Fairy Winner

Chapter 1605: Great!


As soon as he left Lei Yuan's mountain, Qing Que shouted, the smile on his face was like a flower. Ψ miscellaneous ω Zhi ω worm Ψ

"You are happier than I am," Zhou Shu smiled unconsciously, "Thank you, Qingque, but this matter cannot be publicized. Shu Zhidao is far from taking shape. Small-scale preaching can't do it. People are jokes, and if too many people know about it and cause disputes over the Tao, it will be troublesome."

"Don't worry, I know, no one else will know."

Qingque nodded, and said with some worry, "Speaking of which, this is really a big trouble. Although there are thousands of ways in the Xuanhuang Realm, there are so many dozens of them that are really popular. Most of them have been denounced as being left and leaning. There will be a lot of resistance in cultivating these ways. Many old antiques have large sects. From time to time, there will be a meeting to persuade the students to reform. I want to bring these immortals back. , To say that the Soul Dao is on the left side, asking me to give up early, bah."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, seemingly thoughtful, "Yes, Taoism has always been the most troublesome."

The dispute between Taoism is also a dispute between righteousness and evil to some extent, and has always been one of the themes in the world of immortality.

In the realm of cultivating immortals, it has always been felt that certain Taoism is orthodox, and certain Taoism is not. These concepts are deeply ingrained and it is difficult to change.

In Zhou Shu’s Heyin school, he never deliberately restricts his disciples to cultivate what kind of path, as long as the disciple likes it, he or she can practice any kind of path, of course, the premise is that it does not harm others or affect others, and, Zhou Shu is not in the unexpected world. He will associate with many so-called evil daoists and even alliances, such as the ghost road and soul sect, etc., because of these points, the lotus sect and other sects are very big. The difference has also received a lot of criticism.

If this is not the case, the current lotus pie may grow stronger.


Qingque was taken aback, and suddenly said, "Zhou Shu, you can also set up a meeting to persuade others to practice your Dao. From your perspective, you should be able to get a lot of disciples, right?"

"Hehe, the congress of persuading learning and reformation you mentioned has the most military, law, and Confucianism, and these are the most prevalent in the world. This is good, it can increase a lot of cultivators and contribute to the avenue, but There are even countless cultivators and even mortals who have to abandon their own minds and practice these ways that should not be practiced. This result will only hinder the Dao itself. To find disciples, you must be dedicated to the Dao. , Coercion and imperceptibility have no effect."

Zhou Shu appeared calm, "I don't know how to persuade you to learn. I don't have the conditions now, and I won't be able to do it if there are conditions."

Qingque thought about it for a while, and said in praise, "After all, he created the Dao, so I think about it too much."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Qing Que, I may have to retreat for a period of time, about two or three months, and help me take care of things outside."

"Knowing that you are busy with your way."

Qingque smiled and promised, "Okay, leave it to me, I will come to you later, I also have questions on the road to ask you for advice."


Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, and the two left apart.

Zhou Shu quickly returned to his residence, he really needed to retreat.

Some time ago, his Tao has grown to a large extent and needs to be sorted out in detail, and more importantly, now that there are disciples who pass on the Tao, the shackles of Shu Zhidao have been broken, and he can also do better. Perfect the way of comfort.

Suddenly, his thoughts were surging, and his mind was restless. He had to settle down and settle down.

Moreover, Lei Yuan also mentioned a sentence, that he would use the other way to give back to the other body. This was something he had thought about long ago, but in the process of practicing, he slowly ignored it. Now he heard it again, Don't have a taste in my heart.

The current Zhou Shu, if he evolves Shu Zhi Dao a little bit, he should be able to use the other way for the other, because the difference of Shu Zhi Dao and the existence of deduction can clearly find the weakness of the opponent, no matter what the opponent uses. The power of Dao can be simulated with Shu Zhili, and counterattack can be made to break through, resulting in greater deterrence.

Perhaps this is also a direction that should be worked hard.

Time passed quickly, but earlier than Zhou Shu expected. After more than two months, Zhou Shu left the customs.

Two people stood before the residence.

Zhou Shu had anticipated the arrival of Lei Yuan, but another person was somewhat surprised, Xu Rong.

Lei Yuan stepped forward and saluted, "Master."

Zhou Shu nodded and looked at Xu Rong, "Senior Sister, is there something urgent?"

"No, I did everything you asked me to do. I have a personal thing looking for you," Xu Rong looked at Zhou Shu, his eyes flickering, and he hesitated for a while. "The tricks you gave me, I I read... and learned it."

Zhou Shu was shocked, "Really learned it? That is the mental method, it will have a great impact."

He left the Shu Xin Jing to Hao Ruoyan, but he didn't expect Xu Rong to really come to learn.

"Yes, I know, it represents a new way."

Xu Rong nodded lightly and gradually relaxed, "However, I have a lot of things that I don't understand. I want to ask my junior brother for advice. Haha, I talked with this Lei Yuan nephew outside for a while. He obviously learned the same as me. , Also learned to understand, but refused to tell me."

Lei Yuan stagnated, "Master said that he can't say it."

"It's okay."

Zhou Shu nodded and said warmly, "Sister, are you really planning to learn, have you thought about it?"


Xu Rong is very serious, more serious than ever, "It's about the promotion of immortality, how can you say it casually? Brother, you know that I have been practicing swords for many years, and all my energy is devoted to kendo, and I will never lose to anyone in terms of hardship. Well, I still can’t enlighten it, I don’t even have a clue~www.ltnovel.com~ I have a sword intent to cultivate so hard, and my realm is not low, but I was easily destroyed by Junior Brother Li, and I didn’t stay in the piece. In kendo, it is impossible for me and him to compare...I figured it out, and if I continue to work hard, it will not be useful. Even if I can barely rise to the immortal and cannot understand kendo, I will be weak after all..."

She said it very sincerely and sadly. This is also a problem that most immortal cultivators face. The cultivation level is getting higher and higher, but they can’t realize the Tao. She knows that she can’t go too far on this road of cultivation, but she has to abandon the original way and walk again. One road, the sacrifice is too great, and I can only do everything possible to overcome the catastrophe and let the road of immortality continue, but the result is often a complete failure.

Looking at Zhou Shu, she gradually became calm, "Junior Brother, I don't want to lose to anyone, so I want to learn a new way. Can you perfect me?"

Zhou Shu looked at her for a long time and nodded, "Senior Sister has such a determination that she can completely abandon the swordsmanship she has practiced for hundreds of years. How could I not help you? Don't worry, I promised you."

Zhou Shu understands Xu Rong's thoughts and admires them very much.

In fact, with the existence of the Tongtian Pagoda, Xu Rong can still ascend to immortality even if she cannot enlighten the Tao, but in order to enlighten her, she would rather give up the kendo that has been practicing for many years. It is really rare. With this ambition, she will definitely not be the weak in the future.

Zhou Shu will fulfill her.


Xu Rong was a little surprised, "Junior Brother, you really decided to teach me?"

"If it was a few months ago, I would not agree to you, because you are a little far away from the Tao of Shu, and you can't understand the Shu Xin Sutra before. If you forcefully study it, it will be harmful, but it's different now," Zhou Shu Wei smiled, "After this period of retreat, I re-written the Shu Xin Sutra. Its requirements have been reduced a lot. With the qualifications and will of the senior sister, it should not be difficult to learn."

"Ah, great!"

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