Fairy Winner

Chapter 1610: 3-person line

The flying boat shuttled between the clouds, as fast as a meteor.

The flying boat was very peaceful, except that the scene was a bit weird.

Zhou Shuduan sat in the middle, with golden light from time to time and black mist from time to time, and his expression changed accordingly.

On his left is Yangmei, and on his right is the green bird. The two women are different from usual. They closed their eyes, their complexions were dignified, and they were unusually calm.

Dozens of days ago.

Zhao Yueru and Yang Mei came back one after another, and they both completed the task of collecting the soul. It should not be too late, and it is natural to set off to Penglai Island as soon as possible.

Zhao Yueru did not come to recover the Qingsuo sword, but Yangmei and Qingque followed.

Of course Zhou Shu wouldn't object. Yang Mei had never been to Penglai Island, just to have a long experience, and Qingque hadn't returned for a long time, so it was time to visit.

On the way, the three of them talked together, and as they talked, there was something different.

Everyone in the cultivating world knows that the Soul Dao and the Way of Compassion have always been relatively mutually restrained. Ci Hangzong's attitude towards the Soul Dao is very bad. They are extremely disgusted with the Soul Dao's use of the soul cultivation method and weakened it more than once. Even the suppression of Soul Dao and the withering of Soul Dao have a lot to do with Ci Hang Sect.

As the inheritor of the Soul Dao, Qingque naturally has a lot of grievances against Ci Hang Sect, although she will not blame Yang Mei.

However, when talking to each other, it is inevitable that they will face each other tit-for-tat. Whether the soul is stronger or the compassionate is stronger, even if the two women are not fighting, there is no way to avoid it. This is determined by the essence of the two ways.

The Taoist dispute was staged in a small flying boat.

So Zhou Shu made a suggestion.

"Why don't it be like this, you can show your best skills to me and see who is better?"


"How can this work?"

The two women shook their heads in opposition.

"It's okay, practice first, then discuss Tao."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Qing Que, your soul dao does not aim at controlling destruction. It will be even more so after enlightenment. It will not interfere. Moreover, if you two fight each other, you can better understand each other’s way, and it is also for me. A great benefit, besides, what can I worry about, I am afraid that I will not be hurt?"

He is happy to see it happen.

He dabbled a little bit about soul and compassion, but he was far from reaching the level he wanted to achieve.

If the two women display the power of the two Taos vividly and vividly, he can better experience the mystery of the two Taos, enhance his own Tao of Shu, and even simulate it with Shu Zhi.

The same is true for the two women, both of whom have not yet enlightened the Tao, and confronted each other with restrained Tao. The growth of the Tao is far stronger than ordinary fighting and cultivation.


Qingque still hesitated, "I'm worried that I won't be able to take it, and my soul path is not so perfect now..."

"Okay, it's so decided, brother."

Yang Mei nodded quickly, "Sister Qingque, let's try it, but regardless of winning or losing, I will not admit that the way of compassion is worse than the way of soul."

Blue Sparrow is not to be outdone, "Me too."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Go ahead, don't have the slightest scruples, don't worry about me."

A silent battle began in this way and has continued to the present.

The two women are very tired, but they are still trying to persevere. No one is willing to admit defeat, and no one wants to admit that their own way is not as good as others.

And Zhou Shu squeezed in the middle, it was quite pleasant.

The sea of ​​consciousness is operating at all times, analyzing the advantages of the two ways, comparing, deducing, and trying to simulate. What experience is better than personal experience. After experiencing the sun's seeds, Zhou Shu has fallen in love with this practice method.

Another day and night passed.

"All right."

Zhou Shu's figure trembles slightly, and Shu's power surrounds his body, enveloping the two forces, and slowly sends them to the two women.

"Isn't there a winner yet?"

Qingque opened her eyes and said unconvincedly, "I feel that she doesn't have much strength anymore. After a while, I will be able to rush over."

"certainly not."

Yangmei looked at her, blinking her big eyes and said, "Sister Qingque, you are all trapped by me. After a while, you can be wiped out."

Qingque shook her head quickly, "Why, I haven't used all my strength yet, looking for your weakness."

"Then you are in vain, the power of compassion has no weakness."

Yangmei shook her head lightly, smiling confidently at the corner of her mouth.

"Well, don't fight."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "You two are hard-mouthed. In fact, you have reached your limit. If you insist on a hundred breaths, you will be exhausted. Then you will have a lot of damage to yourself. It's time to stop."

Qingque knew that what Zhou Shu was talking about was the truth, but still muttered, "The hundred breaths are not without chance..."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Qing Que, in fact, you have a lot of opportunities to win. If your soul power can be less persistent and more smooth, you may have broken through long ago. This is also the weakness of your soul..."

Eloquently, just talked about two hours.

After more than ten days of tactics, Zhou Shu has already clearly understood Qingque’s strengths and weaknesses. Now he has pointed out all of them, not just asking questions, but also telling Qingque about the methods to solve them. Again.

"...That's it, you think about it and settle it down."


Qingque had already put away her arrogance, docile like a little rabbit, "I think now ~ www.ltnovel.com~ She closed her eyes and was silent as if she were like, from Zhou Shu's words, she got a lot, It takes a while to meditate and understand.

"It's so unfair, brother!"

Yang Mei, who had been waiting for a long time, stared at Zhou Shu, her eyes bulging, very dissatisfied.

"It's your turn."

Zhou Shu smiled softly, "Junior sister, your power of compassion is more than gentle, but not domineering. Although the power of compassion is based on the purpose of helping the world and saving all living beings, it should not be too gentle..."

It didn't end when I said it, and it took about four or five hours to stop.

Yangmei blinked, "So it's like this..."

Zhou Shu appeared to be a bit solemn, "Unlike Soul Dao, I don't know much about the way of compassion. It can be said that it was only after a dozen days of in-depth understanding. Maybe there is something wrong. You have to carefully identify it."

"In these ten days, they are better than many people in their lifetime!"

Yang Mei shook her head and said seriously, "Senior brother's understanding of the Tao is really no one can compare. If you don't tell you, brother, you reminded me a lot of truth, I want to retreat and think about it."

"Well, think about it quietly."

Zhou Shu gently nodded and waved his sleeves, dividing the flying boat into three completely enclosed spaces, one at each end of the three of them.

He himself, why doesn't he need to meditate?

In the past ten days, although he has been helping them analyze the Tao, he may have gained the most from it.

The inclusive and infinite extension of Shuzhi is like this. It grows step by step. Everyone and everything can give Zhou Shu room for improvement. It's just more or less. This may be Shuzhi. The most powerful place.

(PS: Thank you 13860660069 for your reward and support, thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~)

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