Fairy Winner

Chapter 1606: Xuanwu Seal

"Not too good, but just right."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, quite happy.

During this retreat, he made a lot of improvements to Shu Zhi Dao, and Shu Xin Jing also improved the threshold. It only needs any three Dao to reach a certain standard before he can practice Shu Zhi Dao. For Xu Rong, It was not difficult indeed. The timing of her appearance was also just right. If she mentioned it a few months earlier, it would be impossible. Moreover, if Lei Yuan cultivated Shu Zhili a few months later, it would not be possible.

It has a great relationship with Lei Yuan, and Zhou Shu can improve Shuxin Sutra only if he is the first person to successfully practice Shuxin Sutra.


Xu Rong muttered, and there was a lot of joy in his heart, and only looking at Zhou Shu, there was also a trace of sorrow.

"You don't have to completely give up Kendo and other things," Zhou Shu smiled as if he understood her feelings. "Did you see that I gave up? When you finish Shu Xin Jing, everything will come back."

Xu Rong looked at Zhou Shu and shook his head slightly, "I don't care about this. From the moment I get the Shu Xin Sutra, I no longer care about Kendo."

Zhou Shu questioned, "What is that?"

"Forget it, Junior Brother, you won't understand..." Xu Rong paused, "Should I call you Master too?"

"No, I don't have that trouble, just feel free."

Zhou Shu shook his head and said slowly, "Since you are all here, it's okay, I will explain some of the main points of Shu Xin Sutra to you, and how to use Shu Zhi Li, come in."

"Yes, Master!"


Lei Yuan could not wait for a long time, so he walked into the residence after saluting. Xu Rong hesitated for a while and walked in.

A preaching is seven days and seven nights.

The two left contentedly, and in the process of preaching, Zhou Shu also felt a lot of gains. This was the first time he had preached to others face to face. The feelings were quite different. In the constant chanting and Q&A, from In their feedback, he also had a new understanding of Shu Zhidao.

"Preaching to two people is rewarding. If you are preaching to hundreds or even tens of thousands of people, how does it feel? Everyday people come to ask questions, and after forming the power of Tao, you can receive many The power of Tao..."

Thinking of this, Zhou Shu has a beautiful and refreshing feeling. The benefits of Tao are indeed endless anytime, anywhere.

However, that moment is far from coming. Zhou Shu still doesn't want to make Shu Zhidao public. He has to wait for the two of them to cultivate to a certain level. Not to mention enlightenment, at least they must be able to master Shu Zhili proficiency. There are no major problems in the Shu Xin Sutra. After there are no major problems, further improvements are needed to make the threshold of the Shu Xin Sutra even lower. For example, you can practice in the foundation environment.

The current Lei Yuan and Xu Rong both practiced Shu Zhi Dao after giving up their original Dao, and their goal is to use Shu Xin Jing as the enlightenment method of the cultivator.

It's still far.

A few days later, in the hall.

Zhou Shu was dealing with things, and a gust of wind suddenly came and rolled in front of him.

The cold wind was piercing, and there was a vaguely large figure wrapped in the wind, and from time to time there were sharp screams, which made people scared.

The monks on the side all looked surprised, as if approaching an enemy, Zhou Shu showed a smile.

In the blink of an eye, the cold wind was gone, and the figure inside appeared. It turned out to be Zhu Dashan.

His complexion became more rosy, not just his face, but when he looked closely, his entire skin showed a baby-like pale red with a faint luster, which seemed to be a new layer of skin.

Seeing Zhou Shu, he was beaming with joy, "Huh, are you back?"

Then he bent down again and said in pain, "Oh, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

"What hurts?"

Li Aojian appeared beside him with a look of disdain, "I kindly use my sword intent to help you exercise your muscles and bones. Do you still feel pain?"

"Is this exercise..."

After taking a look, Zhu Dashan argued, "You obviously want to torture me with sword intent all the way. Look, from Beiluzhou to Dongshengzhou, a layer of skin has been worn away."

"This time, in less than ten days, you can't stand it? Besides, removing the impurities will only make your bones tougher, fool."

Li Aojian glanced at him, and felt a little funny, "It looks a lot whiter, it looks better than before."

Zhu Dashan shook his big fist, "It's a good-looking fart! That is what I have painstakingly cultivated. It is as rough as a barren beast, and everyone is scared, but now it is like a baby, losing the might of the past. How do I see People! Damn you, hateful!"

Seeing the two arguing, Zhou Shu smiled, and soon understood the whole story, feeling a little surprised.

Obviously, from Beiluzhou to Dongshengzhou, it was Li Aojian who was incarnate in the sword body and rushed back all the way with Zhu Dashan wrapped in it. It took only ten days for the two of them. During this time, Li Aojian's sword intent honed Zhu Dashan. His muscles and bones, and his own ability to maintain the sword body unchanged for ten consecutive days has greatly increased.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, quite relieved, "In such a short time, you have all grown a lot."

Zhu Dashan patted his chest, "That is, what kind of character are Lao Li and I, hehe."

"If it weren't for catching up with the catastrophe, it could be faster."

Li Aojian looked indifferently, and threw the Xuanwu seal over, "Xiao Zhou, take a look, is that enough?"

After receiving the Xuanwu seal, Zhou Shu nodded his head relievedly, feeling the deep soul inside, "Enough, thank you all."

Zhu Dashan frowned and hummed, "What hard work, simple trivial things."

Li Aojian smiled slightly~www.ltnovel.com~ This journey is not small. In addition to the Xuanwu spirit, we also gained a lot of things, especially some secrets about the sword body. You know, I lack these experiences most. Experience, after all, no one is now practicing sword body... after all, it is a relic of ancient times, it is finally worthwhile. "

"Yeah, yeah, my old Zhu also found some very good things, it seems to be called this?"

Zhu Dashan looked at Zhou Shu, seemingly confused, "Xiao Zhou, those ruins, did you deliberately let us go?"

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "I just asked you to help me find the Xuanwu Spirit Soul. The rest are your chances. What is it with me."

In the jade slips he gave them, the few relics recorded were all related to ancient sword repair. It is not surprising that they can find opportunities suitable for them. The others are the same, Yangmei, Zhao Yueru, Qingque, they go Those locations were all carefully selected by Zhou Shu.

As for the origins of these relics, Huabaoxuan collected them on weekdays, and more, they are the memories of Zhou Shu's past lives.

Knowing the past lives, you can get a lot of information. For them who are powerful enough, information is the best resource.

"It's not good to say it without telling it."

Li Aojian looked at Zhu Dashan, slightly dissatisfied, turned to Zhou Shu and said, "Xiao Zhou, Lao Zhu and I are going through the catastrophe. We will not be in Lingyu City during this time. We will come back later."

"it is good."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, looked at the two of them, and said seriously, "Be careful, there is still something waiting for you."

"Don't worry, we will definitely come back!"

Zhu Dashan stepped forward and patted Zhou Shu on the shoulder.

Li Aojian was quite disdainful, "Extra worry."

"Ha ha."

The three looked at each other and all smiled knowingly.

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