop them. As Kunlun’s constant opponent, Zhou Shu didn’t want them to live well. , How can they achieve their goals?

Besides, he was still in Dongshengzhou, so he couldn't see it even more.

Not knowing how long it took to fly, Caiying suddenly stopped the flying boat.

Zhou Shu raised his head, "Isn't there yet?"

Caiying pointed to the front, "Zhou, there is someone in front, do you go around?"

It must be a very good person to stop Caiying. Zhou Shu put down the reincarnation beads and let go of his consciousness to look.

In the air thousands of miles ahead, two figures stood opposite each other.

The two confronted each other, their expressions were not good, and they seemed to be fighting each other at any time.

The strength of the two is really not low, it seems that they are above the fifth level of the Tribulation Realm. Generally speaking, anyone at this level will rarely fight against each other, and it does not seem to be a normal skill, things are indeed a bit strange.

Zhou Shuwen said, "Just stop and take a look."

Caiying nodded quickly, "My palace thinks so too, these two people are a little strange."

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