Fairy Winner

Chapter 1607: Take your life


Over the inaccessible Damang grassland, a young monk was flying fast.

The monk was tall and majestic, with extraordinary bearing. He seemed to be in his early twenties, but he was already in the middle stage of the God Transformation Realm. He was considered a rare genius in the realm of Cultivation of Immortals. At this time, his expression was a little flustered, as if he was avoiding something.

"You can't escape!"

Accompanied by a scream, a fan suddenly appeared from the air, the bones of the fans were staggered, and the fans were stacked, quickly forming a prison, completely trapping the young monk inside.

The young monk rushed several times, but was blocked. He had to stop, and turned around to look. A cold light flashed in his eyes, "Zhuge Mu!"

"Nphew Fu Yan, why did he run as soon as he saw me."

In the distance, a monk came slowly, smiling, quite contented.

It was Zhuge Mu, the elder of the tribulation realm of Zhuge's family, who had been to Lingyu City to find Wang Yingyue before, but was "pushed" out by Zhou Shu, and the young monk was Zhuge Fuyan.

Zhuge Fuyan looked at Zhugemu, his face gradually cold, "You still have the face to call me a good nephew? If it weren't for you, how could my father Zhugeyan die?"

Zhugemu shook his head and smiled, and said in disdain, "Hehe, Zhuge murdered Zhuge Lian strictly, and died of self-exposure. What does it have to do with me?"

"It has nothing to do with you?"

Zhuge Fuyan's anger came from his heart, and his body began to tremble slightly, "You colluded with Zhuge Xuan to poison Zhuge Lian, but you blamed my father Zhuge Yan. Father Zhuge Yan was besieged by you. You had a chance to tell the truth, but You used the invading talisman to undermine the soul and detonate the soul to death. Didn't you do these things yourself?!"

Zhugemu's expression stagnated, "You... nephew, Zhou Shu told you these things, he is slander, it is not a fact at all, don't believe it."

"I know if it is true."

Zhuge Fu rigorously settled his mind and said coldly, "Sect Master Zhou investigated the matter, but my mother also confirmed that the evidence is conclusive and there is absolutely no error."

"Ha ha……"

Zhuge Mu dryly laughed, "It seems that my nephew misunderstood me very deeply, but it doesn't matter. Take your time. I am looking for you today because I want to clarify my misunderstanding with you and take you back to the Zhuge family."

Zhugefu said sternly, "Go back with you? I want to kill you right now!"

Zhugemu smiled slightly, "Very well, then you can do it, and let me see how my nephew has grown over the years."

Zhuge Fuyan stared at Zhuge Mu, his eyes were like swords, and he calmed down quickly, and said lightly, "Zhuge Mu, I will find you sooner or later, but not now."

"Haha, the nephew is very calm."

Zhugemu shook his head unconsciously, "You are not looking for me, but I am looking for you. My nephew still consciously follows me, lest I do it."

Zhuge Fuyan's expression condensed slightly, "Who is it, who revealed my news to you?"

Zhuge Mu laughed treacherously, "Hehe, the Heyin School is not an impermeable wall, as long as you drill with your heart, you can always find some gaps. You don't need to ask about this, but... it is indeed. People close to you."

Zhuge Fuyan's expression changed two times, "Don't say anything, I won't go with you, this is Dongshengzhou, and there will be disciples of the Heyin School passing by at any time..."

"My nephew, no one will come to rescue you."

Zhugemu stroked his beard, "You don't need to leave, as long as you tell me a few things, I will let you go."

Zhuge Fu Yan thought for a while, "What's the matter?"

Zhuge Mu showed a lot of dignity, and said slowly, "First, why did Zhou Shu practice so fast? But in two hundred years, he reached the fourth stage of the Tribulation Realm, even twice in a year. This is the realm of cultivating immortals. Things never happened here."

Zhuge Fuyan immediately said, "Where do I know this?"

"do not know?"

Zhuge Mu coldly said, "You have always treated you like disciples, and you will give whatever you want. You won't hide too much from you, and I can be sure that you have also got some benefits. If it weren't the case, your brothers wouldn't be like that. In a short time, he reached the God of Transformation Realm! Tell me, how did he cultivate?"

