Fairy Winner

Chapter 1611: Anti-4

"What a beautiful island!"

Looking at Penglai Island in the distance, Yang Mei let out a cheer.

Qingque stared at Penglai, seeming to realize, "There are a lot of people on the island, and there won't be so many usually, even during the sea meeting."

"Not bad."

Zhou Shu nodded softly, "There are no less than ten cultivators crossing the Tribulation Realm. This kind of thing is rare, it is probably something that I perceive."

"Go down first, and talk to the city lord."

The green bird swept down first, and Zhou Shu took Yangmei and quickly landed on the island.

Golden Wushuang Ling flashed light, and the three of them immediately disappeared.

"You are here."

The city lord immediately appeared in front of them, staring at Yang Mei for a few moments, "This little baby is better-looking than in Wushuang City, not bad, and it fits the eyes of the old man."

Yangmei's face was reddened, and she saluted, "Yangmei has seen City Lord Mu."

"Give you hundreds of thousands of points, so I can change whatever you want later."

The city lord chuckled, but when he turned to Zhou Shu, he immediately changed his face and hummed, "Zhu Wu, come hurry up when things are done. After so long, are you deliberately trying to exhaust me?"

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, only a little solemn on his face, "City Lord, what's the matter with the monks outside?"

The city lord spread his hands, showing helplessness, "Have you noticed too? It was attracted by the Shenmu Ding of the Penglai Haihui."

"Shen Mu Ding?"

Qingque was startled, "But that day the magic treasure Shenmuding?"

The city lord nodded, "Yes, the magic weapon of Heavenly Dao refined by the ancient powers is made of copper coconut palm wood, one of the four sacred trees of the Xuanhuang Realm. The imitation Shennong Ding also has some of the effects of Shennong Ding, and it contains Shennong's strange fire. , Used for refining can stimulate the essence of the material, and there is a great chance of obtaining additional special techniques. When used for refining alchemy, it can improve oneself. Although it is not as good as Shennongding’s self-made top grade, it is still very good."

Listening to the words of the city lord, Yang Mei's eyes lit up.

Zhou Shu thought thoughtfully, "Isn't this sacred wooden tripod a treasure from the Jiang family of the four great aristocrats? How did it end up on the Haihui?"

The city lord shook his head, "I don't know about that. It's probably something that happened to the Jiang family. The monk who came with the Shenmu cauldron should not belong to the Jiang family."

"Jiang Family..." Taking a look at Zhou Shu, Qingque said slowly, "Unexpectedly, even the magic weapon of heaven has come out. No wonder there will be so many great monks."

"It doesn't have much to do with us, as long as there is no trouble, let them fight."

The city lord paused, and his expression suddenly became fierce, "But if it is another idea to use the Shenmu Ding to explore Penglai Island, I will never be polite."

"Be careful, if you can, I will stay here during this time."

Zhou Shu thought for a while and said, "City Lord, go to the Great Array first."

The city lord nodded and said, "Well, it really took me a lot of energy to suppress the origin of heaven and earth, otherwise I can better monitor these guys."

The three of them walked to the Tongtian Tower.

There are tall branches everywhere, and the road twists and turns, making the bayberry a little startled.


Walking into the hall, the half-built Tongtian Tower appeared in front of you.

In the deep and secluded dense forest, seeing such a magnificent and tall building, the two of them who first arrived were stunned for a while.

"Sure enough, it's Tongtian Tower..."

Qingque stared at the huge teleportation formation and couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's not much different from the rumored one, it's just a lot smaller, Zhou Shu, about how many people can you send up?"

"One hundred people, no more."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "No matter how much it is, I can't bear it, but it can be used repeatedly, but every time it is turned on, the resources required are a large number, and the total amount of Heyinpa and Wushuangcheng is not enough now."

Yangmei retracted her gaze, seeming to think, "Brother, there is indeed something wrong with the origin of the heaven and earth around the formation, it is very disordered and very abnormal."

The Tongtian Pagoda is surrounded by a circle of tall trees, it is these trees that suppress the origin of the heaven and the earth, but the outside is not suppressed.

"Senior, you finally came!"

A delicate woman almost rushed over, but saw the Yangmei and Qingque nearby, she stopped quickly, her face blushed and saluted, "Ah, you are all here, little girl..."

"Ha ha."

Zhou Shu nodded gently, and said warmly, "Zhu, you have worked so hard these days. It is not mine for you to bear it alone."

"It's okay, senior."

Lin Zhu vigorously shook her head and said with a smile, "Senior, the little girl has already prepared the teleportation formation you requested, and can take it away at any time, but it's not that easy to arrange the formation. You have to talk to Senior."

"Okay, we'll talk later."

Zhou Shu agreed with a smile and turned to the people.

Qingque and Yangmei nodded together, "Yes."

Lin Zhu quickly raised her hand, "The little girl is also here to help."

"You guys, I have to pay attention to the outside," the city lord shook his head and sighed, "Hey, when will Xuanhu and Bailong come back? I am really exhausted now..."

When he was speaking, he looked at the blue bird from time to time, but the blue bird thought he hadn't seen it.

As the four seals were taken out, the surroundings suddenly changed. The spiritual energy and the original energy all felt the incomparable essence in the seal, and they avoided or approached, appearing more chaotic.

"The green bird takes the Suzaku seal~www.ltnovel.com~ to North Point."

"Junior sister, take the Xuanwu seal and go to the south corner."

"Lin Zhu took the green dragon seal and went to the west corner."

Lin Zhu expressed surprise, "Senior, is the orientation reversed?"

Zhou Shu smiled indifferently, "It's the opposite. My Sixiang Town God Array is a bit different. Follow mine."

The normal Sixiang Zhentian was slightly flawed in Zhou Shu's eyes. After calculation and deduction, he came up with a new reverse Sixiang, which can suppress and gather, and control the origin of heaven and earth in the formation. Constant value, and can be adjusted at any time, making Tongtian Tower more stable, but also making Heaven pay the price.


The three of them obeyed the instructions and got busy, while Zhou Shu took the white tiger seal and walked to the east.

Soon, the four elephants returned to their respective places.

Asking the others to step aside, Zhou Shu separated dozens of Yuanli puppets, holding arrays of various colors, and quickly wandering between the four elephant seals, burying one from time to time.

There are a total of three hundred and sixty of these array charms, each of which was refined by Zhou Shu Jingxin, and a trace of Qilin's blood was incorporated into it.

Not ordinary.

Such formations, forming any formation, are afraid that they can have the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, plus those four-elephant spirits, not to mention the origin of the heavens and the earth, even if the will of the heavens is again critical, it can be suppressed for a period of time.

This reverse four-image formation can be described as the strongest formation under Zhou Shubu, and perhaps the strongest formation currently available in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Without the formation talisman, the cultivators in the world of immortality rushed into this formation, I am afraid they have to wait for death.

By the way, the blood of the unicorn in Zhou Shu's body has been separated by him. Needless to say, the method of separation does not need to be said. Borrowing the power of the blood of the true dragon, a person possesses two relative divine blood, which means he can do whatever he wants.

(PS: Thank you Fengchen 888 for your continued support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~) 8)

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