Fairy Winner

Chapter 1620: 1 slice of panic

"excuse me."

Zheng Daoxuan got up and saluted.

At the same time as the salute, his figure drifted back like smoke, disappearing immediately.

No one saw how he left, and Qingque could only catch a trace, and she couldn't stop it at all, but she looked calm and unmoved.

"Let's live."

A very quiet and quiet voice appeared in the noisy venue, but it was like a thunder on the ground, shaking people's hearts.

Zheng Daoxuan, who had disappeared, appeared at the gate of the temple.

He had bypassed the formation and guards at the door, and he could get out with only one step, but at this step, he couldn't cross it.

If you fall into the mire of quicksand, you will never be able to move forward.

This kind of feeling is like hitting the Vine Jue. The last time he was in the Vine Jue, he had just built the foundation. He had not yet entered Kunlun and was besieged by a few thieves. At that time, he was very helpless and felt that he was dead soon. Sure, but now, he is already the elder of the Kunlun Presbyterian Church. He, who has not failed for thousands of years, has tasted this taste again, and is still unable to break free, although he will not feel checkmate.

He felt that there were countless invisible branches that bound his feet. The branches were indescribably tough, exceeding the eighth-order magic weapon.

He also knew what it was.

The voice rang again, "When the auction is not over, no one can leave. This is the rules of the Penglai Haihui. Everyone who comes to Penglai Island, no matter who you are, must abide by my rules."

"Senior said that."

Feeling that the restraint is gone, Zheng Daoxuan turned around and bowed with a smile, "I'm really sorry, the younger generation is rude, please forgive me, senior."

With that, he immediately returned to his original position.

All this happened in a short breath.

Many people didn't respond at all, and the cultivators who crossed the Tribulation Realm were all startled.

The Great Wisdom Master who knocked on the void wooden fish also stopped.

There are not many people in this world of immortality who can make Zheng Daoxuan call seniors, but there is one on this Penglai Island, that is, the mysterious Penglai Island Lord, who is said to be able to reach Tier 9 long ago and can rise to the immortal. , The strongest person in the world of cultivating immortals, perhaps not one of them.

"So the island owner is there too."

"I don't know if I will show up. I can meet such a big person, but it's a chance to come here in vain."

"In the end, it is the magic weapon of heaven, which has led him out, tsk tsk."

"I don't know if it's good or bad, that evil soul...oh, it shouldn't have come."

"Hey, I can't go anymore."

"They have said the evil soul in this way, and don't know what they want to do, do they want to let it go..."

"Impossible, this is their place."

Several monks whispered secretly, Guan Hong's face was calm, with a trace of worry in his eyes, while Zhang Tiebai did not hide his face, his face was full of gloom.

They all know what an evil soul is. If it comes out of that evil soul, everyone knows the consequences. It is an evil soul in the realm of power. When they hear it, they immediately want to leave, but there is no such thing as Zheng Daoxuan. Thinking that with Zheng Daoxuan's ability, there is no way to leave here, so they don't even think about it.

More people are still at a loss, most of them are monks who don't know what evil souls are, and the same is true for the monk Emei who sells the Shenmu Ding.

He stared at the auction house, his eyes kept rolling, wondering who would give him the yuan stone.

Qingque looked at the audience with a trace of contempt in his eyes, and just continued, "You probably don't know what evil souls are, then I will explain, simply put, evil souls are divine souls remaining after the fall of ancient power. The persistence has not disappeared, and it has turned into evil spirits to poison the world of cultivating immortals, doing everything without evil. It is one of the most terrifying existences in the Xuanhuang world and other worlds, and the public enemy of all cultivators."


"What, mighty?"

"The evil spirit that can be transformed into, this... how can there be such a terrible thing?"

"No, I have to go!"

"Go, I can't wait here!"

Knowing what Evil Soul is, most of them couldn't sit still, and got up one after another and walked outside the hall.

The monk Emei shivered and shrank in fright. He couldn't move anymore. It's no wonder that such a terrible thing had been with him day and night for a month, and in retrospect it was a nightmare.

Qingque smiled faintly, "I have already said that you can't go out before the auction ends. Wait a while, wait for me..."


"The evil souls you got, you deal with them yourself, and sell them, it's really harmful!"

"That is, don't hurt us if you hurt others, who wants to buy such things!"

"Open the door quickly, open the door and let us out!"

"Open the door!"

In front of the hall, the monks were huddled together, most of their expressions were panic, and a few were still calm, and those who had already known that they would not be able to get out, they all stood there. Except for Zhang Tiebai, his voice was the loudest. .

"All go back."

The voice rang again, with incredible power in the plain. Many monks had no time to resist. They were swept up by an invisible force and returned to their original positions. Everyone was still panicked, but never again. Dare to move more.

Only then did they understand why Zheng Daoxuan of Kunlun would go back, even he could not get out, let alone them.

Qingque said lightly~www.ltnovel.com~ Don’t panic, everyone, there are evil spirits in the Shenmu Cauldron, but it is impossible to come out now. When the auction is over, we will send you all away. Don’t worry. "

The crowd is still noisy, but the sound is much quieter.

Qingque nodded slightly, "The Shenmu Ding is not owned by Penglai Island. It is sold by others. Of course, our Penglai Haihui will not refuse. As for the evil spirits in it, I discovered accidentally. Although the matter is serious, the auction has already begun. , You can’t hide it and not sell it, it violates the rules, please don’t speculate about Penglai Island maliciously."

The crowd was quieter again.

"Well, in that case, please hurry up and auction it."

"Yeah, sell it early and let us go out."

"If no one is shooting, let the original owner take it back. No matter who it is, I hope you go as far as possible and don't harm people."

"No matter how far you go, it will definitely hurt people...oh."

"Yes, now the world of cultivating immortals does not have great power, how can such a thing be eliminated? I am afraid that the world of cultivating immortals will usher in a catastrophe."

"How come there is such a thing, who on earth brought this **** thing?"

Some discussions are still going on. Everyone's face is full of worries. There is no concealment, and no concealment. Now everyone knows what kind of disaster the evil soul will bring, and it is a disaster that is difficult for the cultivating world to solve.

Tuk, tu—

Muyu sounded, Master Dazhi slowly got up, "Amitabha, I would like to ask fellow Taoists of Penglai Island, how do you determine that there is an evil soul in the Shenmu Cauldron? Can the old monk take a look."

"Yes, what if it doesn't?"

"Could it be that Penglai Island was deliberately alarmist?"

Some monks showed some fortune, but more people knew that no one would joke about this kind of thing, let alone Penglai Island, which has always the best credit. 8)

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