Zhuge Fu said sternly, "I said I didn't know, not to mention that Sect Master Zhou studies heaven and man, and is similar to being born as a holy. What's wrong with cultivating fast."

"I refuse the first question. If you toast and not drink fine wine, then I don't need to talk nonsense."

Zhuge Muyin sneered coldly, raised his sleeves and waved, and the fan surrounding Zhuge Fuyan suddenly tightened. Thousands of fan bones suddenly stood up, sharp and sharp, piercing Zhuge Fuyan's body.

Although Zhuge Fuyan tried his best to resist, he was not the fourth-tier Zhuge Mu opponent who crossed the Tribulation Realm. His vitality and spiritual consciousness were all restricted, and even magic weapons could not be used normally. He could only watch the sharp blade approaching a little bit.

There was a continuous ringing.

Zhugemu seemed to not want to keep his hands, the sharp blade pierced into the body, blood was flowing like a fountain, and a lot of vitality was sprayed out.

The fan was obviously not an ordinary magic weapon, and even fed with strange poison, it had the effect of breaking the body and the energy, even if it was beaten with iron, it could not resist it.

Feeling something wrong, Zhuge Fuyan stared at Zhugemu, "You...this fan..."

"Yes, Zhuge Lian was hit by this poison back then, and I just want your life!"

Zhuge Mu sneered at the corners of his mouth, and no longer concealed his killing intentions, "As long as you two live, sooner or later you will become a major disaster to the Zhuge family!"

"Zugemu, I wish I could eat your meat..."

Knowing that he was not lucky, Zhuge Fuyan shouted, Zhugemu's face was dumb, only the fan bones were pierced deeper and deeper, the flesh and blood were blurred, and the bones were exposed.

At this time, there was an angry shout, and it fell like thunder.

"Where is the evil person, dare to commit a crime here!"

A monk in white came striding forward, shaking the long sword in his hand a few times, the sword intent was like a sea, and immediately opened the prison, the fan bones split open and flew out all around.

Zhugemu's face was stagnant, and he said in surprise, "Who are you?"

"Those who are about to die, why ask more!"

The white-clothed monk glanced coldly, the sword's edge turned, and the sword intent moved towards Zhugemu. Zhugemu hurriedly resisted, but only felt that the sword intent was sinking vigorously, as if the tide was surging~www.ltnovel.com~ he was unable to resist. , I had to keep going back.

After losing his restraints, Zhuge Fuyan felt relieved, feeling a sense of fortunate not to die.

"That fan is poisonous, your vitality is violently declining, and you can't use the magic tricks. If you don't stop it in time, you may fall into your realm."

The voice was soft, full of warmth, and unconsciously trusted, and soon, a blue medicine pill suddenly fell in front of him.

There are pill patterns on the pill, aura is splashing, and the fragrance is pleasant.

"Funing Dan."

"Shushan Holy Medicine, Funing Dan?"

Zhuge Fuyan was overjoyed. He sensed the sapling vitality, and knew that the monk was right. He hesitated with the medicine pill. He saw Zhuge Mu Jie retreating over there. He had already struck a few swords in a row. Said, "Friends, don't kill him yet!"

There was no vitality available, and the voice couldn't pass through, Zhuge Fuyan thought about it, and no longer hesitated, took the pill in one mouthful.

As soon as he took the pill, the battle over there stopped immediately.

As if he had noticed that something was wrong, Zhuge Fuyan looked startled, and was about to speak, but felt that his whole body quickly stiffened and stopped listening.

Soon, even his mind went into a stiff.

The white-robed monk turned around, looked at Zhuge Fuyan, smiled wickedly.

Zhugemu also leaned over and complained, "Friend Xu Daoist, you are too serious, you almost really..."

"Stop talking nonsense, don't talk about hurting you, what about killing you?"

Without looking back, the white-clothed monk said indifferently, lifted Zhuge Fuyan up, and swept away.

Zhuge Mu choked there and couldn't speak.

In the sky further away, Zhou Shu, who was hidden in the clouds, moved slightly, following the direction of the white-clothed monk.

(PS: Thank you mleemlee for your support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)

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